
Praise for Stephen Baxter’s books:

The Time Ships

The Time Ships is the most outstanding work of imaginative fiction since Stapledon’s Last and First Men, and it is the best possible contribution to The Time Machine’s centennial year. I’m almost tempted to say (I know this is blasphemy) that the sequel is better than the original. After all, it should be, with a hundred years of science and discovery for added inspiration … This book is the best evidence for reincarnation I’ve ever encountered. Welcome back, H.G …’


The Time Ships is a ripping yarn. Recommended’



Ring is a rare triumph. The book sends into free-fall the most awesome ideas in science fiction today … What makes these ideas assimilable is the prism of people through which they are refracted … good SF reveals the mortal host in the machine’

The Times

Ring recalls the most visionary moments of Wells and Clarke … constructs a human-scale drama out of the most far-reaching implications of current cosmological theory … makes E. E. Doc Smith look like a minimalist’


‘In Ring Baxter conveys the most up-to-date theories of quantum mechanics and cosmology without losing sight of the ultimate goal, that of telling a story … some of the best hard SF I’ve read this year and probably some of the best I’ve ever read’



‘Arthur C. Clarke, Poul Anderson … Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein succeeded in doing it, but very few others. Now Stephen Baxter joins their exclusive ranks – writing science fiction in which the science is right, the author knowledgeable, and the extrapolations a sheer pleasure to read, admire, enjoy. The reaction is that which C.S. Lewis referred to when he described science fiction as the only genuine consciousness-expanding drug … Wonderful stuff! It is a rare thing to find such a good read’


‘A highly original plot, well written and exciting’

Sunday Telegraph

Timelike Infinity

Timelike Infinity is good science by someone who knows what he is talking about’

Sunday Telegraph

‘Baxter fully integrates his concepts in a streamlined, engrossing drama with a nerve-rattling pace. Galaxy-spanning imagination, as outrageously cosmic in scope as any epic by Arthur C. Clarke or Greg Bear, is harnessed to a sleek, turbo-charged narrative pulsing with the urgency of countdown. Baxter is destined to be one of the genre leaders for the Nineties’



Raft polishes its ideas with such realistic brilliance you can see a whole civilization in it’

The Times

Raft is fast paced, strong on suspense, efficiently written, and has moral weight, but it is the creation of a genuinely strange and believable new universe that Baxter excels … rigorous, vigorous SF at its enjoyable best’


‘Almost perfect … Raft is very, very hard SF and it’s great fun’



‘There is a breed of romance that nudges the what-is to the what-if. Stephen Baxter’s Anti-Ice is one of the most compelling of these. A touch of improper amour and impeccable period detail makes all this alarmingly addictive’

The Times

Anti-Ice is outrageous science-fictional entertainment, pulling out all the Vernian stops and playing dice (or is it chess?) with alternative world possibilities’
