As always, my thanks to Judy Unruh, Alexanderwohl Church Historian in Goessel, Kansas. Unbreakable took us into new territory. Your encouraging words about my attempts to portray the struggle Mennonites face as they stand “unbreakable” in their nonviolent beliefs meant more to me than I can say. Thanks for hanging in with me through this literary journey. You’re such a blessing.
To my dear friends Gus and Penny Dorado: Thank you for being there for me, answering my questions, and giving me a recipe for Amish ice cream!
To the “Girliebeans” who have lifted me up and encouraged me more times than I can count: I love you all. Thank you so much for being there.
To Raela Schoenherr and Sharon Asmus: You’re my heroes. I thank God for you both.
To the employees of Bethany House and Baker Publishing: You’ve shown me through your support and encouragement that this isn’t a one-woman show. It’s a team effort. I’m so honored to be a part of such a great team.
Most important, I offer up humble thanks to my loving Father, who carefully orders my steps and keeps me from straying off the path He’s planned for me. All I want is to honor Him.