Hadn’t she dismissed this cowboy already?
But Jack just stood there, eventually letting go of the ladder and strolling to the fence a few yards away. “Well, how about I stay here a few minutes longer, until you get the hang of it?”
“Oh, no, please, you don’t have to,” Samantha said. She could figure this out on her own.
He said nothing, just hoisted himself up on the top bar of the fence and sat there.
“You’re not leaving, are you?” she asked in disbelief.
“Not at the moment.” He smiled at her pleasantly.
“Fine, suit yourself.” Knowing she sounded a bit like a peeved child, she turned toward the ladder. While he was still as gorgeous as he was yesterday, evidently he was a bit of a chauvinist, too. She didn’t appreciate all his worry. She thought of her work in San Francisco—people there knew that she could handle pretty much anything the world threw at her, including some rickety old ladder. But, if the man had nothing to do today but watch her pry boards off her windows, that wasn’t her problem.