
In the Keyfood Market on Broadway

a woman waits

by the window

daily and patient

the comings and goings of buyers

neatly labeled old

like yesterday’s bread

her restless experienced eyes

weigh fears like grapefruit

testing for ripeness.

Once in the market

she was more

comfortable than wealthy

more black than white

more proper than friendly

more rushed than alone

all her powers defined her

like a carefully kneaded loaf

rising and restrained

working and making loving

behind secret eyes.

Once she was all

the sums of her knowing

counting on her to sustain them

once she was more

somebody else’s mother than mine

now she weighs faces

as once she weighed grapefruit.


she does not count her change

Her lonely eyes measure

all who enter the market

are they new

are they old


can they buy each other?