
The insights found in these pages result from the collective work of a phenomenal team of parents, grandparents, researchers, youth leaders, and Fuller students. Special thanks to Dr. Cameron Lee for his steady consultation and leadership throughout this process, to Brad Griffin and Dr. Cheryl Crawford for their invaluable insights and contributions to the research, to Dr. Chloe Teller for keeping the team on track, to Dr. Erika Knuth for crunching so many numbers, to Irene Cho for keeping the Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) running while we were preoccupied with this project, and especially to Dr. Krista Kubiak Crotty for asking the initial question that launched this whole adventure.

We’d also like to thank others who have served as part of the FYI staff and research team during this process, including Cody Charland, Nikki Chase, Emily Chen, Rana Choi Park, Marianne Croonquist, Kris Fernout, Dr. David Fraze, Mike Hensley, Andrea King, Melanie Lammers, Dr. Lydia Mariam, Meredith Miller, Paul Walker, and Matt Westbrook.

This book was made much better because of the input of wise friends and parents who took the time to give us feedback, including Dave Powell and Dee Clark (we wanted to mention them first), as well as Roger and Lilli Bosch, Cindy Go, Toben Heim, Kathy Hernandez, Jeff and Jenny Mattesich, Christa Peitzman, and Adam and Nancy Stiles.

FYI wouldn’t exist without other enthusiastic Advisory Council members and passionate supporters, including (but not limited to) Dale and Mary Andringa, Noel Becchetti, Barbara Bere, Jim and Judy Bergman, Max and Esther De Pree, April Diaz, David and Carol Eaton, Sted and Robin Garber, Walter and Darlene Hansen, Megan Hutchinson, Ken Knipp, John Lewis, Mark Maines, John and Chris Mumford, Brian and Linda Prinn, Sam and Betsy Reeves, Roy and Ruth Rogers, Albert Tate, Jeremy Taylor, Ron and Sharon Vander-Pol, Gabe Veas, Mike and Valerie Volkema, Scott Watt, Dale Wong, Jeff Wright, the Tyndale House Foundation, the Servants Trust, the Thrive Foundation, the Vermeer Charitable Foundation, and the Stewardship Foundation. A special, heartfelt thanks to both the Lilly Endowment for funding much of our Sticky Faith research as well as Wally Hawley for his invaluable coaching and many pearls of wisdom.

Your work has stuck with us and we are eager to see how the Lord builds even more Sticky Faith in kids.