
Many hands and hearts went into making this book but first and foremost it would not have been possible without the generous outpouring of support of the vendors. You inspire us with you hard work and dedication and it’s an honor to be able to share your stories.

We could fill a whole other book with our many thank yous. Here are a few of the many people who cheered us on, lifted us up and helped us along the way…

The incredible team at Running Press headed up by our awesome editor Jennifer Kasius and designer, Joshua McDonnell. Thank you for bringing this book to life.

Our rock star agent, Susan Ginsburg of Writers House for seeing the potential our proposal back when and guiding us each step of the way. Special thanks to her right-hand gal, Stacy Testa for her support and insight.

Our fantastic photographers Clay Williams and Donny Tsang who braved five borough outings at all hours of the day and night to capture the vendors hard at work.

Sean Basinski at the Street Vendor Project and Helena Tubis, Managing Director of the Vendy Awards for their assistance and encouragement.

Brian Hoffman and Cindy VandenBosch of Turnstile Tours for everything they do to support vendors and all the spontaneous moments of assistance.

Jeff Orlick and Joe DiStefano, the kings of Queens, for their hours of working, eating, and walking (and sometimes translating.)

Gluten-free guru and author, Elizabeth Barbone for going through our recipes and advising us on our recipe labeling.

We wouldn’t have been able to finish this book were it not for the life-sustaining coffee and wi-fi from Steeplechase Coffee and countless sandwiches and take-out roasted chickens from Brancaccio’s Food Shop in Kensington to keep us going.

Our extraordinary pals spread throughout all corners of the internet, especially Zach Brooks for believing in us from the very beginning.

Our friends and families who have put up with two years of canceled plans, jam-packed weekends, being photoshoot models, and repeat recipe testing marathons. Bonus points for those who came out to be our taste testers. Extra bonus points for the ones who helped with the dishes, you know who you are.


Much love to Momsie, for being the best mom she can be. If it hadn’t been for you, we would have never moved back to New York and none of this would have ever happened. I loves you!

Extra shout out to Rob and Meagan for being the best brother and sister a girl could have. I owe you much bourbon and a new router.

Bonus hugs to Christine, the bestest best friend I could ever wish for. I literally wouldn’t have made it this far without you. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you to my nephew, Brendan, for letting me miss most of his tenth year on this planet. I promise to make it up to you because I love you so much!

Thank yous and missed beers are owed to many people, mut mostly to my awesome cousins Lauren and Jackie; Janine; Pam; Melanie and Chris; Vega; my boos Rachel and Mo; Melissa Z; Molly, Dave and Kimber; Mamacita; everyone who helped me at The Meat Hook and The Brooklyn Kitchen; and my NYU classmates and professors.

Of course, extra special bonus thank yous to Donny, Clay, and Alex to infinity.

Lastly, thank you to the four generations of Wallaces who put New York in my blood. I can only hope this makes you proud, Dad.


There’s not a single member of my family that didn’t pitch in to help throughout the process. I have so many reasons to be thankful and grateful.

Thanks especially to my mother and father who never doubted that I could do anything that I set my mind to. I wouldn’t be here without their love and support (not to mention recipe testing and consultation).

To my brother for joining on scouting missions and watching my little one while I was in the final push.

To my mother-in-law and father-in-law for translating and transcribing interviews, having patience with my Spanish, and allowing me to take over their kitchen for weekends at a time.

To Lisa, my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, Jill, and Max for recipe testing. To Tia and my tamale-wrapping nieces and nephews for their help in the kitchen.

To Gen, Kristina, Lucy, Cara, Chloe, and Kristy for the right words at the right time.

To Siobhan, Donny and Clay for one of the most incredible adventures of my life. We did it! It’s a book!

And last but certainly not least to my incredible husband and son for absolutely everything.