Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
21 Grams, 204–206
2001: A Space Odyssey, 25, 181, 187–200, 204, 207, 253nn23–24–25, 255n39, 255n42, 256n55, 257n64
absorption: and theatricality, 49, 123
acousmatic sound, 108–109, 113
acting: histrionic style, 7–8, 110; verisimilar style, 78, 80–81
Aldini, Giovanni, 7–9
Aliens, 196
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), 139
All That Jazz, 171–73
Altman, Rick, 119, 123, 129, 138–39, 171, 241n40, 242n42, 243n60, 244n67, 244n80, 250n65
American Beauty, 169
American Mutoscope, 23, 35, 57
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 43–44
And a Little Child Shall Lead Them, 76
Angels with Dirty Faces, 60–61, 63
animal tests, 42–44, 52–53
Applause, 24, 118–25, 131, 134, 140, 240n21, 241n32, 241n36, 242n41, 242nn43–44, 242n47, 243n53
Ariès, Philippe, 3, 20, 84, 162, 221n7, 224n38, 225n48, 236n42
Arnheim, Rudolf, 118, 241n36
ars moriendi, 162–63
art of memory, 96–97. See also mnemonic
Artwohl, Robert, 4, 221n8
attractions, 27, 29, 133–34, 141
Auerbach, Jonathan, 29, 41, 44, 46–47, 51, 226n3, 229n45, 230n49, 230n57
Aumont, Jacques, 72–73, 233n16
auteur, 70
automata, 6–7
Autopsy (HBO), 192
The Avenging Conscience, 76
Back from the Dead (Science Channel), 10
backstage musical, 171
Balázs, Béla, 65, 67, 69, 73, 105, 114, 126, 133, 141, 232n2, 232n6, 239n3, 241n22, 241n30, 242n49, 243n54, 243n56, 244n68
The Barbarian, Ingomar, 73
Barnouw, Erik, 34, 226nn10–11, 227n20
Barnum and Bailey, 43, 54
Barthes, Roland, 5, 17, 83, 216, 222n12, 250n63
Bazin, André, 14–18, 30, 59, 79, 84, 99, 127, 224n31, 224n33, 224n35, 238n65, 247n30, 250n63
Beauvoir, Simone de, 22, 225n47
beheading: and Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, 30–35, 36; in painting, 38–39
Beheading the Chinese Prisoner, 35
Behind the Scenes, 67, 69–70, 88, 92, 100, 232n3, 233n11, 234n23, 241n38
Benjamin, Walter, 51, 160, 230n58, 248n42
Berger, Hans, 180
Bergson, Henri, 14
Best, Stephen, 133, 244n71
Bierce, Ambrose, 144
The Big Clock, 159, 248n38
The Big Combo, 140
bioethics, 187; and President’s Committee of Bioethics, 9, 186
Biograph Studios, 23, 35, 57, 66, 68–74, 76–80, 83, 101, 233n11, 234n25, 235n31, 240n16
biomedia (Thacker), 198–99
The Birth of a Nation, 81–82, 228n32, 244n71
blackface, 107, 115–17
Blade Runner, 6
Blake, Robert, 34, 227nn12–13
body genres. See melodrama
La Boheme, 81
Bonitzer, Pascal, 125
Bonnie and Clyde, 18
brain death, 183–86, 212, 214
Braunberger, Pierre, 14
Brewster, Ben, 77–78, 234n26, 234n28, 235n30
The Bride of Frankenstein, 135
Broce, Gerald, 162–63, 249n48, 249n53
Broken Blossoms, 83
Bronfen, Elisabeth, 20, 224n41, 226n9
Brooks, Peter, 81, 119, 128, 159–62, 167, 171, 235n35, 236n43, 241n39, 243n59, 246n21, 248n37, 248n40, 249nn43–44
Brown, Harold, 9, 44, 52, 230n60
Browning, Robert, 145
Browning, Tod, 127, 136, 172
Bruhier, Jacques-Jean, 8
Buckley, Christopher, 212, 257n69
Buffalo Bill, 45, 229n41
The Bullfight, 14, 224n33
Buñuel, Luis, 169, 254n28
Burch, Noël, 39, 221n1, 228n28
Burgoyne, Robert, 191, 254n29, 254n31, 254n33
Bush, Jeb, 185
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 93, 237n57
Cagney, James, 2
Camille (1936), 140
A Career of Crime no. 5: The Death Chair, 48, 57
Carlito’s Way, 171
Cartwright, Lisa, 186, 231n65, 252n18, 254n26, 255n39, 255n45, 256n53
Chion, Michel, 189–90, 192–94, 240n11, 240n13, 240n18, 241n27, 246n18, 253nn23–24–25, 254n27, 254n34, 255nn37–38, 255n40, 255n42, 255n44, 256n55
chronophotography, 30
circus, 43
Clark, Alfred, 32
Clark, Arthur C. See 2001: A Space Odyssey
Clover, Carol, 204, 239n7, 256n60, 257n68
Coma, 212
Comolli, Jean-Louis, 195, 255nn46–47–48
contingency, 50–51
A Corner in Wheat, 70, 80, 94, 149
coroner, as term, 34
The Country Doctor, 24, 65, 66, 71, 81, 86–87, 90–91, 94–95, 99, 101–102, 149, 218, 220, 237n53, 238n64
Cranford, Ronald, 179, 184–85, 213, 252nn13–14
Cruzan, Nancy, 184, 212, 252n12, 257n67
Curtis, Scott, 170, 197–98, 212n10, 250nn63–64, 252n17, 255n49
Dead Man Walking, 59, 63, 240n54
death: and cinematic technology, 15–18, 70, 105–106, 144, 215–18; and life, 5, 23, 105; and “on/off” switch, 42, 50, 104, 113, 123, 154, 180; and technology, 6–10, 25, 99, 183–86; and repetition, 14, 17, 59, 92; as lack of synchronization, 135; as photographic stillness, 13–14, 76, 84; history of confirming, 6–10, 75, 82, 214; multiple moments of, 10, 12–13, 18–20, 57, 72, 74–75, 101, 117, 152–77, 215; natural, 22, 184; violent, 22, 26; virtual, 203. See also dying; posthumous motion; registration
death drive, 160–62
decapitation. See beheading
Deleuze, Gilles, 86, 92, 236n45
Demolition of a Wall, 58
The Departure of a Great Old Man, 83
Descartes, René, 6, 222n15
Detour, 156–57, 159, 166, 248n34
Detweiler, Robert, 144–45, 245n3
Dick, Kirby, 218
Dickinson, Emily, 145
Diderot, Denis, 8, 230n52
diegetic screen (monitor), 189–90, 195–96, 199, 206
digital media, 190, 197, 199, 207
Dircks, Henry, 34
disembodiment, 62, 65, 105–106, 113, 129, 131–35, 181, 192–94, 217
D.O.A. (1950), 143, 144, 152–53, 157–59, 162, 166, 171
Doane, Mary Ann, 36, 49–51, 54, 58–59, 103, 105, 113, 115, 117, 125, 227n19, 230n53, 230n59, 231n65, 231n71, 239n5, 240n19, 247n27
documentary, 20, 26, 169, 198, 209, 218–20
Donnie Darko, 24, 171, 175–76
Double Indemnity, 156, 165, 166, 247n28, 247n31
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931), 126, 243n57
Dracula (1931), 127, 239n4
Dunne, Philip, 147
dying, 4, 22, 23, 26: and narrative editing, 69, 73; as cinematic form, 59, 84, 150; as flashback, 56, 159–63; as progression into silence, 133; body, 28, 187, 198–99, 207; process of, 39, 55–59, 66, 154, 177, 195, 209, 215; twice, 146, 165–77
Dying (Roemer), 169
Edison Company, the, 2, 23, 28, 30, 34–35, 45, 54, 57–58, 185, 251n9
Edison, Thomas, 7, 28, 34, 35, 40, 42–44, 46, 52, 59, 62, 64, 105, 159, 217, 222n15, 228n35
editing, 23, 37–38, 67: and Deleuze, 86, 92; and the curative cut, 66, 88; and the palliative cut, 66, 68–69, 100; as realization of death, 174–75; contrast, 68; narrative, 66, 72, 99, 101–102; parallel, 73, 75, 84–85, 88–110. See also substitution splice
Einthoven, William, 180
Eisenstein, Sergei, 29–30, 226n2, 236n40, 238n61
electric current, 44, 48, 50–52, 57
electrocardiograph (EKG), 10–12, 25, 96, 180–81, 186–88, 195–96, 209, 213, 218
Electrocuting an Elephant, 23, 48, 54, 56, 64, 236n47, 246n16
electrocution, 19–20, 23, 28, 42–62; and Edison, 43–44, 52
electroencephalograph (EEG), 24, 183, 185, 187–88, 196, 198, 213, 218
Elfelt, Peter, 40, 46, 228n30
The End (2004), 218
L’Eve Future, 7
execution: critique of, 62. See also beheading; electrocution; gas chamber; hanging; lethal injection
Execution by Hanging, An, 23, 35–36
Execution of Czolgosz with Panorama of Auburn Prison, 23, 46–48, 50, 52, 55, 73, 84, 91, 232n73, 236n47
The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, 2, 30–31, 34, 36, 137, 217
Expressionism, 164
Faces of Death, 47
The Faded Lilies, 81
Faulkner, William, 144
Fell, George, 43–44
Fiedler, Leslie, 25, 225n49
Fischer, Lucy, 120, 123, 126
flashback, 149, 152–73
flatline, 10–11, 96, 180–81, 183, 185–87, 189, 196–97, 199, 201–203, 207, 209, 212, 214, 217, 220
Flatliners, 214
Ford, John, 24, 94, 146–50, 246n15
Fothergill, John, 7
Foucault, Michel, 8, 61
Frankenstein: 1931 film, 135–36, 179, 185, 239n4, 250n63; Mary Shelley’s novel, 7, 8, 250n63. See also The Bride of Frankenstein
freeze-frame, 84
Freud, Sigmund, 104, 156, 160–61, 223n20, 239n2, 248n40, 249n43, 254n32
Fried, Michael, 49, 230n52
Frontline (television show), 184, 27n67
funerals: and cinema, 134; in films, 23, 25, 103; William McKinley, 40–42, 114
Galvani, Luigi, 8
gangster films, 136–38
gas chamber, 61–63
Gaudreault, André, 37–38, 227n23
Gerry, Elbridge, 43, 52
The Ghost!, 34
Gimme Shelter!, 93
Gish, Lillian, 2, 72, 81, 83, 97, 235n38
Godwin, William, 7
Goodwin, Sarah Webster, 20, 224n41, 226n9
Gorky, Maxim, 1, 2, 27, 221n1, 224n40
Griffith, D. W., 23, 65–73, 75, 77, 79–95, 99, 101, 110, 112, 149, 164, 216, 220, 239n8, 240n21, 241n38, 244n71, 245n1
guillotine, 28–29, 34, 39. See also beheading
Gunning, Tom, 38, 69–73, 91, 99–100, 222n16, 226n1, 227n25, 237n53, 238n59, 238n64, 239n8, 245n1, 253n21
Hale, Matthew, 43
Hallelujah!, 128, 130–31, 134, 141, 147
The Hamlet (Faulkner), 144
hanging: in film, 35–36
Hansen, Miriam, 35, 227n155
Harvey, William, 8
Hawks, Howard, 137–38
Hearts in Dixie, 129–30
Heise, William, 35, 44
Hemingway, Ernest, 144
Henderson, Brian, 149, 246n12
Henrettelsen, 40, 46
Hertz, Carl, 34
High Fidelity, 104, 118, 134
Hill, David Bennett, 43
histrionic acting. See acting
Hoffman, E. T. A., 7
horror film, 126–27, 135, 204
The House with Closed Shutters, 24, 72, 74
How Green Was My Valley, 24, 93, 94, 146–50, 174, 177
Howard, Jessica H., 129, 133, 243n61, 244n70
I Want to Live!, 61–62, 249n54
In Old Chicago, 60, 139
Inception, 201
instantaneity, 28, 36, 49, 53–54, 104
The Jacket, 171, 173
Jacobs Ladder, 171
Jacobs, Lea, 77–78, 234n26, 234n28, 235n30
James, Henry, 144–45, 177, 235n35, 241n39, 246n41
Janes, Regina, 33, 226n9
The Jazz Singer, 24, 106–107, 110–15, 117–19, 121–22, 128, 138, 140–41, 159, 173, 233n22, 239n8, 240n17, 241n38, 242n41, 243n60
JFK, 4
Joan of Arc (Edison), 35
Kakoudaki, Despina, 51, 230n56
Kemmler, William, 9, 52, 53, 57
Kennedy, John F., 4, 15, 19, 222n8
Kennelly, Arthur, 52
Kermode, Frank, 160, 248n41
Kill Bill 2, 2
The Killers (1946), 151–52
kinetoscope (Edison), 34–35, 198
Kingsley, Charles, 93, 238n558
The Kiss (Edison), 35, 227n12
Kleinman, Arthur, 210, 257n65
Knight, Arthur, 122, 131, 242n46, 244n66
Kol Nidre, 107, 109–111, 113, 115–17, 128, 141, 234n22. See also music
Kozloff, Sarah, 147, 149–50
Kracauer, Siegfried, 96, 238n63
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 172, 209
Kubrick, Stanley, 181, 187–88, 190, 211, 256n55, 257n64
kymography, 186, 195
Lady in the Lake, 150
Laennec, René, 8
Laplanche, Jean, 71
Lastra, James, 139, 244n81
Lesser, Wendy, 64, 232n77
lethal injection, 63
Letter from an Unknown Woman, 157
Lewis, Joseph, 140
life-support technology, 59, 181–87, 189, 206, 208, 211
Lippit, Akira, 56, 231n67
Liquid Electricity; or, the Inventors Fun with Galvanic Fluid, 48
Little Caesar, 136–37
The Love Parade, 138
Lowenstein, Adam, 20, 224n40, 226n1
Lubin, Sigmund, 35
Lubitsch, Ernst, 138, 242n46
Lumière Brothers, 1, 58
MacDonald, Carlos, 53, 57, 230n48, 231n63, 231n68
magic theater, 34–37
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 197
The Magnificent Ambersons, 93
Maltby, Richard, 138
Maltin, Leonard, 173, 250n66
mammy figure, 129, 131–34
Mamoulian, Rouben, 120, 122–23
Man with a Movie Camera, 92, 237n54
Manhattan Melodrama, 60
Marey, Jules-Etienne, 30, 186, 198, 252n18
Marin, Louis, 38–39, 228n27
The Matrix, 25, 202–203
Maurice, Alice, 130, 224n65
McKinley, William, 40, 41, 42, 46, 228n33
McKinley’s Funeral Cortege at Washington, DC, 41
Meisel, Martin, 77
melodrama, 60, 71–72, 75, 85; and tears, 100–101; and “too late,” 71–72, 74, 100, 110, 114, 115, 119–20, 141; “text of muteness,” 81, 85, 120
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 95, 238n61
Metz, Christian, 118, 155, 241n33, 247n30
Micco, Guy, 10–11, 209, 211, 217, 223n25
Michelson, Annette, 7, 222n17, 237n55
Milestone, Lewis, 139
Million Dollar Baby, 208, 211, 257n63
mnemonic, 96–97
Mondo Cane, 47
Montgomery, Edward, 61
Moretti, Franco, 100, 238n66
The Mothering Heart, 81
Motion Picture Production Code of 1930, 60
mourning portrait, 89–90
Mulvey, Laura, 13, 22, 223nn28–29, 224n36
The Mummy (1932), 127
Münsterberg, Hugo, 70, 233n10
Murder, My Sweet, 151
Murnau, F. W., 97, 249n57
Murray, John, 11–12, 180, 210, 222n16, 223n26, 251n1
music: as registration, 104, 117; funerary, 109; non-diegetic, 135, 140; offscreen, 107–117
Musketeers of Pig Alley, 72, 79
Musser, Charles, 32, 36, 226nn6–7, 229n46, 230n37, 237n52
narrator system (Gunning), 69–70, 74
Neale, Steve, 100, 248n36
Near Death (Wiseman), 169, 198, 209, 212
Nesbet, Anne, 29, 226n2, 236n40
noir, 125, 150–73
offscreen music. See music: offscreen
organ transplantation, 182, 204–206
The Others, 173, 177
Oxenberg, Jan, 21, 218–19
The Painted Lady, 79–80, 235n34
painting, 38–39. See also mourning portrait
Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 14–20, 50, 66, 174, 224n31, 232n1, 247n23, 250n69
Pathé Company, 39
Pearl, Daniel, 64
Pearson, Roberta, 77–78, 234n25, 235n32
The Perils of Pauline, 75
Pernick, Martin, 8, 223n18, 223n21
persistent vegetative state, 183–84
physiology, 186, 190
polygraphic gaze, 212
Pontalis, J.-B., 71
Pope Pius XII, 182
Porter, Dennis, 171
posthumous motion, 19, 24, 76, 81, 87–96, 107, 126, 135–36, 139, 196, 201, 207; and the monitor, 186; and the pan, 89–92, 220; and voice-over, 144, 146, 164–67; postdiegetic, 149–50, 171–77, 205
posthumous shock, 51
posthumous voice. See voice-over
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946), 163
post-synchronization. See sound
The Power and the Glory, 146, 245n7
President’s Bioethics Committee, 9, 186
Psycho, 2, 13, 42, 200–201, 249n58
Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 30, 238n61
Pynchon, Thomas, 103
Quinlan, Karen Ann, 183–85, 187
Reading the Death Sentence, 35
reenactment, 45–53
registration, 23–24, 33–34, 48–49, 51–52, 63–64, 66, 68–69, 72, 74–76, 158, 179–80, 193–94, 204, 208, 218, 220; absence of, 55–57, 123, 125–26, 192, 200, and flashback structure, 172–77; and music, 104; and sound, 24, 106, 117–42; and space, 133–35, 141; and the camera, 26, 57, 122–23; and the monitor, 185, 191, 199, 201–203, 208–213, 217; and voice-over structure, 144, 152–71, 208–209; as crying, 132; as motivation for documentary, 218–20; in Griffith, 79–81 86, 91; nonhuman, 24, 66, 75, 91, 96–97
Reprieve from the Scaffold, 35, 164
Rhetorica ad Herennium, 95
Robinson, Edward G., 2
Roemer, Michael, 169, 209
Rogin, Michael, 108, 115–16, 239n7, 239n10, 241n26
Romance of a Jewess, 74, 234n23
Ruby, Jay, 89, 236n46, 237nn50–51
San Francisco Examiner, 61
San Quentin, 61, 63
The Sands of Dee, 93–94
Saving Private Ryan, 2
Scarface (1932), 136–37, 244n77
The Scarlet Letter (1926), 97–98
Schiavo, Terri, 179, 184–85, 213, 252n13
science fiction film, 181–94, 196, 201–203, 213
The Sealed Room, 84–85, 92
Seltzer, Mark, 50
Shelley, Mary. See Frankenstein
Shooting Captured Insurgents, 44–45, 47–48, 55
silence, 128, 146, 179, 187. See also stillness
Silverlake Life, 218–20, 224n43, 237n57
Silverman, Kaja, 13, 42, 157, 200–201, 224n30, 228n34, 242–43n51, 248n35, 256n54, 256n56, 256n58
The Sixth Sense, 24, 168, 171, 173, 175, 177, 250n59
Sjöström, Victor, 97–98
snuff, 3, 4, 47–48
Sobchack, Vivian, 4, 18, 20–22, 28, 85, 222n11, 227n21, 231n72, 236n44
sound (in cinema), 23, 105, 117–18; and the continuous-level soundtrack, 139; as noise, 119; asynchronous, 119–23, 126–28, 135; post-synchronization, 110, 129–34; synchronized, 104–105, 110, 112, 114, 125, 128. See also music; acousmatic sound
Southwick, Alfred, 43
Spadoni, Robert, 127, 135, 239n4, 243n58, 244n74
Spanish-American War, the, 44
The Stand-Up, 172
Steel Magnolias, 25, 206–208, 211, 257n62
Stevens, M. L. Tina, 182, 251n5, n7, 252nn15–16
Stewart, Garrett, 13, 16, 22, 170, 223n27, 224n34, 234n24, 235n39, 237–38n57, 246n20, 252n17
stillness: as perpetual death, 207–209; motion of, 84; slide to inertia, 48, 54, 68, 76, 80, 83–86, 101, 104
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. See Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Strange Days, 203–204
Sturges, Preston, 146–47
substitution splice, 32, 36–39, 54
superimposition, 117
Sunset Blvd., 151, 155, 158, 164–66, 168–69
tableau, 70, 77–78, 84, 86, 88–90, 101, 109–110, 114, 209; and editing, 77; of grief, 70, 76, 80, 131–32, 148
Tabu, 97
technology. See death: cinematic technology; life-support technology
television, 63–64
Telotte, J. P., 155, 159, 161, 170, 246n17, 247n29, 247n31, 248n38, 249n52, 250n62
Tenenti, Alberto, 162
Teresi, Dick, 5, 192, 222n13, 223n19, 223n24, 251n4, 254n35
Thacker, Eugene, 198, 255n52
thanatosis, 56
Thank You and Goodnight, 21, 218
Thelma and Louise, 93, 238n57
Thomson, David, 2–3, 221n2, 221n5
Tolstoy, Leo, 83
Topsy: the elephant, 54–55, 57–59, 84–85, 231n64, 236n47
Total Film Magazine, 2
Tudor, Mary, 33, 36
Turim, Maureen, 154–55, 247n26
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1903 film), 54, 77, 117, 239n7
undead: as condition of medium, 119–25, 127
Vaucanson, Jacques de, 6
verisimilar acting style. See acting: verisimilar style
Vertov, Dziga, 17, 92
Vidor, King, 81, 83, 128–29, 131–33, 138, 243n64
voice-off, 125
voice-over, 23; of the dead (voice-after), 164–71; of the dying, 152–64
Vovelle, Michel, 162
wax museum (Musée Grevin), 39
Way Down East, 73
Welch, Gillian, 215
Westinghouse, George, 9, 44, 228n35
Whissel, Kristen, 45, 228n31, 229n41, 229n44, 230n50
White, James, 49
The Widow Jones, 35, 227n12
Wilde, Oscar, 1, 4
Williams, Linda, 71, 73, 100, 110–11, 115–16, 231n70, 233n17, 233n22, 238n69, 239n7, 239n9, 240n15, 240n17, 240n20, 241n23, 241n37, 246n19
Winslow, Jacque Bénigne, 7–8
Wiseman, Frederick, 169, 198, 209–210
The Wizard of Oz, 21, 109
Wood, Gaby, 6, 222n15
Wunderli, Richard, 162–63, 249n48, 249n53
Yates, Frances, 95, 238n62
Zapruder, Abraham: film of Kennedy assassination, 4, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 222n8
Zecca, Ferdinand, 39
Žižek, Slavoj, 166, 249n56