How to Organize Closets

More Ideas
and Inspiration

If you’re tired of untangling your trinkets or hunting down your favorite hat, or you’ve run out of shoe storage, here are ways to put all your accessories in their place.

DIY Jewelry Dish

Small, decorative plates provide ample opportunity to store your trinkets—and show off your creativity. Try splattering, outlining, or stenciling the patterns shown above, or improvise to make your own designs. You can also vary the sizes and shapes of the dishes (try miniature bowls) to accommodate your collection.


Door-Mounted Dowel

Mount a thin wooden dowel, available at craft-supply stores, inside an armoire or cabinet door and use S hooks to hang necklaces, bracelets, and even rings in a manageable, accessible display. Coat the dowel with semi-gloss paint to keep the hooks from sliding and to blend in with the furniture.


Café-Rod Door Racks

Keep your favorite winter woolens within easy reach by mounting two café rods on the back of a door. Hang hats and gloves from the top bar using curtain clips; drape scarves over the lower one. Come spring, swap them out with seasonal hats, visors, and wraps.


Picture-Rail Shoe Rack

For artful storage for your fanciest heels, line a wall with molding (sold at home-improvement centers). Have preprimed pieces cut to length; paint as desired. Attach (a foot apart) to wall with construction adhesive. Hammer finishing nails every 18 inches (no studs needed), countersink nails, spackle, and touch up with paint.