Extend the life of your wardrobe with some basic sewing skills. Loose buttons and hems, snagged sweaters, and other common signs of wear and tear are best fixed before the garment is laundered, which can potentially make the matter all the harder to repair.
Fix a snag
Never cut a pulled thread, as this can leave behind a hole.
1. Turn garment inside out. If pulled thread has caused fabric to bunch, gently stretch it back into shape. (Some of the yarn will go back into place.)
2. Use a large blunt needle to gently work thread back into position (A).
3. Pull thread through to the next stitch and then the next, dispersing excess along the row (B).
4. Repeat on other side of snag.
5. Once thread is in position, smooth pulled area, and go over with a steam iron or steamer.
Darn a hole
A mushroom- or egg-shaped darner supports sweaters and socks as you darn them without stretching.
1. Place a darning mushroom or egg under hole for support. Create a vertical running stitch, starting ⅜ inch to the side of hole and extending ⅜ inch above and below it (A). Space rows as closely as possible, staggering stitches as you work. Once you reach the hole, pass yarn over it and stitch for another ⅜ inch. Change direction and continue; repeat until hole is covered vertically and stitches extend ⅜ inch past it.
2. Repeat horizontally (B); cover hole by weaving horizontal threads through vertical ones. Finish by weaving the end of thread into garment until hidden, then snip it.