Location: Somewhere in Washington, DC

Date: 5JUL20

Time: 0945 hours

“You see that busted up vent in the bottom of the wall over there?” Chaps says to me.

“The one with the bolts?” I ask.

“Yes, but don’t worry about those bolts. That’s what they’re for,” Chaps says, pointing to the hedgehog and rabbit.

I watch as the hedgehog and rabbit begin unscrewing the bolts on the vent.

Chaps continues, “More importantly, we need Brick to ram through that vent. Even without the bolts, it’s practically sealed shut. And once it opens, you mustn’t stop running. I repeat, we cannot get through that vent without Brick.” Chaps and I watch as they continue to work on the vent. Then, Chaps asks them,“How’s it coming?”

“I need another minute or two . . . ,” says the hedgehog.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see the door beginning to open.

“Guys, we’ve got company. We may not have another minute,” I say to the group.

The Snatcher is walking down the hallway, heading straight for our cell. I watch as he takes out his keys, turns the knob, and pushes the gate. It starts to swing open, when all of a sudden Penny charges forward. She slams the gate shut and knocks the Snatcher to the ground.

But the Snatcher pops right back up onto his feet and pushes back hard on the gate as Penny digs her paws in.

“I can’t hold it any longer!” Penny yelps.

“You must!” the hedgehog cries out as she fumbles with the bolts.

We’re running out of time. I realize that I have to do something and I have to act now. I can’t let Penny down. I need to keep her safe.

“Follow me!” I say.

I move as fast as I can, practically falling into the gate next to Penny. The rest of the pets rush in and help barricade it shut. More Snatchers arrive and push with all their weight, slowly moving us back inch by inch.

“How are we looking?” I call out to the group.

“Almost there, just a little longer!” says the hedgehog.

“Hold your ground. Dig in!” Chaps calls out to me like he’s giving me military orders.

I dig deep inside and hold my ground. I watch as the hedgehog rips the last bolt out.

“All right, where’s that battering ram?” Chaps yells out.

Penny pokes her head through the pile of pets. “Brick!” she calls out.

I look over to Brick and he’s dead asleep.

“WAKE UP!” I howl.


Penny pulls his eyelids back. “Oi! Wake up!”

“Can’t you see I’m napping?” says Brick.

“We need you to knock down that vent!”

“Maybe later,” Brick says and shuts his eyes again, returning to sleep.

I can feel the door shaking.

“There is no later, Brick! Knock it down now or I’ll cut off your treats supply!”

In a flash, Brick pops to his feet, builds up a head of steam, and barrels through the vent. I’ve never seen him move that fast before.

“We’re in business, everyone. Move! Move! Move!” Chaps calls out to us like troops.

I feel a new sense of urgency and purpose as we army crawl our way through the vent and begin making our escape to the outside world.