Where to go next and what to learn

This is a fair question to ask and, honestly, it all depends on you and what you want to learn next.

Whether you are a junior or seasoned software developer, there is always something to learn. This is why our field of work is so fun and motivating!

There are many things that we had to leave out of the book. Not by lack of motivation, but really because of the lack of space. For instance, we could've said a whole lot more about testing and quality assurance, a ton more about user experience, and infinitely more about CSS and web design in general. The same is true for code quality, error handling, security, internationalization, localization, performance, state management, Angular, Vue.js, Angular, Nest, GraphQL, and oh so many other subjects!

Initially, this chapter was intended to be a source of inspiration for you by providing many links towards different resources and things to learn to go further. Unfortunately, the page count of the book was really too high, so we had to leave this part out. But don't be too disappointed; we have decided to publish the list on our blog. You can find it here, with the original content: https://medium.com/@dSebastien/typescript-3-projects-whats-next-c22c38293788.