How TO

Frilly or not, tassels can add a dash of homespun appeal to all sorts of objects (towels, blankets, shades, and hampers, for starters), both modern and traditional. While you can buy tassels from a fabric store, they are also worth making yourself—and in your favorite color combinations.


  • Craft knife
  • Heavy card stock
  • Thread in desired color
  • Craft scissors


Follow these four easy steps to create a basic tassel of any size.

  1. 1. Cut a winding board from heavy card stock, cardboard, or foam board; the board should be double the length of the finished tassel. Wind thread around board in taut loops until you reach desired fullness (tassel will be twice as full as the loop around board).
  2. 2. Lay a 5-inch piece of thread horizontally on work surface. Slide wound thread off board, and center it on 5-inch thread. Tie 5-inch thread into a tight knot around middle of looped thread.
  3. 3. Pull ends of 5-inch thread upward and wound threads downward. Cut through looped ends, and adjust into tassel shape.
  4. 4. Cut a 12-inch length of thread to wrap tassel neck: Fashion end of thread into a loop shape, then lay loop on tassel. Grasp the other end, and wrap it tightly around tassel and over the top of the loop to secure it. Wrap slowly, working from the top of the neck down, so neck threads lie evenly next to one another. As you wrap, ensure all the threads in the head and skirt are neatly in place. After wrapping neck, pass end of thread through loop and gently close loop, tucking ends into the head of the tassel. Trim tassel ends, a few threads at a time, to even them if necessary. Use the tie-off threads on top of the tassel to attach it to your project.