These painted-on “tiles” give dimension to a wall; alternating the directions of the lines creates a sense of movement. The magic lies in a special combing tool and the translucent glaze, tinted with a contrasting shade of paint (darker than the base for warmth, lighter for coolness).


  1. 1. Begin by applying a base coat in the desired color, as instructed on page 90. Let dry thoroughly.
  2. 2. To make the glaze, mix 1 part latex paint (in contrasting color) with 1 part latex or acrylic glazing liquid and 2 parts water.
  3. 3. Using a pencil and a level, mark 18-inch-square sections on dried base coat. Apply a thin layer of glaze with a China bristle brush to one square at a time. Pull the combing tool through the glaze. Alternate the direction of stripes with each square, and repeat in remaining sections. Let dry. Repeat with remaining squares.

Martha Must

As an inexpensive alternative to wallpaper, I like to cover painted walls with special effects, using a tinted glaze. I covered a painted gray wall with my favorite faux-bois pattern, using a wood-grain combing tool sold at home-improvement and craft-supply stores.