Discussion Questions

  1. At the beginning of Unbreakable, Jonathon Wiese expressed doctrinal views that differed from some of the other members of Kingdom Mennonite Church. Did you understand how he felt? Did you agree or disagree with him?
  2. In the media there have been several reports of people vandalizing churches and religious graveyards. This kind of persecution seems to be increasing. What do you think fuels these kinds of attacks? How should people of faith respond?
  3. Noah refused to help Jonathon and Roger guard the road to Kingdom. Did you agree with him? Why or why not?
  4. Lizzie had a hard time trusting Roger because of the way he treated her and other Kingdom children when they were in school. Was she right to be wary of him, or should she have simply accepted him without question? What would you have done?
  5. Samuel was so opposed to Jonathon’s views that he treated him with suspicion even after Jonathon rescued Hope from an attack on the road. Do you think Samuel treated Jonathon unjustly?
  6. Should Ebbie have broken his engagement to Hope, or should he have fought for her?
  7. Were you able to feel compassion for Sophie Wittenbauer, or did you dislike her for her selfish choices?
  8. What about Sheriff Ford? Could you understand his bitterness toward the church after his wife ran away with his pastor? Have you witnessed anything like this in your own church? How can we avoid these hurtful incidents?
  9. If the citizens of Kingdom had been more willing to fight back, would it have saved Avery’s life? Should they have been more proactive?
  10. How do you feel about the Mennonite belief in nonviolence? Do you understand the reasons they hold fast to this doctrine? Did reading Unbreakable change your mind?
  11. What did you think about the different ways Jonathon and Ebbie chose to defend Hope’s life?
  12. Did Hope choose the right man to marry? Why or why not?