Chapter Thirty-One || Theo

“How you been doing, dude?” I asked before I sat back down. I was doing this for Liv, just like anything else I wanted to do, it was all for her.

He looked nervous and angry. The way his face looked, I’m assuming his body temperature could cook something. I remember feeling that way when I was younger.

The way we would fight as kids. He was the only one who helped me become a half decent citizen.

He sat down and I watched as Katie brought over a beer, handed it to him, and returned to Liv. I knew that she needed this, she missed them more than she cared to admit; just like her uncle, she was stubborn.

“It’s fine, work’s been crazy," he said, before taking a sip.

“I believe it,” I muttered in response as we stared in silence.

It was deafening really. Part of me wanted to walk away, never to return. But something was holding me back. Something Liv said about our child needing to be born in a world where there wasn’t such hostility.

I was surprised when he spoke first.

“So, you’re having a baby?”

“And going to get married as well,” I added, which surprisingly, drew a smile out of him.

“Congrats.” He was doing this in a good way, ignore the past and focus on the now and future, it was the only way to survive.

“Thanks, she’s amazing.”

“So, tell me everything, how did you pop the question?” With that, I started talking and I didn’t stop. I finally had my friend back and I could share the most important thing in my life.


Our new baby.

I discussed everything. Now, when I say that word, I’m not taking it lightly. I talked of everything I learned from the pregnancy classes, to the doula and how she was helping me stay calm through the entire event of things happening.

I explained that we were going to have a November baby and that it was between her and my birthday. I also mentioned all the things happening at work, and what Liv would be doing.

And we talked for what felt like forever. It was comforting and as I finally took a moment and glanced over to Liv who was chuckling in the corner, I realized we got our extended family back. We both had relied on Katie and Kev in the past and they were not only her family but mine as well.

I never had anyone before Kev and Liv. It was me against the world and everything that happened in between.

“When did you tell her?”

“That you didn’t want to keep her at first?”

“Yeah, that.” He paused to scratch his head before clearing his throat.

“I never would have been able to do it, especially after how you looked at each other even then.”

“I wouldn’t have ever let you get rid of her; she means too much to me. I need her. That’s why when she kissed me that evening, I couldn’t admit that I thought of her the first moment she came into my bed, in that silky nightgown. Fuck, man it was a nightmare.”

“Oversharing," he said before covering his ears and doing the usual but childish thing of tuning someone out.

I stood to my feet and patted him on the back before I walked over to Liv, she sat next to Anthony who was playing with his truck on her belly.

“Vroom, you have the perfect hill.” I chuckled at his comment before I bent to my knees next to him.

“I’m assuming you told him it’s a baby in there and not a hill.”

“Yep, he remembers his momma having the hill, but he likes mine better, he says.”

“I am going to eat some of that marshmallow-fruit-salad-thing you made and then we are on our way, I think.”

“Sounds great," she replied. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

With another look, I noticed she blushed, obviously she wasn’t use to public displays of affection. It’s all right, I would give it to her a million times over, the world should know just how much I loved her, how much I wanted her.

“You, my dear enjoy, and I am going to finish talking to Aunt Katie.”

“Dear? Did I just age another fifteen years or something?” I teased, loving how she gave me a gentle swat in disagreement.

“Nope, I just was teasing you, now go on.” She shooed me away while I went to eat, and before long, we were on our way away.

“I’m so glad you came!” Katie spoke before hugging us both and as I wrapped my arms around her, it seemed strange knowing that she would be here for us now. It was easier to expect and accept the negativity then it was the positivity.

“I am glad we came too,” I replied.

Katie gave a hug to Liv, and then Kev took my hand and shook it. Then, I saw him give his niece a hug.

Olivia, I’m sorry for my behavior and how I have treated you as of late. I really am ashamed of my actions.”

“It’s fine Uncle Kevin, you didn’t understand but I hope by now you do. I love him, I’m going to marry him and have his baby, and your great niece or nephew? If I got that right, I may have to check how the lineage would work," she said with an awkward laugh.

I nodded gracefully and placed my hand on her lower back as we walked away.

“That went very well, I think. Now we have it all back to normal where everyone is happy.”

“I’m very happy so that’s all that matters, our joy. They have to fish out their own happiness," I said as I opened the car door for her.

“I love you, Teddy. Thank you for coming today and talking to him. I know you were angry with him and me for forcing you to go.” I gave a quick nod before going to my side of the car, quickly turning on the air conditioner, so she and the baby kept cool.

“It doesn’t matter, I will always do whatever I can for you, I’m sorry for how I acted when you told me you wanted to go," I said as I grasped her hand, her soft skin on mine once more.

I placed a kiss on her knuckles; as I heard her giggle, the soft laugh filled my ears.

I was happy, really happy.

She was my world and my light, forevermore.