grow a potted produce garden

Growing produce in pots requires a bit more thought than raised-bed gardening when selecting and pairing plants.

Choose productive species: Tomatoes are among the most popular for growing in pots, though you’ll need a large vessel to hold them. Rather than wait all season for huge slicing ones, opt for early-bearing cherry tomatoes, such as Sun Gold.

buy space-saving plants: You can find an ever-growing selection of dwarf varieties bred just for container gardening, including the ‘Diamant’ cucumber, ‘Thumbelina’ carrot, ‘Fairytale’ eggplant, or ‘Tom Thumb’ butter lettuce.

Add edible flowers: Sowing some easy-to-grow nasturtiums and calendulas into any produce garden adds welcome color to pots and salads alike.

Combine like with like: An 18-inch pot will hold a wide selection of plants, such as habanero, lemon chiles, and purple-leaved peppers for a colorful mix.

do companion planting: Beets and kale, carrots and tomatoes (the classic), pole beans (staked) and zucchini; certain plants grow better when sharing the soil with compatible neighbors. Try these pairings, then research others.