Getting a new pet is always exciting—and not just for you and your family. Your four-legged friends will be experiencing many unfamiliar smells and sights, so you’ll want to take the time to consider the following before bringing them home.
GiVE pets THEIR Own Place
Just like people, pets will feel more at home if they have a spot that’s designated just for them.
Most dogs will feel safe in a right-sized crate with a soft liner. Bigger, older dogs can be kept in a small room, or a larger one that’s been closed off with a gate.
Cats also appreciate having soft beds here and there to curl up on, along with a window perch or tiered “cat condo” for climbing and snoozing.
Avoid alienating a pet by putting “unsightly” crates or beds in the garage, or even in unused rooms. This will only serve to isolate the dog, and loneliness can create behavior problems. Instead, place the crate away from high-traffic areas but near the family—for example, in a mudroom just off the kitchen.
It’s also nice to provide pet beds and perches in areas where people like to hang out, such as in the kitchen or den—even on a front porch (buy an indoor/outdoor model).
Besides a bed, you’ll want to outfit the spot with a water bowl and some favorite toys. You could even place the toys in an open bin or basket on the floor so pets can get them at will—and some dogs can be trained to put the toys away at the end of each day. Never leave unattended any toys with parts that can become dislodged or with strings that can strangle.
Both dogs and cats may also discover their own hiding spots (under a sofa or bed, for example), for healthy self-soothing. Whenever they make use of those spots, leave them be until they are ready to come back out on their own. Resist the urge to draw them out with treats, lest you “reward” them for being afraid or anxious.
Choose a bed that suits your dog’s sleeping style: fluffy round beds for dogs who like to curl up; longer, flatter beds for dogs who stretch out. A bolster bed allows a dog to rest its head up, while the removable cushion provides a place to “bury” their toys.
ALLOW Time for Adjustment
Don’t expect a new pet to feel immediately at home, or to bond with you from the get-go.
To get your new pet acclimated to her habitat, begin by leaving her there for only brief periods each day for the first few days.Load it with positive associations each time: Provide treats and toys, engage in playtime, and show ample love and affection.
Gradually leave the pet there for longer periods of time each day, working up from an hour to overnight. Unless your puppy is hurt, you’ll need to use tough love in ignoring the whimpers and pleas.
Avoid using your high-pitched, reassuring voice if your dog is begging to get out; this sends the message that you approve of her behavior. Instead, use a firm but gentle command to “be quiet” before walking away.
Once she’s adjusted, you can start leaving the door open to her crate so she can decide when she wants to come and go.
introduce new and existing pets
Expect to spend some time and effort in getting new and old pets adjusted to each other.
introducing cats: Cats can be fiercely territorial, so it’s a good idea to clip—but not declaw—both cats’ nails before they meet to reduce the risk of scratching each other, and also you. (Do this even if there is a dog but no other cat in the home.)
To prevent turf wars, keep cats in separate rooms for one or two weeks, letting them peek at each other through a screen or play with each other’s paws under a door.
During this time, switch the cats’ rooms each day but keep the other’s water bowls and litter box there. This will allow each cat to grow accustomed to the other’s scent.
When you’re ready to let them be in the same room, make it a fun experience by having enough treats and toys to go around. In case of a brawl, spray them (gently, and not in the eyes) with a water bottle.
Never leave your cat and dog alone together until they’re fully acclimated to each other’s presence. Keep the dog in his crate when you’re gone or unable to supervise—and keep the cat out of that room.
introducing dogs: While not as territorial as cats (generally speaking), some dogs can feel anxious or upset having to share their space (and your attention) with another.
You’ll want to supervise the pets for at least the first week, until you are comfortable with their relationship. Keep them in separate rooms when you are not at home.
When the new dog is in his crate, keep the old dog out of the room or area, and never let the old dog enter that crate when unoccupied.
Establish mealtime as a positive activity that they share. Start by feeding each dog (or a cat and dog) on either side of a baby gate, within view of each other. Gradually move their food bowls closer until both pets seem relaxed. Then remove the gate.
Rather than doling out punishment, heap praise on your pets (dogs and cats) for appropriately interacting with each other. Show equal amounts of affection to all.
Designating a safe space in your home for any new dog or cat is important. But it’s vital for a rescue animal, who might need extra time to adjust to the new surroundings. The animal may have had several different homes (including a noisy, stressful shelter), leaving her understandably anxious.
If you have kids, show them how to respect their new pet’s boundaries; for example, they need to understand why it’s important not to take toys away from an animal, hug her when she doesn’t want to be hugged, or enter the pet’s safe space without you.