Chapter One || Olivia

I chewed on the end of my pencil as I looked at my diary. I’ve been writing in these things since I began to write. I have lots of old diary books and with that thought, I eagerly went and grabbed one off of the shelves, in my room.

I haven’t dusted in a while, I thought as I pulled it off the shelf. A bit of dust that had collected fell off. I seemed to have grabbed one of my first diaries and opened it to see the very first entry I ever made. Looking at it, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes about how I wrote and the way I did the cursive; it was something I was never going to live down.

Dear Diary,

Teddy gave me this and told me I had to start writing in it. I am Olivia Speck and I am eight years old. My mommy and daddy died when I was really little, Teddy says about five years old. Mommy and Daddy were working on a particularly important case and something bad happened to them.

I am fine though; I live with my Uncle Kevin and Teddy. They say they are roommates, but Teddy does so many fun things with me. He has taught me how to ride a bike and how to sing really, really loud and let people think I’m drunk. We do fun things together.

I have to go; Teddy is calling me. We are going to the park together.

Xoxo, Liv

Staring at those words brought up my past and their memories, especially the ones I didn’t want to relive. I have since then learned that they were very important police officers working on a big case about a secret drug investigation that happened in town, here in our little and local Bridgeton Village. They had spent all night working on it, and I was left with my mom’s younger brother, Kevin.

What my uncle didn’t know was he was being offered a lifetime job of custody over me. Even though I love Uncle Kevin with all of my heart and his wife, Aunt Katie, who's a hoot, it's been Teddy who has spent the most time with me.

I looked out the window of my bedroom and decided I was spending too much time reminiscing for my liking. I closed the old diary and propped it back on its shelf before returning to my current diary.

I didn’t know what to write down for today and would wait till later; I had plans to see Teddy and spend some time with him this afternoon. I went to my closet and grabbed my white sweater with red lace wrapped around the edges. I smiled in my mirror at my reflection.

I ran down the stairs and passed my aunt. Gently tucked in her arms, near my aunt’s breast, laid her precious baby, Penny, with little blonde ringlets for all to see. I walked over to take a look at them both. “Does she get any cuter?”

“I don’t know, I think so. Where are you going?” she asked me as she gently helped her off the breast and began to burp her.

“I am off, heading to Teddy’s, we had plans to see a movie in town. We’re excited, we have been waiting to see the sequel for months!” I said, getting giddy about the thought of it.

“Well, have fun then, dear.” I smiled and gave a wave of my hand before running out the door. Walking towards my small red Toyota, I hopped in and shot him a quick text.

Me: -I am going to be there soon. Can’t wait to see you. :D

I turned the key and heard the roar of my engine start to sputter. I had to get this fixed soon as it wasn’t sounding too great and one of these days, I was going to pay the price for it.

The drive wasn’t that far away, but farther than I used to have to go to spend time with Teddy. When my uncle married Katie around eight years ago, Teddy moved out.

As I thought back on that day, I remembered all the memories that came with it. How I cried and cried, and my Aunt Katie had to drive me to his place. It wasn't until he tucked me in his arms that I finally relaxed. Even now, I still miss waking up to the fresh pancakes, or the smell of his cologne in the bathroom.

I turned my attention away from it as I went down the small-town street and saw the third house. It was a small, cottage and had a beautiful pale-yellow siding. The way Teddy was, I was surprised he lived here.

Teddy was strong and much more masculine than this house screamed. For years I had told him he should change it, but he knew how I loved it and kept it that way. I liked the little flower beds it had in the front, and I made sure to keep it well maintained, for him.

He was almost thirty-one, and you could tell he hadn’t grown up completely. I’m eighteen now, but ever since he bought the place, I’ve come over and helped him take care of things. At times it felt like I lived here too.

I went through the white picket fence and walked up to the door. I knocked like I always did and watched as he came to the door. He hovered over the entrance, blocking any way in or out.

He was tall, roughly six-three, and had muscles for days. They were big enough to squish a tiny army. But maybe I only saw it that way since I’m small and he is much taller than me. He always worked out and spent a lot of time building motorcycles and playing basketball.

I gave him a sheepish smile.

“How many times have I told you to just come in?”

I laughed and sneaked past him. “What can I say? You told me not to do it, so maybe I do it just to bother you.”

I walked over, sat on the couch, and smiled. “Are you almost ready to go? We should be at the restaurant by six. It's already five forty-five, and it’s a thirteen-minute drive. Which means at this rate, we should be there by five after six if this keeps going,” I said, looking at my watch.

“Well, Miss Stopwatch. I am coming. I just was finishing up a final game with the guys, came home, and showered. Unless you wanted me reeking and having it wafting up your nose.” I made a sign of disgust and we both laughed.

“No, I appreciate you smelling…” I paused and walked closer to him.

“Like coconut, when did you start getting soap like that?” I asked, curious about his new scent; he normally smelled more masculine.

“It's Cindy’s, she left it before we broke up.” I nodded my head and walked away from him gently and pointed to the door. I didn’t like his ex and was more than grateful she was out of our lives.

“Let’s go,” I said as I walked back outside and watched him follow me.

“Can we take your motorcycle?” I asked eagerly as he rolled his eyes once more.

“For the ninetieth time, I WILL not be taking you on my motorcycle. Your Uncle Kev would kill me, he already thinks I am so irresponsible for playing with them as well.”

“I am not a little girl anymore, Teddy.”

“Come on, Liv. We’ll take your car. It's safe.” When I sat in the car and turned on the engine, it made that same noise as earlier, and he looked at me with a concerned expression.

“Maybe it's not as safe as I thought, when did this start?”

I explained that it started a few weeks ago but I kept forgetting about it until I was in the car, which resulted in not having anything done on it. I looked at him cautiously, wondering if he would be disappointed in my carelessness.

“Well, when we are done, text your uncle that you are staying the night at my house and that I am going to take a look at your car in the morning.” I nodded my head and began to drive us to the restaurant.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we ate and discussed small things going on with our lives. We had always been close and it was natural for us to confide in each other with everything.

“Did I tell you? I got the scholarship for the librarian course at the community college. It’s a big help since they are letting me get that training position at the library too. I will be in the course by the fall.” I watched as he played with the meatball in his pasta, then shook his head at me.

“Oh? I am so proud of you, kiddo. You have always been so smart, just like Kev,” he said as I finished my chicken parm. I shrugged my shoulders briefly as we both looked silently at each other for a moment.

“Go, let's see that movie before we miss it.” I watched him lay the money down before he offered me his hand and we left to go to the theatre.

He took me to a spot in the back, and there I sat as he went and got some snacks for us. I looked at the screen as the ads played.

I don’t even remember how we started watching this movie series together. It was about a young couple and their journey as working detective partners. It was one of the best romantic mystery movie series out there.

This was movie number three, and to say we were excited was an understatement. As I got out of my thoughts, I saw him there.


As the beginning rolled in, we began to enjoy the movie together. We laughed at the funny parts, and he held my hand when I got nervous about cringy things that occurred between the characters.

The drive home was quiet as we were filled with our collective thoughts. Mine was on the characters and their journey. They started as friends who worked on everything together. In the first movie, they were in their late teens and early twenties. They solved the mystery of their first rental place.

The second movie was really interesting as they were older and decided that through their years of detective work that they should marry. Which caused the mystery of the bridal disaster. Which was more than laughable.

This movie was hilarious with their choice of having children, but the case was about a family and the missing infant.

“The movie was great; I can’t believe they went for it after everything they witnessed and discovered.” His words shook my thoughts loose about the movie, and I nodded silently. I didn’t respond much as I thought of their relationship and how I was eager for that day of my own.

When we arrived at the house, he opened the car door for me, and I walked inside. I went up the stairs quietly as I looked through his bedroom. If I was staying, I was going to have to borrow a shirt from him.

He normally was okay with me doing so but I realized that I was so much older now and should really ask. I ran back downstairs to see him sitting on the couch, on his phone.

“Was I still staying the night?”

“I assumed so. You have a toothbrush upstairs and everything. We haven’t had an unplanned visit before. Just grab a shirt from my closet,” he said, not looking at me as I made a noise of approval before walking back and doing as I was trying too earlier.

Grabbing a black band shirt, I went to my room in his house. I noticed how the room was still a soft pink colour and the roses on the bed cover. I hadn’t stayed over in a while; with school finishing up, my focus was there.

I walked back downstairs wearing his shirt that covered me like a dress, he was so big, and I was so short. I walked to the couch and sat beside him.

“I think I am going to bed. You are helping me with my car tomorrow you said, so I will make breakfast.”

He pushed his phone away and nodded his head. “Yup, I’m helping you. Can’t have you driving with that problem.”

“Thanks, Teddy.” He leaned over and hugged me, and I returned it eagerly.

“Goodnight, Liv,” he muttered before kissing me on my forehead. His look was something I had seen a hundred times before; his term of endearment made my belly stir with excitement at it all.

Shaking it off, I stood to my feet and backed up slowly. “Yes, we will talk more tomorrow.”


Day came, and I went downstairs in the wee hours of the morning. I was an early bird and Teddy hated when I did that. I was hungry and couldn’t lie awake in my bed any longer.

I couldn’t sleep after I was trying to discover what that feeling was last night when he kissed me like he always did. A simple kiss on my forehead, and my belly was doing flips.

I busied myself in the kitchen as I put my headphones in from my mp3 that was in my purse. I always kept it with me as music fed the soul. Listening to some nightcore pop, I worked hard on breakfast.

With him sleeping in till ten, no longer was my meal breakfast, but brunch instead. I was so distracted that when I felt a touch on my shoulder I jumped and screeched, dropping the hot pot of homemade syrup on the floor. The glass of the cup shattered, and I looked up to see him.

I pulled out my earbud and began to apologize profusely.

“It’s fine, Liv. Things happen. Don’t worry about it.” I leaned down and picked up the bigger pieces of the glass, not caring about injuring myself, I muttered a swear word under my breath.

“Stop, don’t do that.” But it was too late, the blood was trickling and he grabbed my hand before carefully leading me away from the crime scene. He lifted me and placed me on the island counter with ease.

“Shit, are you okay?” He further inspected the injury before grabbing a band aid and some cream to rub on it and clean the wound.

“It's barely a paper cut,” I stated as he fussed about it and cleaned it. Putting the band aid on my index finger, he then kissed it gently.

“There, I fixed your booboo.” He brought things up at times that made me realize he probably still saw me as that little girl. For some small reason, it was starting to irritate me.

“I’m fine,” I said as I pushed myself off, grabbed a broom, and cleaned it up.

“Are you sure?” I nodded my head, not wanting to answer. I served him breakfast and ate in silence. Then I ran upstairs and took a shower, wanting to clean myself and cool off.

I finished and frustratingly zipped up my jeans, tucking in my shirt from him. How could he still see me as a little kid? Yes, he’d watched me grow up, but I was an adult now.

The house was quiet, and I quickly decided I wanted to clean up a little for him before I was going to leave.

I grabbed a bucket and one of the sponges and began to work on his floorboards in the kitchen. The brown hardwood was still sticky from the melted sugar I was working with this morning.

My mind wandered to how he picked me up, and my anger rose in my chest again. As I continued to clean, I heard someone walk in the house and assumed it was him. I pushed back onto my knees as I looked up at him.

“I wanted to clean up the mess I made. I see you took care of the glass for me, thank you.” He smiled at me, and it felt good to see him smile.

“It's fine and thank you, but you didn’t have to.” I shook my head in disagreement, it was my mess after all.

“I feel like we should talk,” I said as I stood to my feet and dumped the dingy water into the sink and put the sponge on the ledge.

“Fine, if we are going to talk, then come with me to the garage where I am working on your car,” he stated in a chill tone that had me concerned I’d upset him.

“Am I in trouble for something? Cause I swear I didn’t do anything wrong,” he said, putting his hands up defensively. I couldn’t believe his behavior at times and I shook my head.

“Not too much trouble,” I said playfully, punching his shoulder lightly.

“Well, then, come along.” His voice was direct and sounded like he was worried about something. Which made me wonder if I was even doing the right thing.