
More Ideas
and Inspiration

If you are looking to ease into embroidery before embarking on a bigger needlework project, try your hand at one of these small wonders. They all involve the basic stitches on page 189.

Stitched Sachets

When it comes to making presents by the dozen, these scented sachets are a quick solution (meaning you can keep a few to tuck into your own drawers). If you have a pretty pattern, use that as your design and choose floss in the same or contrasting color. Rubber stamps are used for the solid sachets (and tea towels, below).



Use a rubber stamp and fabric ink in desired color to imprint a pretty bloom (or other design, as desired) on a hand towel or tea towel—or a plain scarf or blouse. Then stitch over part of the stamped design (outlining some blooms, as above) so the ink shows through in the other areas.