Do 90: Passing Instantly Through the Professional Screen
Now we get to the heart of the employment application—the crucial job-related information. Passing right through this screen is done differently.
It is only necessary if the employer doesn’t permit “See resume” on the application.
Let’s finesse this for once and for all too!

Languages Spoken

If the question doesn’t say foreign languages, start with “English.” Leaving it out will be a failure to follow instructions.

Special Skills or Talents

Unstants make the mistake of leaving this blank.
Offerors are impressed by people who have transferable abilities or skills. Be sure to include anything that will make you better at doing the job.
Don’t generalize with conclusions like “Detail-oriented” or “I like people.” Give specific accomplishments that demonstrate these attributes.

Outside Interests or Hobbies

As with special skills or talents, choose work-related activities that enhance your image as a superstar.


Anything other than professional memberships should not be included.
Questions about social, fraternal, or religious groups get the response “None.”

Other Job Interests

Unstants are often confused by the word interests and therefore leave the space blank. Big mistake.
Offerors interview people they think are flexible. The larger businesses also have computerized “skills inventories.”
So include duties you’d like to have in the future.
Use keywords if you’re applying online (Do 15). This is critical.

Computer Skills

Even if it’s only on your personal computer, include any business software programs you use.
It makes you look professional.


Some apps ask you to circle the highest grade completed, others ask you to write it down.
Do that, then note any degrees, certificates, honors, or awards received.
Dates of attendance should be written consistently (Do 59).
Be sure to include any other names used. Omitting this is a common mistake that screens out unstants without their knowledge. Their education can’t be verified.

Present or Last Employer

Use the full name of the company, abbreviating the address where necessary. If asked, its kind of business should be stated in a few words.

Dates of Employment

Don’t leave them blank. If you do, it looks like you’re trying to hide an employment gap.
Call your last employer for accuracy if you’re not sure.
This is routinely verified.

Past Compensation

Be sure to indicate the numbers with a dollar sign in front and /wk., /mo., or /yr. as appropriate for your type of job.
Past compensation is irrelevant to your worth to an offeror, but can be easily verified.
Just be sure to include every possible addition if it asks for compensation, not wages or salary.

Past Job Titles

Unstant written reference checks constantly pick up discrepancies in these. It’s a bigger-than-realized reason for rejection.
So get your past titles right.
You can explain your duties and level of responsibilities on the form.

Immediate Supervisor

Give the first name, middle initial, last name, and title.
If you’re worried about the reference, contact him (Do 43).
Regarding a present supervisor, write:
“Please do not contact without my consent.”

Description of Job

Concisely summarize your most significant duties and highest responsibilities.
Use keywords if you’re applying online (Do 7).

Job Duties Enjoyed Most or Least

Be careful here. Enjoy everything except poor work ethic, poor performance, or poor results.

Reasons for Leaving Prior Jobs

Use something like “Resigned for better position” instead of “Quit.” Or “Reduction in force” instead of “Layoff.”
Never “Fired.” You just need to call your former boss to discuss an alternative (Do 64).

Gaps between Jobs

If they were more than five years ago, don’t worry about being wrong. If within the past five years, be accurate on dates, and give some plausible reason other than “unemployed.” Perhaps what you were doing (other than instanting).

Consent to Contact Present Employer

Always answer this, and always answer “No.”
Otherwise your present employer could become your past employer instantly.
If there’s space on the app, write:
“Please do not contact my present employer until mutual interest has been established.”

Personal and Professional References

Be sure to complete the names, titles, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses (Do 63 and Do 64).

Consent to Verify Information

You can answer this way:
“Yes, except for present employer.”
Don’t forget to sign the app (if you didn’t already).
That’s how you instantly pass through the professional screen.
To an instant interview!