Here is the URL for this API:
With this request, we can get the following:
- Countries
- Regions
- Capitals and their coordinates (latitude and longitude)
- Income levels
Here's an example response:
[ { "page":1, "pages":7, "per_page":"50", "total":304 }, [ { "id":"AFG", "iso2Code":"AF", "name":"Afghanistan", "region":{ "id":"SAS", "iso2code":"8S", "value":"South Asia" }, "incomeLevel":{ "id":"LIC", "iso2code":"XM", "value":"Low income" }, "capitalCity":"Kabul", "longitude":"69.1761", "latitude":"34.5228"
... } ... ] ]
Notice that the response contains an array with two objects. The first one contains metadata about the response such as the current page, the total number of pages, and much more. The second one contains the actual data.
It is also possible to retrieve information about a specific country directly by adding the country's ID to the URL: In this case, we'll retrieve information about Belgium (that is, id: BE).