
My parents let me eat my bunny-decorated cupcake

(with no disgusting carrot juice anywhere near it)

for breakfast the next morning

as a special treat.

“To celebrate your newfound stardom,” my dad said.

That cupcake was very delicious,

even though it wasn’t a brookie.

And that wasn’t even the best part of my day!

The best part came later,

when Pete Pain brought my dog home.

He parked the Yip-Yap U van

in front of our apartment,

and I ran to unbuckle Antoine.

I hugged that puppy tight.

Then I checked him all over,

for cuts and bruises.

And other signs of torture.

But he looked very healthy.

And he kept licking my face!

“I’m happy to see you, too,” I told him.

Pete Pain stayed with us for hours,

teaching us to shout “Ow!”

and stop playing, if Antoine nipped.

And to say “Sit!” instead of “No!” when he jumped.

And to yell “Leave it!” whenever he started to chew.

Pete told us over and over

to always use the exact same commands,

all three of us,

all the time.

I had to admit,

Antoine behaved very nicely

during that training session.


after Pete Pain left, for the whole rest of the day,

I kept Antoine away from my parents’ room

and all of their stuff.

I decided to do that

for the whole rest of my life, too.

Because I did not want my dog

sent away from me

ever again.
