Learn the ins and outs of tending to your turf and the grass will forever be greener on your side of the fence. Rule number one: Avoid cutting the grass too short, as this welcomes more weeds as well as damage from drought and soaring temperatures.
As a ground rule, never cut more than one-third the height of grass at any time. Read on for more tips.
The best time to cut your grass is in the evening, before the dew settles. Wet grass from the morning dew clogs up blades, and midday heat can rob turf of moisture.
Keep your mower blades set at least 3 inches high for all grass species except Bermuda, seashore paspalum, and bent grass—these should be mowed closer to the ground, at 1½ to 2 inches.
To help your lawn stay green, use a blend of turfgrasses and clover. Clover also supports healthy soil by taking nitrogen from the atmosphere and fixing it into the ground.
Water deeply once a week. This method trains the roots to grow downward toward the moisture rather than rise to the surface.
Never apply fertilizers during droughts or in high summer, particularly when the temperature is 90°F or above. Nitrogen encourages lush new growth, which is more vulnerable during hot spells.
It’s normal for cool-season turfgrasses to go dormant and turn brown to make it through droughts. The plant will resume growth once the cooler weather returns.
If your grass has seen better days, devote an afternoon in early fall to this eco-friendly (pesticide-free) rejuvenation. Come spring, you’ll be rewarded with a lawn that’s lush and green and wonderful for bare feet (and paws).
Always park the mower under shelter and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for adding oil and gas (and for siphoning off gas before the winter). Also, remove caked-on grass from the underside; this allows airflow beneath the mower to lift the grass, for a better cut.
Disconnect the spark plug, then tilt the mower on its side, and scrape down the underside of the mower with a putty knife.
A finely honed blade will provide the most consistent cuts, but you’ll need to take it to a garden shop equipped with a professional grinder for the best results. You can either take the entire mower to the shop, or remove the blade yourself with a wrench (first remove the spark plug, and wear safety gloves).