For eighteen hours after the G&T meeting broke up, Hook Hall was in full swing.
Secretary Bo Zhang and Commander King quickly struck up a bureaucratic rapport. King would take overall control, with Bo Zhang in charge of implementation. A Hook Hall team was to fly out to Shanghai and set up nano-radar in the Forbidden City, with cover particularly thick around the Shen Yu experimental quantum plant. Suitable headquarters and accommodation would be found. Signatories to the G&T agreement the world over were informed that a preliminary investigation was taking place and that the threat level was judged AMBER.
A team of technicians in the CFAC prepared to fire-up Al’s Henge for the second time in twenty-four hours in order to shrink more radar systems and nano-supplies.
Stubbs supervised final adjustments to two brand new X2 nCraft – aka ‘Skimmers’ (way prettier than the Ugly Bug, like torpedoes crossed with flying fish) – while Kelly and Delta stocked up on supplies and went through tactical and fallback procedures with military planners, both loving the ‘mission focus’ after so many months idle.
In southwest France, as a precaution, eleven members of the Equipe Bleu of the Commando Hubertfn1 cancelled a long lunch and a game of pétanque as they were scrambled to join the special operations vessel A645 Alizé then 200 miles West of French Polynesia, now diverting north to Chinese waters.
And Finn …
Finn spent his thirteenth birthday struggling against a Gale Force 7 sulk.
Grandma held a unique position within Hook Hall set up by dint of being Al’s mother, Finn’s grandmother, and Totally Formidable (she’d spent half a lifetime caring for the criminally insane as Lead Nurse at Broadmoor, the UK’s most high-security hospital) and there was absolutely no way she was going to let Finn go on the mission with the rest of the nano-crew. She hated her grandson to be unhappy, but it was preferable to him being dead.
And Finn certainly was unhappy. He had refused to ‘go’ to school with Hudson, refused to help any of the crew or Al with their preparations, even refused to accept a Skype call from Carla (as she had the audacity to be in China herself, if a good 1000 miles south of Shanghai).
He spent most of the day in his nano-room, torturing himself by checking out epic Chinese bugs online. He had a classic green praying mantis in his collection already, but China boasted extraordinary multi-coloured versions, striped like tigers and poised like kung fu masters ten times his size. Not that he was going to see one. Not that he was going to see anything …
He reappeared at teatime to make one last desperate appeal.
“I am going!” he demanded.
“No!” repeated Grandma.
“It’s not fair!” said Finn.
“Nothing is fair,” Al confirmed, “but this is just an exploratory investigation.”
“So I’m involved in everything we do – but I’m dropped as soon as anything exciting happens?!” said Finn. “Everybody is going to be there!”
“I’ll still be here!” said Grandma. “And Hudson’s coming for a birthday sleepover!”
“No he isn’t! I’m going to China! I have medals from three countries! Look around, do you see any Scarlatti wasps?” asked Finn.
“Firstly,” said Al, wagging his finger, “you weren’t meant to be involved in Scarlatti. That was an accident from which we’re still trying to recover and, secondly, think of me, Grandma and Yo-yo. We nearly lost you once, we’re not going through that again.”
“Hear hear!” agreed Grandma. “God saves the world one soul at a time, and you’re next.”
“And we’re not going to make it worse for you by allowing you to get killed!” Al replied.
Finn threw an empty nano-water bottle up at him. It bounced off his chest.
“Come on,” pleaded Al. “If this is a real attack, and it’s probably not, but if it is? Kaparis is behind it.”
“It’s YOU he wants, Finn. That ridiculous man …” said Grandma, having to repack Al’s bag to cope with the thought.
“When a man that crazy, that powerful, is focused on taking over the world – that’s bad enough,” said Al. “But when he’s gunning for revenge against a thirteen-year-old boy? Let’s not go there.”
“I’ve already beaten him once and I’m not afraid of death!” said Finn.
“Infinity!” cried Grandma.
Al snapped his fingers and pointed straight down at him. “That’s the Drake family problem right there – like father like son. No temporal fear. On the Allenby side, we live in constant terror. Your mother was the only one of us with any guts.”
“So – what, I’m always going to be hostage to your feelings?! You’re going to leave me behind all my life, I’m never going to be allowed to do anything, is that it?” Finn was so angry he thought he might burst.
“Yes,” confirmed Grandma.
“No!” said Al, “because Kaparis will soon be caught and you will soon be macro again and we’re all going to live happily ever after.”
“Oh yeah? When exactly – and how about the truth for once. Because you’ve been promising that for a while and all we’ve got so far is a dead mouse!”
Finn stormed back towards the seed tray tower block.
Al sighed. “Finn, stop … Truth is, there is a possibility that we may never be able to bring you guys back to size,” Al said.
A moment stretched in silence. Finn felt weak at the knees. It felt strange having someone speak your worst fear out loud.
“But it’s one possibility out of many,” said Al, leaning into the compound. “I want you to look at me …”
Finn looked up into Al’s clear, crazed, curious eyes.
“Your father used to say ‘we are bound only by the speed of light and our imagination’ and no matter what it takes, I will find a solution and bring you back – so help me Richard Feynman.”fn2
Grandma appeared over Al’s shoulder, eyes filling for all three of them. “Before he could walk or talk your Uncle Al could work a television remote control. He’ll find a way to fix things.”
Al paused. “You are precious to us, see … And we’re never going to put you at risk again.”
Finn bowed his head, resigned. While they loved him he was their prisoner; that’s just the way it was with families.
“And stop behaving as if it’s the end of the world,” insisted Grandma. “This is not an ‘end of the world’ situation – it’s term time.”
When it came time for goodbyes it was all a bit of a rush.
“Happy birthday, kiddo,” said Kelly and scuffed Finn’s hair, offering his great block of a fist to bump – an action that usually deteriorated into a punch to the side of Finn’s head as Kelly pretended to forget how to do it. “Sorry you’re not coming with us.”
“No you’re not,” said Finn, taking the punch.
“True,” Kelly lied. “But someone has to stay at mission control.”
“Think yourself lucky,” said Stubbs. “I don’t travel well at all.”
“We’re supposed to be a team!” said Finn.
“And you’re supposed to be thirteen years old,” said Delta, hugging him. “What matters most is you staying in one piece.”
Finn watched them climb aboard a model train bound for the CFAC exit.
“We’ll be back before you know it!” said Delta.
“I’m not going to think about any of you!” Finn called as they pulled away. “I’ve got Yo-yo, I know he loves me!”
“Yo-yo doesn’t love you,” came Al’s voice from on high, “he’s just the dumbest connection of nerve endings, protein and hair ever thrown together by a random universe.”
Al saluted and winked.
“Text me updates – and Skype as well – and bring me back a kung-fu mantis, not just a green one but something special! And don’t you dare have any fun!” Finn yelled.
“Moi?” grinned Al, all innocent.
“Sir, the Commander is waiting,” called a technician.
Al’s last words were, “Look after Grandma!”
Then Finn watched his uncle disappear.
Up on a monitor he saw him getting hurried across the CFAC to a waiting chopper. Soon they’d all be on an overnight flight to Shanghai. Power was leaking from the building.
At least he and Hudson could spend the rest of his birthday repeatedly blasting their way through successive digital war zones while consuming snack food. It would give him time to process his emotions and the events of the day. There are limits on everything when you’re thirteen years old, he thought … A thought immediately interrupted by—
WHUMP! The sides of the biosphere shook.
“Hey. Birthday greetings,” said Hudson.
Without fail, and despite repeated warnings about vibration, Hudson would chuck down his school bag whenever he came into the lab, sending a minor shockwave through the nano-compound that could shake Finn clean out of bed.
Hudson collapsed into the beanbag next to the compound, fringe flopping over the top of his glasses as he emitted the latest playground gossip. “Guess what? Skeggy’s older sister took him to get a tattoo of a phoenix but his mum found out and stopped it halfway so now it just looks like a chicken with worms coming out of its butt.”
He stopped at the sound of the helicopters overhead.
“Hey, where’s everybody going?”
“Secret mission. Can’t say or I’d have to kill you,” said Finn.
“I thought we were meant to be a team?” said Hudson, indignant.
“Tell me about it,” said Finn.
“We are a team!” said Grandma, catching the end of the exchange as she bustled into the lab, dragging Hudson’s sack of sleepover bedding after her. “We’re the three musketeers! It’s me, you and Hudson!”
Yap! added Yo-yo, bouncing in her wake.
“And Yo-yo. And guess what I’ve got tickets for?” Grandma looked very pleased with herself.
“What?” Finn hardly dared ask.
“Bulb Expo! Tomorrow!”
“Bulb Expo?” said Finn.
“Turns out Commander King is very senior in the Royal Horticultural Society and he’s given me three tickets. We’ll have a marvellous time!”
“Is it a light show?” asked Hudson
“No, silly,” said Grandma, “it’s garden bulbs! Like The X Factor for flowers.”
Garden bulbs? Finn felt something snap inside.
“I am not going to a poxy flower show!” he yelled.
“Nonsense. I can’t just go with Hudson. We can’t be two musketeers, we must be three!”
“Yes you can – he can tell you about his butt worms.”
“Goodness. Have you got worms, Hudson?” asked Grandma.
Hudson looked stricken.
“Not me!” cried Hudson. “Skeggy!”
“Who on earth is ‘Skeggy’?”
Hudson regarded her in terror, knowing he was about to undergo ruthless cross-examination.
Finn was about to storm back to his quarters when suddenly he was struck by a brilliant idea.
“Hold on,” said Finn. “Grandma, where exactly is this flower show?”
He was going to do it …
Because he had learned a lesson after all today – you have to take your chances …
Kaparis received intelligence reports of helicopters heading north from Hook Hall towards Heathrow and the holding of a China Airlines flight.
Tedious, he thought and felt a tingle of irritation.
They must have spotted Baptiste was one of his and decided to act. They would be too late, of course.
Should he bring bot distribution forward? He had the time. He would soon have the numbers.
Or maybe he just needed to create a little distraction?
To muddy the waters and give Allenby a shock he would never forget?
“Prepare a Viper squad,” he ordered Li Jun.
Two and a half hours later, Dr Allenby, Commander King and the thirty-three other members of the Hook Hall detachment were cruising at 35,000 feet in a Boeing 747 bound for Shanghai. The evening meal had been served and the cabin lights had been dimmed.
The flight would take eleven hours and they would move seven hours forward in time. Al was reading The Art of War by the ancient Chinese warrior, Sun Tzu, to get into the right mood. “The General who wins makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought,” he informed anyone who’d listen.
Out of the window the endless night passed, deep with secrets.
Sparks flew as carbon was fed into spark gaps at one end of the production suite. It was consumed, worked and transformed as it was drawn along an assembly line.
*25766 …
An instruction from an XE.CUTE bot at the head of each suite determined which of the fifty-two types of bot would be replicated.
*25767 …
There were now forty-three production suites fixed like leeches to the electronic innards of the cash till, each a miniature factory, each running at full capacity. Eleven more were partially constructed across cash tills #2 and #3.
*25768 …
Bots crawled and flew through the three cash tills and constantly swapped data and power through long whip-like antennae, bots of every kind and colour, waiting to slot into place to form a new production suite on the crammed motherboards.
*25769 …
Desperate to replicate.
The PRIME XE.CUTE sat at the head of suite #1. Like every other XE.CUTE in the botmass it passed on the photonic light of life as each new bot emerged. With a quantum kiss.
It was endless.
*25770 …
*25771 …
*25772 …
*25773 …
*25774 …