Abdnor, James
Abortion issue
Abourezk, James
and energy policy (1977)
and natural gas legislation
ACDA. See Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ADA. See Americans for Democratic Action
Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of
lobbying power of
and setbacks
See also Labor unions
Aiken, George
Airline Deregulation Act
Airline regulation
environmental protection and conservation in(see also Alaska lands legislation)
oil, gas, mineral, and timber wealth in
and statehood act
Alaska lands legislation
and Alaska’s senators, struggle between
and executive orders
passage of
and Senate compromise
and Senate debate
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
Alaska Statehood Act
Albright, Madeleine
Alexander, Lamar
Allen, James
Allende, Salvador
Alvarado, Susan
American Enterprise Institute
American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). See also Political action committees
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)
Anderson, Wendell
Andrus, Cecil
Antiballistic Missile (ABM) Defense System Treaty
Antiquities Act
ARA. See Area Redevelopment Act (ARA)
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Area Redevelopment Act (ARA)
Arms control, and Soviet Union. See also SALT II
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA)
Arms sales
to Iran
to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and Nelson-Bingham Amendment
Armstrong, William
Assad, Hafez
Automobile industry
and OPEC oil embargo
and safety requirements
See also Chrysler Corporation

Bader, Bill
Baker, Bobby
Baker, Howard
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and China/Taiwan debate
and Church Committee
confidence and bargaining power of
and Dirksen, Everett
and election 1980
and energy policy (1977)
and energy policy (1979)
family background and marriage of
and filibuster rules, change in
and Iranian hostage crisis
and Kemp-Roth tax cut
and labor law reform
and leadership responsibilities, sharing of
and Libyan connection investigation
and Middle East peace
and new right
and New York City, loan guarantees to
and Panama Canal treaties
personality, physical appearance, and reputation of
and political setbacks
presidential ambitions of
as presidential candidate
and Senate committee reorganization
and Senate minority leader bid
and Watergate
Baker v. Carr
Balanced budget
Bani-Sadr, Abolhassan
Baucus, Max
Bayh, Birch
achievements of
career of
and election 1962
and election 1980
family background of
and lame-duck session, 1980
and Libyan connection investigation
and Nixon’s Supreme Court nominees
and patent policy
popularity of
post-Senate career of
and presidential campaign 1976
and wife’s illness and death
Bayh, Evan
Bayh, Marvella
Bayh-Dole Act
Beckwith, Charles
Begin, Menachem
Bentsen, Lloyd
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
career of
and energy policy (1977)
and energy policy (1979)
and tax cuts
Bernstein, Carl
Biden, Joseph
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and Chrysler Corporation
family tragedy of
and Iranian hostage crisis
predicts Kennedy challenge to Carter
and Senate staff, professional women in
Bienstock, Herbert
Billings, Leon
Black, Charles
Black, Hugo
Blackmun, Harry
Blumenthal, Michael
B-1 bomber funding
Boschwitz, Rudy
Bradley, Bill
Bradley-Chafee amendment. See also Energy policy (1979)
Brehznev, Leonid
Breyer, Stephen
Brezhnev, Leonid
Bribes to foreign governments, and defense contracts
Brock, Bill
Broder, David
Brooke, Edward
career of
and New York City, loan guarantees to
and Proposition
Brooks, Jack
Brown, George
Brown, Harold
Brown, Paul
Brown v. the Board of Education
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
and Iran
and Libyan connection investigation
Buchanan, Mary Estill
Buckley v. Valeo
Budget Control and Impoundment Act
Bumpers, Dale
and energy policy (1979)
and natural gas legislation
protesting Byrd’s tactics
Bunning, Jim
Burger, Warren
Burke, Sheila
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Business community
and labor law reform
lobbying power of
Business Roundtable
Byrd, Harry
Byrd, Robert
and ACDA director nominee
and Alaska lands legislation
and American poverty
Broder’s criticism of
childhood, education, and family background of
and China/Taiwan debate
and Chrysler Corporation
and civil rights
conservative views of
and Cuban missile brigade
death of
and Democratic majority leader bid
early career of
and election 1980
and energy policy (1977)
and energy policy (1979)
and ethics code
and filibuster rules, change in
and foreign policy
and Iran
and Iranian hostage crisis
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
and labor law reform
and Libyan connection investigation
and limitations on outside income
and natural gas legislation
and Nixon’s Supreme Court nominees
and Panama Canal treaties
personality and physical appearance of
and post-cloture filibuster
power and leadership of
and Senate committee reorganization
as Senate majority leader
and Senate staff, professional women in
and tax rebate

California, and Proposition
Camp David Accords
Campaign contributions. See also Ethics code
Carey, Hugh
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
and New York City, loan guarantees to
Caro, Robert
Carswell, G. Harrold
Carter, Billy
and Libyan connection investigation
problems of
testimony of
Carter, Jimmy
and ACDA director nominee
achievements of
and Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of
and Alaska, environmental protection and conservation in
and Alaska, executive orders to protect
and Alaska lands legislation
approval ratings of
and arms control, and Soviet Union
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and balanced budget
and bipartisan support
and B-1 bomber funding
Broder’s criticism of
and China/Taiwan debate
and Chrysler Corporation
and CIA director nominee
and Congress, relationship between
and economic policy
and election 1980
and energy policy (see Energy policy, 1977, 1979; Natural gas legislation 1977, 1978)
and ethics code
as failed president
and federal judgeship nominee
fireside chats of
and foreign oil dependence
and foreign policy (see Foreign policy; individual countries)
and Governmental Affairs
and human rights
and interest groups
and Iran
and Iranian hostage crisis
and Kennedy challenge for Democratic nomination
and labor unions
and Lance investigation
and liberal wing, challenges from
and Libyan connection investigation
and “lust in his heart” confession
and “malaise” speech
McGovern’s criticism of
and Middle East peace
and Mondale, Walter
national security nominations of
and natural gas legislation (1978)
and New York City, loan guarantees to
and Panama Canal
and Panama Canal treaties
and peanut warehouse investigation
and pork-barrel spending
and presidential campaign
Senate uncertainty about
Senate victories over
and tax cuts
and tax rebate
and UAW
and water projects
Carter, Rosalynn
Carter-Torrijos Panama Canal statement
Case, Cliff
Castro, Fidel
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Carter’s nominee for director of
investigation of
and Iran
See also Intelligence community
Chafee, John
Chamber of Commerce
Chappaquiddick incident
Checchi, Mary Jane
Chiari, Roberto
and Soviet Union
and Vietnam
China/Taiwan debate
Christian right
and Republican Party
and Schiavo case
See also New right; Right wing, of Republican Party
Christopher, Warren
and China/Taiwan debate
and Panama Canal treaties
Chrysler Corporation
and bailout
and financial problems
Chrysler Loan Guarantee Act
Church, Frank
achievements of
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and bribes to foreign governments and defense contracts
and China/Taiwan debate
and corporations
and Cuban missile brigade
early career of
and election 1980
and foreign policy
and intelligence community investigation
and Iranian hostage crisis
and IRS investigation
and OPEC
and Panama Canal
and Panama Canal treaties
personality of
post-Senate career of
and presidential campaign 1976,
as Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair
and Vietnam War
Church Committee
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency
Civil rights
and Byrd, Robert
and Eisenhower, Dwight
and Helms, Jesse
and Johnson, Lyndon
and Kennedy, John
and Ribicoff, Abraham
Senate support for
and Supreme Court
Civil Rights Act
and Bayh, Birch
and Brooks, Jack
and Byrd, Robert
and Dirksen, Everett
and Goldwater, Barry
and Humphrey, Hubert
and Javits, Jacob
and Johnson, Lyndon
and Magnuson, Warren
and Mondale
Title IX
Civil Service Reform Act
Clark, Dick
and election 1978
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
Clark, Joseph
Clean Air Act
Clifford, Clark
and Cuban missile brigade
Clinton, Bill
impeachment of
Clinton, Hillary
Coastal Zone Management Act
Cohen, William
Collins, Susan
and economic crisis 2008
Colmer, William
Broder’s criticism of
and Carter, relationship between
“greatest” members of
legislative achievements of
powers of
and presidential campaign 1976
Senate oath to defend
Senate relationship to
Constitutional system
Cooper, John Sherman
Core of Engineers Projects
Corporations. See also Chrysler Corporation
Corruption. See also Ethics
Cox, Archibald
Cranston, Alan
and Alaska lands legislation
career of
and election 1980
Cuban missile brigade
Cuban missile crisis
Culver, John
and B-1 bomber funding
education of
and election 1980
and Iran
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
Curtis, Carl

Daley, Richard
D’Amato, Alphonse
Danforth, John
achievements of
and Christian right
and energy policy (1979)
and Schiavo case
Daschle, Tom
Dayan, Moshe
“Deadly dozen” list
DeConcini, Dennis
DeConcini amendment (Panama Canal treaties)
Defense contracts, and bribes to foreign governments
Defense Intelligence Agency
Deng Xiaoping
Department of Energy
Détente policy
Dirksen, Everett
and Baker, Howard
career of
legacy of
Senate building named for
Dirksen, Joy
Dixon, Alan
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Dodd, Chris
and election 1980
Dolan, Terry
Dole, Robert
and Iranian hostage crisis
and Libyan connection investigation
and McGovern, George
and patent policy
as Senate leader
and World War II
Domenici, Pete
and Baker, Howard
and natural gas legislation
Douglas, Paul
Duberstein, Ken
Dukakis, Michael
Durenberger, David
Durkin, John

Eagleton, Thomas
achievements of
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and automobile industry
career of
and Chrysler Corporation
and election 1972
and election 1980
and inspectors general legislation
and Iran
and limitations on outside income
and mental illness
personality of
physical appearance of
Earth Day
Eastland, James
Economic crisis (2008)
Economic policy. See also Economy, U.S.
Economy, U.S.
and automobile industry (see also Chrysler Corporation)
and economic crisis (2008)
and patent policy
post-World War II
and small business
and tax cuts
and trade agreements
See also Economic policy
arms sales to
See also Middle East Peace
Ehrenhalt, Alan
Eisenhower, Dwight
and civil rights
and Panama Canal
Eisenhower administration
Eizenstat, Stuart
Election 1948
Election 1958
Election 1960
Election 1962
Election 1964
Election 1968
Election 1972
Election 1974
Election 1976
Election 1978
Election 1980
and Great Senate, end of
and Iranian hostage crisis
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
and new right
and Reagan/Carter debate
results of
and right wing, of Republican Party
and Senate races
Election 2008
Elections, and labor unions
Employee Fair Choice Act
Employee Retirement Insurance Savings Act (ERISA)
Energy crisis, and Iranian Revolution
Energy Department
Energy Mobilization Board
Energy policy (1977)
failure of
filibuster of
and natural gas(see also Natural gas legislation, 1978)
and oil
Energy policy (1979)
amendments to
and Energy Mobilization Board
filibuster of
and Muskie-Ribicoff substitute
and oil price decontrol
and synthetic fuels
windfall profits tax
See also Natural gas legislation (1978)
Environmental issues
and Muskie, Edmund
and Nelson, Gaylord
Environmental protection and conservation, in Alaska. See also Alaska lands legislation
Equal Rights Amendment
ERISA. See Employee Retirement Insurance Savings Act
Ervin, Sam
Escobar, Romulo
Ethics code
and campaign contributions
and honoraria
and limitations on outside income
Ethics in Government Act
Europe, and trade agreements
Executive, power of

Facts of the Matter (television news commentary)
Fahd (crown prince of Saudi Arabia)
Fairbank, John K.
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). See also Intelligence community
Federal Election Campaign Act
Federal judgeship
Feinberg, Kenneth
and energy policy (1977)
and energy policy (1979)
and Helms, Jesse
rules, change in
See also Holds
Fireside chats, and Carter, Jimmy
Fletcher, A. J.
Flug, Jim
Food Stamp Program
Ford, Gerald
and arms control, and Soviet Union
and election 1976
and New York City, loan guarantees to
and Nixon pardon
Ford, Henry
Foreign governments, bribes to, and defense contracts
Foreign intelligence, and wiretapping
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Foreign policy
and Byrd, Robert
and Church, Frank
and corporations
See also individual countries
Fortas, Abe
Fosdick, Dorothy
Fraser, Doug
Freedom of Information Act
Frist, Bill
Fulbright, William
and arms control, and Soviet Union
and Vietnam War
Gaddafi, Muammar al-
Galifianakis, Nick
Gann, Paul
Garn, Jake
and Chrysler Corporation
Gays and lesbians in the military
Gingrich, Newt
and election 1978
Giuliani, Rudy
Glenn, John
Goldwater, Barry
and China/Taiwan debate
and Chrysler Corporation
and Panama Canal treaties
praising Gary Hart
Gore, Albert, Sr.
Gorton, Slade
Gould, Lewis L.
Governmental Affairs
and Lance investigation
Grassley, Charles
Grassroots lobbying. See also Lobbying power
Gravel, Mike
and Alaska lands legislation
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
career of
and election 1980
and energy policy (1979)
and Panama Canal treaties
Great Senate
achievements of
and bipartisanship
brief comeback of
essence of
imperfections of
legislative achievements of
members of
qualities of
and reasons for greatness
staff of
and team spirit
and World War II
See also Senate
Greenwald, Gerald
Griffin, Robert
as minority whip
and Senate minority leader bid
Gromyko, Andrei
Gruening, Clark
Gulf of Tonkin resolution
Gurney, Ed

Hammond, Jay
Hansen, Clifford
Harlan, John
Harriman, W. Averill
Harris, Fred
Hart, Gary
and Alaska lands legislation
and election 1980
and energy policy (1979)
and natural gas legislation
Hart, Peter
Hart, Phil
Haskell, Floyd
Hatch, Orrin
and labor law reform
and Panama Canal treaties
Hatfield, Mark
and Alaska lands legislation
and natural gas legislation
Hayakawa, S. I.
Haynesworth, Clement
Healthcare issue
and Kennedy, Ted
and Obama, Barack
Heflin, Howell
Heinemann, Robert
Heinz, John
Helms, Jesse
and abortion issue
achievements of
and China/Taiwan debate
and civil rights
and constitutional amendments
early career of
and election 1972
and election 1978
and filibuster
forcing of senators to make controversial votes
and hard-right intolerance
and national “conservative” constituency
and new right
as newly elected senator
and Nixon, Richard
and obstructionism
and Panama Canal treaties
and “permanent campaign,”
political strategy of
and Reagan, Ronald
as Senate Foreign Relations Committee member
and social issues
and Soviet Union
television editorials of
Heritage Foundation
Hill, Anita
Holds. See also Filibuster
Hollings, Ernest “Fritz”
and election 1980
and labor law reform
and ocean pollution
and Panama Canal treaties
Holtzman, Elizabeth
Honoraria. See also Ethics code
Hruska, Roman
Huckabee, Mike
Human rights
in Iran
Humphrey, Gordon
Humphrey, Hubert
achievements of
career of
death of
and Democratic majority leader bid
and Johnson, Lyndon
personality of
as Senate deputy president pro tempore
and Vietnam War

Iaccoca, Lee
ICBMs. See Intercontinental ballistic missiles
Inouye, Daniel
and election of 1962
member of Watergate Committee
and World War II
chairs Iran-contra investigation
Inspectors General Act
Inspectors general legislation
Intelligence community. See also CIA; FBI
Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
Interest groups
Internal Revenue Service, investigation of
arms sales to
human rights in
oil in
Iran-contra affair
Iranian hostage crisis
and rescue mission
and U.S. sanctions
Iranian Revolution, and U.S. energy crisis
IRS. See Internal Revenue Service
arms sales to
See also Middle East Peace
Israel/Egypt agreement
ITT-CIA investigation

Jackson, Henry “Scoop,”
and ACDA director nominee
and Alaska lands legislation
and arms control, and Soviet Union
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
childhood and education of
and energy policy (1977)
and energy policy (1979)
and Iranian hostage crisis
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
and natural gas legislation
personality of
and presidential campaign 1976,
and Senate staff, professional women in
Jackson, Robert
Japan, and trade agreements
Javits, Jacob “Jack,”
achievements of
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and China/Taiwan debate
and election 1980
family of
health issues of
and labor law reform
and Middle East peace
and New York City, loan guarantees to
personality of
physical illness of
post-Senate career of
Jefferson, Thomas
Johnson, Lyndon
and Baker, Bobby
and civil rights
and Clark, Joseph
and Humphrey, Hubert
and Muskie, Edmund
and Panama Canal
personality of
as Senate leader
as vice presidential nominee
and Vietnam War
Johnston, Bennett
and energy policy (1979)
and natural gas legislation
Jordan, B. Everett
Jordan, Hamilton
Jorden, William
J.P. Stevens Company

Kassebaum, Nancy Landon
Kasten, Robert
Kemp, Jack
Kemp-Roth tax cut
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,”
achievements of
and airline regulation
attractiveness and personality of
and challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
and Chappaquiddick incident
and Chrysler Corporation
and crime/gun control
death of
early career of
and election 1962
and energy policy (1979)
family of
family tragedies of
and federal judgeship nominee
and healthcare issue
as Judiciary Committee chair
and lame-duck session, 1980
legacy of
and Memphis speech
and Mudd interview
and national health insurance
and Nixon’s reelection campaign investigation
popularity of
as Senate whip
and shah of Iran
and staff, Judiciary Committee
and staff, Senate
and UAW
and Watergate
and wiretapping and foreign intelligence
Kennedy, John
and American poverty
assassination of
and civil rights
and environmental issues
and Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
and McGovern, George
popularity of
Kennedy, Robert
assassination of
and Vietnam War
Kerry, John
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
and Iranian hostage crisis
Khrushchev, Nikita
King, Ed
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kissinger, Henry
and arms control, and Soviet Union
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and China
détente policy of
and Panama Canal
Koch, Edward
and New York City, loan guarantees to
Korry, Edward
Kozak, Mike
Kristol, Irving
Labor law reform
and business community
and cloture
and small business
Labor unions
and elections
lobbying power of
in New York City
See also AFL-CIO; UAW
Laffer, Arthur
Lakas, Demetrio
Lance, Bert
LAPAC. See Life Amendment PAC
Larsen, Wendell
Leahy, Patrick
and election 1980
and energy policy (1979)
and Libyan connection investigation
Levin, Carl
achievements of
and Chrysler Corporation
education of
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Gabriel
Libyan connection investigation
and Senate hearings
Life Amendment PAC (LAPAC). See also Political action committees
Limitations on outside income. See also Ethics code
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Loan guarantees, to New York City
Lobbying power
of business community
of labor unions
Loeb, William
Long, Russell
and Chrysler Corporation
and energy policy (1977)
and energy policy (1979)
and labor law reform
and natural gas legislation
and patent policy
power and leadership of
Lott, Trent
early career of
resignation of
Lugar, Richard
and Chrysler Corporation
and labor law reform
and New York City, loan guarantees to

MacArthur, Douglas
Mack, Connie
Madison, James
Magnuson, Warren
achievements of
and election 1980
and lame-duck session, 1980
Mansfield, Mike
early career of
family background and childhood of
and intelligence community oversight
legacy of
personality of
and post-cloture filibuster
as Senate leader
and Vietnam War
Mao Zedong
March Club
Marine Mammals Protection Act
Marshall, Thurgood
Mathias, Charles McC., Jr.
and Senate committee reorganization
Mathias, McC. Charles
Mattingly, Mack
McCain, John
and Iranian hostage crisis
McCarthy, Eugene
at Democratic convention, Chicago, 1968
and Vietnam War
McClellan, John
McClure, Jim
and natural gas legislation
McConnell, Mitch
McGillicuddy, John
McGovern, George
and balanced budget
and B-1 bomber funding
and Carter, criticism of
at Democratic convention, Chicago, 1968
and Dole, Robert
early career of
education of
and election 1962
and election 1972
and election 1980
energy and idealism of
family background of
and hunger in America
and Kennedy, John
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
and lame-duck session, 1980
popularity of
post-Senate career of
and Vietnam War
and Washington, D.C., Metrorail system
McIntyre, Tom
McNary, Gene
Meany, George
Metzenbaum, Howard
and energy policy (1977)
and energy policy (1979)
and natural gas legislation
Middle East peace
and Camp David Accords
and Israel/Egypt agreement
Mikulski, Barbara
Military, gays and lesbians in
Miller, G. William
Miller, Zel
MIRV missiles
Mitchell, George
Mitchell, John
Mondale, Walter “Fritz,”
achievements of
and Chrysler Corporation
early career of
and energy policy (1977)
and energy policy (1979)
and Iran
and natural gas legislation
and New York City, loan guarantees to
and presidential campaign 1976
as vice president
Moore, Frank
Moss, Frank
Mossadegh, Mohammed
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
achievements of
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
career and education of
and energy policy (1979)
and Iranian hostage crisis
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
and New York City, loan guarantees to
and Panama Canal treaties
and tax cuts
Mudd, Roger
Multilateral “rounds,”
Muskie, Edmund
career of
and energy policy (1979)
and environmental issues
and honoraria
and inspectors general legislation
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
and limitations on outside income
and natural gas legislation
and Nixon
post-Senate career of
and presidential election 1968
and presidential election 1972
as secretary of state nominee
and Senate staff, professional women in
strength of
and tax cuts
and tax rebate

Nader, Ralph
NAM. See National Association of Manufacturers
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC). See also Political action committees
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Park Service (NPS)
Natural gas legislation (1977). See also Energy policy
Natural gas legislation (1978)
See also Energy policy
NCPAC. See National Conservative Political Action Committee
Nelson, Gaylord
achievements of
and election 1962
and election 1980
and environmental issues
family of
and honoraria
legacy of
and limitations on outside income
popularity of
post-Senate career of
and Senate committee reorganization
and small business
Nelson-Bingham Amendment
Neutrality Treaty
New right
and election 1978
and election 1980
and Hatch, Orrin
and Helms, Jesse
ideology of
and Panama Canal treaties
and “permanent campaign,”
and single issue politics
See also Christian right; Right wing, of Republican Party
New York City
loan guarantees to
resurgence of
unions in
New York City Loan Guarantee Act
Nitze, Paul
Nixon, Richard
and arms control, and Soviet Union
and Baker, Howard
and Byrd, Robert
and China
détente policy of
and election 1972
and Helms, Jesse
and Muskie, Edmund
and Panama Canal
and pardon by Ford
and reelection campaign investigation
and Supreme Court nominees
and Vietnam War
and Watergate
NLRB. See National Labor Relations Board
NOAA. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPS. See National Park Service
Nunn, Sam
and Lance investigation

Obama, Barack
and administration executive branch nominees
and Bayh, Evan
and bipartisan support
and economic crisis
and healthcare issue
and labor law reform
Ocean Dumping Act
Ocean pollution
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
and energy policy (1977)
in Iran
and price decontrol
Oil embargo, OPEC
Oil/gas industry
OMB. See Office of Management and Budget
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip”
and election 1980
and energy policy (1977)
and ethics code
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
and Iranian Revolution
oil embargo

Packwood, Robert
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and Baker, Howard
PACs. See Political action committees
Pahlavi, Mohamed Reza (shah of Iran)
Panama Canal
history of
Panama Canal treaties
and Carter-Torrijos statement
and DeConcini amendment
Neutrality Treaty
original treaty
second treaty
Senate debate
Senate hearings
Panama Canal Zone
Paris Peace Accords
Paster, Howard
Patent policy
Peanut warehouse investigation
Pearson, James
Pell, Claiborne
Percy, Charles
and China/Taiwan debate
and election 1978
and energy policy (1979)
false charge against
and labor law reform
and Lance investigation
Perle, Richard
Pertschuk, Michael
Peterson, Peter
Political action committees (PACs). See also individual PACs
Political contributions, limits on
Pork-barrel spending
Post-cloture filibuster. See also Filibuster
Powell, Jody
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
Powell, Lewis
Presidential Records Act
Privacy Act
Proxmire, William
career of
and Chrysler Corporation
education of
and energy policy (1979)
and New York City, loan guarantees to
personality of
Purvis, Hoyt

Quayle, Dan

Rabin, Yitzhak
Rayburn, Sam
Reagan, Ronald
career of
and China/Taiwan debate
and election 1980
and Iran-contra affair
and Panama Canal
Regulatory Flexibility Act
Rehnquist, William
Republican Party
and Christian right
right wing of (see also New right)
Ribicoff, Abraham
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
career of
and civil rights
at Democratic convention, Chicago, 1968
and economy, U.S.
and election 1962
and election 1980
and energy policy (1979)
family of
and Governmental Affairs
and Lance investigation
and limitations on outside income
and Middle East peace
personality of
popularity of
post-Senate career of
retirement of
and social issues
and trade agreements
and water projects
Riccardo, John
Riegle, Don
achievements of
and Chrysler Corporation
Right wing, of Republican Party
and election 1980
See also Christian right; New right
Robles, Marcos
Rockefeller, Nelson
and New York City, loan guarantees to
Roe v. Wade
Rogers, William
Rohatyn, Felix
Roosevelt, Franklin
Roosevelt, Theodore
and Panama Canal
and Panama Canal treaties
Roth, Bill
and Alaska lands legislation
and Chrysler Corporation
and energy policy (1979)
and tax cuts
Rother, John
Rudman, Warren
Rule of individuals
Russell, Richard
and Humphrey, Hubert
legacy of
Senate building named for

Sadat, Anwar
Safire, William
SALT (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks)
and Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of
and Cuban missile brigade
demise of
Senate debate
signing of
See also Arms control, and Soviet Union
Santorum, Rick
Sarbanes, Paul
achievements of
and arms sales to Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
and Panama Canal treaties
Metrorail legislation
Saudi Arabia, arms sales to
Schiavo, Terry
Schiavo case
Schlesinger, James
Schmitt, Harrison
School busing
School Lunch program
School prayer
Scott, Hugh
Sears, John
Seith, Alex
Select Committee on Intelligence Activities
composition of (1977)
and Constitution
failure of
and lame-duck session (1980), achievements of
and lame-duck session (2010), achievements of
moderate to liberal Republican senators in (1973)
and new right ideology
and post-1980 election
and Republican resentment toward Democrats
and rule of individuals
transformation of, need for
See also Congress; Great Senate
Senate buildings, naming of
Senate committee reorganization
Senate Intelligence Committee
Senate staff
Shah of Iran. See Pahlavi, Mohamed Reza
Shapiro, Ira
and inspectors general legislation
and outside income limits
Shelby, Richard
Short, Robert
Simpson, Alan
Single issue politics
Six Day War
SLBMs. See Submarine launched ballistic missiles
Small business
and labor law reform
Smith, Margaret Chase
Snowe, Olympia
and economic crisis 2008
Social issues
and Helms, Jesse
and Ribicoff, Abraham
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Sorensen, Theodore
Soviet Union
and Afghanistan, invasion of
and arms control (see also SALT II)
and China
and Cuban missile brigade
and human rights
and Nixon’s détente policy
and United States, hostility between
Sparkman, John
START treaty
Steel industry
Stennis, John
Stevens, Ann
Stevens, Ted
achievements of
and Alaska lands legislation
family tragedy of
and labor law reform
personality of
Stevenson, Adlai
and Senate committee reorganization
Stone, Richard
and China/Taiwan debate
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT). See also SALT I; SALT II
Strauss, Robert
Submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs)
Sullivan, William
Supreme Court
and civil rights
and Nixon’s nominees
Symington, Stuart
Symms, Steve
Synthetic fuels

Tack, Juan Antonio
Taft-Hartley Act
Taiwan. See also China/Taiwan debate
Taiwan Relations Act
Talmadge, Herman
Tax cuts
Tax rebate
Taylor, Elizabeth
Tea Party
Team spirit
Thomas, Clarence
Three Mile Island disaster
Thurmond, Strom
and China/Taiwan debate
and Panama Canal
Title IX of Civil Rights Act
Tokyo Round
Torrijos, Omar. See also Carter-Torrijos Panama Canal statement
Tower, John
and New York City, loan guarantees to
Trade agreements
Trade Amendments Act
Truman, Harry
Tsongas, Paul
and Alaska lands legislation
and Chrysler Corporation

UAW. See United Auto Workers
Udall, Morris “Mo,”
Unemployment benefits
United Auto Workers (UAW)
and Chrysler Corporation
and Kennedy challenge to Carter for Democratic nomination
See also Labor unions
United States, and Soviet Union, hostility between

Vance, Cyrus
and arms control, and Soviet Union
and Cuban missile brigade
and Iran
and Iranian hostage crisis
Vietnam, and China
Vietnam War
and Church, Frank
and congressional authority
and Gulf of Tonkin resolution
and Humphrey, Hubert
and Johnson, Lyndon
and Mansfield, Mike
and McGovern, George
and Paris Peace Accords
Senate opposition to
Viewpoints (television news commentary)
Viguerie, Richard
Vladivostok Agreement
Voting Rights Act
and Brooks, Jack
and Byrd, Robert

Wagner National Labor Relations Act
War Powers Act
Warner, John
Warnke, Paul
Warren, Earl
Washington, George
Water projects
and Baker, Howard
and congressional authority
Webster, Daniel
Wegman, Richard
Weicker, Lowell
and Chrysler Corporation
and energy policy (1979)
and Watergate
Wexler, Anne
Weyrich, Paul
Wilson, Woodrow
Windfall profits tax
Wiretapping, and foreign intelligence
Woodcock, Leonard
Woodward, Bob
World War II
Wriston, Walter
Wyman, Lewis

Yazdi, Ibrahim
Yom Kippur War
Young, Coleman

Zorinsky, Edward