
Lizzie A. Agra is currently a student at Rio Linda High School in Sacramento, California. Writing is just a pastime for her, but she’s honored to have this opportunity to share her story with the world. She sends her love to all those people in her life who have made her the person that she is. She sends all the readers her sincere regards. Remember, “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.”

Melinda Allen is a seventeen-year-old senior in Goffstown, New Hampshire. She holds a black belt in American Kenpo Karate and currently works as a karate instructor. Melinda is also an avid snowboarder and plans to continue both hobbies at Assumption College in the fall.

Katie Benson is a student at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. She likes to play soccer, snow ski and spend time with her friends. Katie can be reached by e-mail at

Rachel Bentley is one of eight adopted/permanent foster/birth sisters. She has spent over fifteen years helping her family minister to over forty foster kids, primarily troubled teen girls. Now in her twenties and married, Rachel still ministers to teenagers and is very outspoken on pro-family issues. She is also very involved in music and enjoys her eleven (so far!) nieces and nephews. She can be reached at

Andrea Blake is a college student currently pursuing a degree in social work. She has been working with at-risk youth in her community for two years. She has a strong dedication to empowering America’s youth for the future. Andrea helped create and write a teen resource guide for 30,000 area high-school students. She has also been a member of the National Network for Youth for two years. You can reach her by e-mail at

Michelle Bouchard is a full-time university student in Canada. She aspires to become a French immersion teacher. For the meantime, she is happy being young and independent. She would like to dedicate her writing to everyone who ever felt that there was something emotionally or physically “wrong” with themselves: You are not alone. Michelle can be reached by e-mail at or by mail at Box 228, Knutsford, British Columbia, Canada, VOE 2AO.

Alicia M. Boxler is a senior in high school, who enjoys hanging out with her friends, drawing, writing, playing the flute, and listening to Third Eye Blind and Blink 182. This story is dedicated to her best friends, Lisa, Erin, Ellie, and Danielle, who always proved that laughter is the best medicine. Alicia can be reached through e-mail at

Cassandra Brady is currently a college student in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. She enjoys writing for her own pleasure, but aspires to become a published poet in the future. This letter is dedicated to her close friend, Kella. She can be reached by e-mail at

Kelsey Brunone is a fourteen-year-old from Pennsylvania. She has enjoyed writing her entire life and had two poems published when she was thirteen— one in an anthology of poetry and the other in WordDance, (a children’s literary magazine). Kelsey wrote this letter when she was in the seventh grade.

Natalie Cabrera is a freshman in college majoring in communications. She has been a member of the Girl Scouts for twelve years and hopes to continue her involvement in the community. She hopes the Yellow Ribbon Program will inspire her and move others as she was by the powerful message it speaks. She can be reached by e-mail at

Kelsey Cameron is a second-year kinesiology student at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS. She is a ‘98 recipient of the Canadian Merit Scholarship, which has given her much support and motivation. When she is not busy with her role as a residence assistant, she’s training or teaching karate. Kelsey loves life and looks forward to one day fulfilling her dreams of becoming a doctor. She can be reached by e-mail at

Melanie Campbell—born, raised and educated throughout Asia—continues to write about the hardships others must endure due to poverty, corruption and a lack of love. A strong believer in human rights advocacy and philanthropy, her writing is dedicated to all people who fight to survive in a world where “innocence is lost too fast to understand and poverty captures millions unwilling to let go.”

Jiseon Choi is fourteen years old and is a high-school student in Santa Maria, California. She leads a bright and active life, and enjoys playing volleyball, talking on the phone, shopping, listening to music and playing the piano. This is her first story to be published, and she would like to thank God for all the wonderful blessings he has bestowed upon her.

Cheryl L. Costello-Forshey is a freelance writer and poet. Her poetry can be found in A 4th Course of Chicken Soup for the Soul, A 5th Portion of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II and III, Chicken Soup for the College Soul, Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul, Stories for a Teen’s Heart and Stories for a Faithful Heart. Cheryl can be reached by e-mail at

Mary Davis lives in Southern California and is a part of the class of 2002 at her high school. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family. She wrote “A Loving Change” during her freshman year and is very glad to be sharing it with you. She would like to thank all of the people who have been there for her and have supported her (you know who you are!). She can be reached by e-mail at

Lissa Desjardins is a junior in high school in New Brunswick, Canada. She hopes to pursue a career in fashion design. She has enjoyed doing figure skating for a number of years and plans to continue. This is Lissa’s first published work. She can be reached by e-mail at

Corey Dweck is the author of’s “Little Voice” column. His writing has appeared in such publications as MH-18, Real Kids Real Adventures #12, and The Market Guide for Young Writers, 6th Edition. He aspires and perspires to have his own book published. You can reach him by e-mail at

Deena Ecker is currently a student at Brandeis University. She has been a Girl Scout since she was five. She especially enjoyed her last year with her troop planning the Yellow Ribbon Program, making lists and eating peanut M&M’s. Deena enjoys reading, writing, acting and white-water river rafting with her family. She is more than overwhelmed with the fact that she was able to help so many people. Deena can be reached at

Katie Ecker is a student in South St. Paul, Minnesota. When she is older she would like to become a psychologist. When she was younger she would dream of being an author. She can be reached at

Dale and Dar Emme started the Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program after losing their youngest son, Mike, seventeen, to suicide in 1994 and are dedicated to saving lives. They are in high demand giving presentations, workshops and in-services to youth, parents, teachers, staff, churches and communities across America and internationally.

Emily Ferry is a nineteen-year-old college student at Moorpark Junior College. She plans to transfer to CSUN to get her B.A. in Child Psychology. In her spare time she wants to write, sing for her brother’s band, run her own restaurant and start a horseback-riding school. Although all of these might seem like a far-off, impossible fantasy she plans to try to do them all and hopes that a few of them will happen.

Michele Fiorentini is a freshman college student at the University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign. She is currently studying to be an accountant. Michele has been writing for a long time, though strictly for her own enjoyment. This is her first published work. She dedicates this story to those people who have been teased.

F.J.M. is a first-year student at the University of Toronto, where she is studying Physical and Health Education and Science. She loves swimming, camping, writing and leadership activities, and hopes to one day open her own clinic to help athletes with eating disorders. She wants to thank her friends for their love, laughs and smiles, and can’t wait to cross Canada on bike! Her writing is dedicated with love forever to A.G. and her mom.

Adam Heise is a student at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign. He is a born-again Christian who grew up in Lombard, Illinois. He is an avid outdoorsman, and aspires to be a high-school science teacher. He also enjoys music and reading when he’s not busy with schoolwork. He welcomes any questions or comments about alopecia areata. He can be reached by e-mail at

Wanda Marie Goh Jen Jen is a nineteen-year-old freshman in Monash University Sunway Malaysia, where she is currently pursuing a degree in Business and Commerce. She was the editor of the ECHO, Sunway College’s Editorial Board and has written for numerous Malaysian student publications. She enjoys writing poetry, art, traveling, dancing and hanging out with her friends. She can be reached by e-mail at or you can visit her Web site at

Jackie Johnstone is a grade twelve honors student at Preston High School in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. She enjoys hanging out with friends, writing and listening to music in her spare time. Her letter is dedicated to all of her incredible friends—life wouldn’t be the same without them. She can be reached by e-mail at

Karen is a fifteen-year-old high-school student who lives in Toronto, Ontario. She loves to draw, listen to music and spend time with her friends. Her letter is dedicated to a special friend.

Kirsti Kay was born in South Africa in 1983. Her father was an accountant and her mother is a teacher. She has a sister four years older than her. Her father died three days after her thirteenth birthday. She was homeschooled from grade eleven until she graduated at the end of 2000. She loves outdoor life. She has her own horse and rides as often as possible.

Heather Klassen is from Edmonds, Washington, and writes for children and teenagers. She has had two picture books published and over one hundred stories appear in magazines. She can be reached by e-mail at

Rebecca Kross is a student at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania. She is currently in her junior year and is majoring in French and International Careers. She has continued her study of music, playing the French horn for the Philharmonic Orchestra at her university. She would like to thank her mother for her constant love and encouragement. She can be reached at

Kari J. Lee attended Purdue University (B.A. ‘93) and Ball State University (M.A. ‘95, M.A. ‘98). She is a health education and social skills teacher for the Youth Opportunity Center and the Muncie Community Schools. She is currently working towards her doctorate degree and lives with her Chihuahua named Beani. She wrote this letter in honor of her students.

Gary LeRoux is twenty-five years old and lives in Louisiana. He is interested in reading and writing about juvenile issues. His writing skills mainly include letters and poetry concerning juvenile justice. He can be reached at P.O. Box 2103, Reserve, LA 70084.

Jennifer Lirette is a thirteen-year-old from Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. She is a serious student and enjoys writing, reading, listening to music, playing badminton, surfing the Internet and being involved with her school. She can be reached by e-mail at

Kim Lowery is a fifteen-year-old freshman. She loves animals and playing softball with her friends Chelsea and Andrea. She likes giving advice to her friends, as well as receiving it. She has learned so much from her mistakes and hopes to help others make the right decisions. After high school she wants to attend college. She greatly appreciates the help and support from her friends and family, especially her mother. She can be reached by e-mail at

Ashley Lusk is currently a member of the class of 2002 at F-C High School in Collinsville, Virginia. She enjoys reading, writing, drama and theater, Girl Scouts and the National Beta Club. She someday hopes to be a journalist, an actress or a teacher for the hearing impaired. She dedicates this to everyone who needs a fighting chance and to her mother. You can reach her by e-mail at

Lauren Mark is currently a senior at Catholic Memorial High School in Waukesha, Wisconsin. She loves jazz and modern dance, performing in musical theater with her friends, and little children. She loves to pour her emotions into her writing, whether it’s in letters to her friends or to Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Jennifer Martin is a writer and educator living in Roseville, California. She is listed in Who’s Who Among American Teachers, 1998. She has also hosted and produced local television programs as well as national shows on the Travel Network. She can be reached by e-mail at

Paula McDonald has sold over a million copies of her books on relationships and gone on to win numerous awards worldwide as a columnist, inspirational feature writer and photojournalist. She lives on the beach in Rosarito, Mexico. She can be contacted in the United States by writing PMB 724, 416 W. San Ysidro Blvd., Ste. L, San Ysidro, CA 92173 or by e-mailing

Crystal McHargue is currently between life paths: a job or college. This is her first published piece, which is exciting for an aspiring writer. She lives in Canada, but plans to move to the United States in the future.

Lisa McKinney is a beauty consultant in Spokane, Washington. She is a college student studying Criminal Justice at Spokane Falls. She would like to thank her mom for all her support. She can be reached by e-mail at

Kathy A. Megyeri has taught high-school English for thirty-four years. She is most proud of her students who have been published, one in particular in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul III. She, too, writes a monthly column on education concerns and is frequently a guest speaker on “infusing service-learning into the Language Arts curriculum.” She can be reached by e-mail at

Kerri Meulemans attends a Big Ten University. She intends to pursue a dual major in the fields of Journalism and Public Relations after finding great interest in serving as a creative editor for her high-school newspaper. She aspires to eventually obtain a career working for a newspaper, magazine or publishing company. She can be reached by e-mail at

Emily R. Monfort is a sophomore at South Eugene High School and International High School in Eugene, Oregon. She has never been published, but writing stories and poetry is one of her many hobbies. She plays soccer for her school, loves to snowboard, wakeboard and white-water raft with her family. She loves to read and, after finishing Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, she felt motivated to send in a story about a life experience that could be inspiring to others.

Rachel A. Morgan is a high-school sophomore in California. She enjoys writing political commentaries, and she has been published in several newspapers and magazines. Rachel is a strong advocate for children with disabilities, and she enjoys playing flute and piccolo. She can be reached via e-mail at

Jackie Morgenstern is a junior at McDowell High School in Erie, Pennsylvania. She is involved in many events at her church, such as her youth group, praise band, choir and her school basketball team. Jackie loves helping people and plans to go to college in the future. She can be reached by e-mail at

Laura Motyka is currently a college freshman. She plans on majoring in psychology and eventually obtaining a Ph.D. in neuropsychology. Writing is one of Laura’s favorite pastimes; poetry being her favorite style of writing. She began writing as a sophomore in high school with her high-school newspaper, and she has won several journalistic awards. Her letter is dedicated to David and Christine, because without them the story would not exist. She can be reached at Comments are greatly appreciated.

Dan Mulhausen is a student just graduated from Southridge High in Kennewick, Washington. After his letter was written he had foot surgery in the winter of ‘98, then came back and competed in his senior year of football and tennis. In football his team made the playoffs for the first time in school history and in tennis he was named team cocaptain. He awaits a response from Notre Dame University. He can be reached by e-mail at

Amanda Nulman is a recent graduate of Ramapo High School in Spring Valley, New York. She is currently a freshman at Cornell University studying atmospheric science. Amanda would like to thank her family and friends who helped make the project successful and for their endless patience, love and support. She can be reached at

Rachel Palmer is a student in Knoxville, Tennessee. She has had poems published in two anthologies, The Consuming Flame and The Mystical Night. Her letter is dedicated to her true-to-life hero, her father. She can be reached at

Amanda L. Poff is a young mother who is aspiring to be a poet. Besides writing, she enjoys nature, music and art. One of her biggest dreams is for her letter to influence teens to cherish their mothers. Mandy can be reached at P.O. Box 32, Princeton, IL 61356.

Caitlin Pollock is a fifteen-year-old aspiring author. She lives in British Columbia, Canada with her parents and older brother. Aside from writing fiction and nonfiction stories, Caitlin is an avid artist, scholar, musician and poet. She is thrilled to have a piece of her writing published in the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul series. Caitlin can be reached by e-mail at

Michelle Sander is the middle of three girls from a Northern California single-parent home. She graduated with honors from San Ramon Valley High School in June 2000, and began her higher education at the University of California, San Diego in the fall. She can be reached by e-mail at

Tara Sangster is currently a student at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She plans to pursue a degree in arts, majoring in English. Her story is dedicated to all those who see her as “normal.” She can be reached at

Stephanie Schultz is a sixteen-year-old junior at Waubonsie Valley High. She resides in Naperville, Illinois, with her parents and brothers. She enjoys working with special-needs children, and is actively involved in her church. Writing has been a way to show her feelings, and she hopes that they will bring inspiration to others. She wants her mom to know how proud she is of her for getting better, and that she loves her.

Erin Seto is a high-school student in Newmarket, Ontario. She is a serious student so school and homework occupy most of her time. When she has spare time she enjoys reading, playing the flute, eating gummy worms and keeping herself busy. “Guy Repellent” was her first writing project. She can be reached by e-mail at

Sherry and Jerry Sharp have been residents of Virginia for eleven years. Jerry is in retail management and Sherry is a Primary Montessori Directress in the District of Columbia Public Schools. Their daughter, Whitney, was seventeen at the time of her death. She was a senior at Mount Vernon High School in Alexandria, VA, class of 2000. She was a Level 10 USA gymnast and an IB honor student.

Ashley Sims is seventeen and lives in Morro Bay, California. She enjoys writing in her spare time. She feels that writing allows people to get in touch with their emotions and to express them. She hopes that one day she can help make a positive difference in the world.

Meridith A. Spencer is currently a Case Manager at Big Brothers of Mass Bay. She enjoys dancing, being silly and spending time with her family (Ken, Judi, Candice, Kenneth, Keith and Kyle). Although she no longer works at a treatment center, she will forever hold a special place in her heart for the girls of GL, especially ST and KM. She can be reached by e-mail at

Sarah Stillman is a junior in high school who loves writing, reading, and theater. She hopes to enter the field of psychology and has just published her first advice book, Soul Searching: A Girl’s Guide to Finding Herself. She also enjoys traveling, and hopes to some day study abroad. Sarah can be reached by e-mail at

Abbie Stratton is a senior student at Herdman Collegiate in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and she plans to attend Memorial University to study business. This is her second piece published. Her first was a poem in the book, Songs of the Dawn. She enjoys writing stories and poetry, and has been doing so for years. She can be reached at

Renee Tanner lives in Northern Virginia with her parents, sister and her little puppy dog. She enjoys reading, writing and playing basketball.

Laura Glenn Thornhill is pursuing her undergraduate degree at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. She would like to dedicate this story to the memory of her sister and father, as well to her most cherished friends and the source of all her inspiration: her family. She can be reached by e-mail at

Jodi Vest erby was raised in Olivia, Minnesota. She currently attends Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, and will graduate in 2001 with a degree in English Education. While attending Concordia, she has been involved in Campus Ministry, Habitat for Humanity and Justice Journeys. She can be reached by e-mail at

Laurel Walker is a public relations student in Nova Scotia, Canada, and will be graduating in June 2001. She hopes that her first piece of published work will inspire others to keep fighting through difficult times. Much love and thanks to family, friends and teachers for their support. Laurel can be reached by e-mail at

Nikie Walker is seventeen years old. She lives in Croton, Ohio. She enjoys all sports and is an athletic student trainer at her high school. She is involved in student council and is a class officer. She also volunteers her time to teach younger children about the effects of drugs and alcohol through programs such as Teen Advisors and Prom Promise. She enjoys writing poetry from the heart in her spare time. She is recovering slowly, but she says that the most important thing is that God has been by her side and is allowing her to walk again. She can be reached by e-mail at

Samantha Yeomans is seventeen years old. She enjoys writing poetry and hanging out with her boyfriend and friends. She hopes that her letter will help people as much as the stories in the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul books have helped her. You can reach her by e-mail at

Elizabeth Young lives in California and is currently a senior in high school. She writes for her school newspaper and wrote this letter because she wants teenagers to know how fast life can slip away. She can be reached at

Myrna Yuson is now a third-year student at the University of California, Davis. She is studying exercise science and plans on going to physical therapy school.