Establishing a regular maintenance regime is essential to keeping your home in order. The following timeline is a good place to start.
Sort incoming mail to keep counters clear and paper piles minimal; recycle all junk mail and newspapers immediately.
Clear your desk or other workspaces.
Hang up and put away clothing, shoes, handbags, and backpacks.
Put away toys to keep kids’ rooms tidy.
Straighten up the kitchen before going to bed; clear away dirty dishes from the sink and empty the dishwasher, if possible; wipe down counters and sink.
Discard any food in the refrigerator that’s past its prime.
Empty your wallet of receipts and either file or shred them.
Sort through or discard invitations and other notices, jotting down important dates in your calendar and tossing outdated items.
File away schoolwork, such as art projects and returned homework.
Recycle magazines and catalogs you no longer want; store all others.
File paid bills.
File important documents for long-term storage (see page 35).
Delete unnecessary digital files and back up the rest.
Toss out old cosmetics and grooming products.
Dispose of expired medications.
Discard pantry items that are past their use-by date.
Replenish first-aid kit.
Sort through clothing, shoes, and toys; give unwanted items to charity.
After filing your tax return, do a thorough inventory of stored financial documents; shred anything you no longer need.
Sort through spices and discard expired ones; replenish as needed.
Go through utility spaces; restock equipment, tools, and batteries as needed.
The key to staying organized is taking advantage of the occasional spare moments in your regular routine. If you have . . .
10 minutes
Clean out your handbag, purse, or backpack.
Organize credit-card receipts.
Sort through catalogs and magazines.
Clear your email inbox.
Bag up recyclables.
Take an inventory of cleaning supplies.
30 minutes
Refold sweaters.
Straighten a linen-closet shelf.
Organize one drawer.
Update a bulletin board.
Sort through toys and redistribute them.
Update labels for containers.
60 minutes
Take an inventory of your pantry.
Clean out the refrigerator and/or freezer.
Sort through clothes closets, looking for items to repair, clean, or donate.
Rearrange books.
Sort through financial records.
Back up photos or computer files.
Straighten out boxes or bins in the garage, attic, or basement.