In this chapter, we have put all of the knowledge acquired so far to good use by migrating our MediaMan application to Angular.
Then, with MediaMan v3, we improved the user interface by introducing and using Material Design with Angular Material.
While doing all of this, we have hopefully demonstrated that Angular and Angular Material are really easy to integrate in a clean application. Also, we have seen how marvelous TypeScript support is with Angular.
Angular and Angular Material deserve a lot more than two chapters, but this little introduction should have convinced you that it isn't that hard to get started. Once you dive into the code, you can quickly get productive.
Frustratingly, due to space constraints, there are many aspects that we had to leave out, such as routing, state management, internationalization, error handling, PWAs, and many more. If you are serious about building modern web applications, then you should definitely invest time in learning these subjects.
In the next chapter, we will continue our exploration of modern web frameworks with Vue.js. As we will see together, Vue is much lighter than Angular, which is both a strength and a weakness, depending on how you look at it!