We would like to thank the following: Lancaster Military Heritage Group (LMHG) for making the Reveille material available to us, and the King’s Own Royal Regiment Museum, Lancaster for providing the record cards on Lancaster’s war memorial to that project. The Documenting Dissent Project, run by Global Link (www.globallink.org.uk), with particular thanks to Caroline Morrison, Janet Nelson and Alison Lloyd Williams. Janet Nelson was also very generous in sharing further research, as was Pauline Churchill of the Lancaster & District Family History Group. Heather Dowler at Lancaster City Museum for her kind assistance with photographs. Mandy Stretch and Martin Purdy for their expertise on Westfield War Memorial Village. James Hayes for permission to draw upon his Lancaster University dissertation The Enemy Within: Picturing, Confronting and Confining the ‘Alien’ in Lancaster and Morecambe during the First World War. Bowerham Primary and Nursery School, Ripley St Thomas Church of England Academy, Lancaster Royal Grammar School and Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School for access to school archives and memorials.
Ian Gregory acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant “Spatial Humanities: texts, GIS, places” (agreement number 283850).
Ian Gregory and Corinna Peniston-Bird acknowledge funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for the LMHG’s project ‘Streets of Mourning and Community Memory in Lancaster’ (FW-14-03372), that fostered our interest in the impact of the war on the communities of Lancaster.
Unless otherwise stated, all images are courtesy of Lancaster City Museum (LCM) or the King’s Own Royal Regiment Museum (KOM).
Other image credits are to: Ian Gregory (ING), Michael Hughes (MJH), Corinna Peniston-Bird (CPB) and Lancaster Girls’ Grammar School (LGGS).