
The following acknowledgments represent an extension of the copyright page:

Artforum (February 1965), by permission of the publisher.

Charles Amirkhanian from a radio interview (1983), by permission of Charles Amirkhanian.

William Anastasi, from Cage’s comments in his theater piece You Are (1977), by permission of William Anatasi.

Laurie Anderson, interview in Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, courtesy of the publisher.

John Ashbery, “Cheering up Our Knowing,” New York (April 10, 1978), by permission of the interviewer.

Larry Austin, interview in Source: Music of the Avant Garde, II/2 (1968), by permission of the interviewer.

Jack Behrens, interview in manuscript (1981), by permission of the author.

Max Blechman, interview in Drunken Boat 2 (1994), by permission of the interviewer.

Lars Gunnar Bodin, Bengt Emil Johnson, Deborah Hay, reprinted by permissions of L.G.Bodin and Deborah Hay.

Frans Boenders, by permission of the author.

Jacqueline Bossard, Musique de tous les temps, supplement au # 52 (December 1970), by permission of Ornella Volta.

Jonathan Brent, Tri-Quarterly 52, a publication of Northwestern Univ. (Evanston, IL) by permission of the publisher.

Scan Bronzell and Ann Suchomski, interview in Catch (Knox College), by permission of the faculty advisor.

Anthony Brown, interview in *asterisk, by permission of the interviewer.

Kathleen Burch et al., interview in The Guests Go in to Supper (Oakland, CA: Burning Books, 1986), by permission of the publisher.

Deborah Campana, by permission of the interviewer.

Rick Chatenever, “Cage’s ‘Found Sound,’” Santa Cruz Sentinel (August 20, 1982), by permission of the publisher.

Cinema Now (University of Cincinnati, 1968), by permission of Michael Porte and Hector Currie.

Roy Close, reprinted from the Minneapolis Star (April 18, 1975), by permission of the interviewer.

Robert Commanday, reprinted from San Francisco Chronicle/This World (November 10, 1968), by permission of the interviewer.

David Cope, (1980 interview) in The Composer 10 and 11, by permission of the interviewer.

Robert Cordier, by permission of the interviewer.

Paul Cummings, interview in manuscript, by permission of the interviewer.

Marc Dachy, et al., from Conversations avec John Cage (2000), by permission of Marc Dachy; translated from French into English with Alain Arias-Misson.

Tom Darter, “John Cage,” reprinted from Keyboard (September, 1982) by permission of GPI Publications, 20085 Stevens Creek, Cupertino, CA 95014. Copyright © 1982 by GPI Publications.

Gwen Deely, previously unpublished interview, by permission of R.Gwen Deely.

Martin Duberman, from Black Mountain (1972), by permission of Martin Bauml Duberman.

William Duckworth, interview in Talking Music (1995) by permission of the interviewer.

Simone Ellis, previously unpublished interview, copyright © 2001 by Simone Ellis.

Morton Feldman (B.Marcus and F.Pellizzi), conversation in Res: Journal of Anthropology and Aesthetics 6 (autumn 1983), by permission of the publisher.

Robert Filliou, from Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts (König, 1970), by permission of the publisher.

Don Finegan et al., “Choosing Abundance,” North American Review (fall 1969 and winter 1970), by permission of the publisher. Copyright © 1969, 1970 by the University of Northern Iowa.

Laura Fletcher and Thomas Moore, interview in Sonus 3 (1983), by permission of the publisher. Copyright © 1982 by Sonus.

Monique Fong and Françoise Marie, unpublished interview, by permission of Monique Fong (Wust).

Peter Franck and Bette Frank, reprinted from manuscript by permission of the interviewers.

Maureen Furman, “Zen Composition,” East West Journal (May 1979), by permission of the publisher. Copyright © 1979 by East West Journal.

Cole Gagne and Tracy Caras. “Interview with John Cage,” New York Arts Journal 1 no. 1 (May 1976); copyright © 1975 by Cole Gagne and Tracy Caras, reprinted by permission of the interviewers.

Cole Gagne and Tracy Caras. Interview in Soundpieces (Scarecrow, 1982); copyright © 1982 by Cole Gagne and Tracy Caras, reprinted by permission of the interviewers.

Anne Gibson, interview for radio series “J.S.Bach: A Celebration of Genius” (CBC, 1985), by permission of the producer.

Alan Gillmor, interview in manuscript, by permission of the interviewer.

Alan Gillmor and Roger Shattuck, interview in manuscript, by permission of the interviewers.

Niksa Gligo, original English transcript, by permission of the interviewer.

Jeff Goldberg, “John Cage Interview,” Soho Weekly News (September 12, 1974), by permission.

Jeff Goldberg. “John Cage Interviewed,” Transatlantic Review 55–56 (May 1976), by permission.

Mark Gresham, “John Cage” (1991 interview), in Choral Conversations (San Carlos, CA: Thomas House, 1997), by permission of the author. Copyright © 1991, 1997 by Mark Gresham.

Ev Grimes, by permission of the interviewer. Copyright © 1985 by Ev Grimes.

Terry Gross, “Fresh Air” (September 10, 1982), by permission of the interviewer.

Mary Emma Harris, interview in manuscript, by permission of the interviewer. Copyright © 1987 by Mary Emma Harris.

John Held Jr., from a cable television interview (1987), by permission of the interviewer.

Hans G.Helms, by permission of the interviewer.

Paul Hersh, Santa Cruz Express (August 19, 1982), by permission of the publisher.

Paul Hertelendy, San Jose Mercury News (August 19, 1982), by permission of the interviewer.

Dick Higgins, interview in manuscript, by permission of Richard C.Higgins.

Thorn Holmes, Recordings 3, no. 3 (1981), by permission of the publisher.

Stanley, Kauffmann, moderator. “The Changing Audience for the Changing Arts/Panel,” From The Arts: Planning for Change (Associated Councils of the Arts, 1966), by permission of the publisher.

Michael Kirby and Richard Schechner, “An Interview,” Tulane Drama Review 10, no. 2 (winter 1965), by permission of the publisher, MIT Press.

John Kobler, “Everything We Do Is Music,” The Saturday Evening Post (19 October 1968), by permission of the author.

Richard Kostelanetz, Thirty Years of Critical Engagements with John Cage (Archae, 1996), by permission of the author. Copyright © 1968, 1970, 1981, 1987, 1996 by Richard Kostelanetz.

Richard Kostelanetz, et al., symposium in Marilyn Belford and Jerry Herman, eds., Time and Space Concepts in Art (Pleiades Gallery, 1979), by permission of Joellen Bard.

Art Lange, “Interview with John Cage 10/4/77,” Brilliant Corners 8 (winter 1978), by permission of the interviewer.

Alcides Lanza, “… We Need a Good Deal of Silence…,” Revista de Letras 3, no. 11 (September 1971), by permission of the interviewer.

Lebel, Jean-Jacques, by permission of the author.

Lisa Low, Boston Review (July 1985), by permission of Lisa Elaine Low.

Geneviere Marcus, Coast FM & Fine Arts (March 1970), by permission of the interviewer.

Olivia Mattis interview (1988), by permission of interviewer. Copyright © 1988 by Olivia Mattis

Joseph H.Mazo, by permission of the author.

Thomas McEvilley, by permission of the interviewer.

Middlebury College Magazine (winter 1981), by permission.

Ilhan Mimaroglu, unpublished interview by permission of the interviewer.

Le Monde (November 2, 1973), by permission of the publisher.

Stephen Montague, “Significant Silences of a Musical Anarchist,” Classical Music (Rhinegold Press, London; May 22, 1982), by permission of the author and publisher.

Stephen Montague. Interview in manuscript (1982), by permission of the author.

Jay Murphy, “Interview: John Cage,” Red Bass 8/9 (1985), by permission of the interviewer.

Arlynn Nellhaus, The Denver Post (July 5, 1968), by permission of the publisher.

New England Conservatory discussion (1976), by permission of the New England Conservatory of Music.

Max Nyffeler, Dissonanz 6 (September 1970), by permission of the interviewer.

Birger Ollrogge, interview in manuscript (1985), by permission of the interviewer.

Tim Page, “A Conversation with John Cage,” Boulevard 3 (fall 1986), by permission of the interviewer.

Joan Peyser, from Boulez: Composer, Conductor, Enigma (Schirmer Books, 1976), by permission of the author. Copyright © 1976 by Katomo Ltd.

Press conference, Cologne (1983), by permission of Bill Ritchie and Kathan Brown.

Susan Reimer, The Post (Ohio University, April 10, 1973), by permission of the author and the publisher.

Roger Reynolds, “Interview,” Generation (1961), by permission of the author.

Moira and William Roth, “John Cage on Marcel Duchamp,” Art in America (November–December, 1973), by permission of the publisher and the author.

Irving Sandler, previously unpublished interview (1966), by permission of the author. Copyright © 1987 by Irving Sandler.

Klaus Schöning, previously unpublished interview, by permission of the author.

David Sears, Dance News (March, 1981), by permission of the author.

David Shapiro, “A Collaboration in Art,” Res: Journal of Anthropology and Aesthetics 10 (autumn 1985), pp. 103–116, by permission of the author.

Bill Shoemaker, “The Age of Cage,” down beat (December 1984), by permission of down beat magazine.

Rose Slivka, from Craft Horizons (December 1978 and February 1979), by permission of Rose C.S.Slivka.

Stuart Smith, “Interview with John Cage,” Percussive Notes, 21, no. 3 (March 1983), by permission of the publisher. Copyright 1983 by Percussive Arts Society.

Ellsworth Snyder, two previously unpublished interviews (1975 for Wisconsin Public Radio; 1985 at North Carolina School of the Arts), by permission of the interviewer.

Arnold Jay Smith, symposium in down beat (October 20, 1977), by permission of down beat magazine.

Source 6 (1969), Cage’s response to questionnaire, by permission of Larry Austin. David Stanton, Southern California Magazine (1982), by permission of the interviewer.

David Sterritt, “Composer John Cage, Master of Notes—and Sounds,” Christian Science Monitor (May 4, 1982), by permission of the publisher. Copyright © 1982 by The Christian Science Publishing Society. All rights reserved.

Joel Eric Suben, interview on audiotape (1983), by permission of the interviewer.

Harry Sumrall, Mercury News (May 2, 1986), San Jose, CA, by permission of the author.

Roger Smalley and David Sylvester, “John Cage Talks,” BBC (1967), by permission of the BBC and Roger Smalley.

Rob Tannenbaum, “A Meeting of Sound Minds,” Musician, by permission of Musician magazine and the author’s agent, March Tenth, Inc.

Andrew Timar et al., “A Conversation with John Cage,” excerpted from Musicworks 17 (fall 1981), by permission of the publisher (1087 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ontario M6R 2N1).

Calvin Tomkins, 1965 interview in The Bride and the Bachelors (expanded ed., Viking, 1968), by permission of the author.

Regina Vater, previously unpublished interview (1976), by permission of the interviewer.

C.H.Waddington, Biology and the History of the Future (Edinburgh University Press, 1972), by permission of the publisher.

Anne Waldman, Talking Poetics from Naropa Institute, by permission of Anne Waldman, editor.

Michael John White, “King of the Avant-Garde,” Sunday Observer (September 26, 1982), by permission of the Observer Magazine, London.

Robin White, interview at Crown Point Press, Oakland, CA, View 1, no. 1 (1978), by permission of Point Publishers.

Thomas Wulffen, “An Interview with John Cage,” New York Berlin 1, no. 1 (1985), by permission of the publisher.

Yale School of Architecture, Perspecta: The Yale Architectural Journal 11 (1967), by permission of the publisher.

Walter Zimmerman, “Desert Plants: John Cage,” Inselmusik (Beginner Press, 1981), by permission of the author.

Michael Zwerin, from International Herald Tribune (1982) and Close Enough for Jazz (Quartet Books, 1983), by permission of the author.

Everything else by John Cage, with his permission. Copyright © 1987 by John Cage.

Every effort has been made to verify the spelling of all proper names and to trace the ownership of all copyrighted material, in addition to making full acknowledg-ment of the latter’s use. If any error or omission has occurred, it will be corrected in subsequent editions, providing that appropriate notification is submitted in writing to the author at P.O. Box 454, Rockaway Beach, NY 11693.