The Politics of Addiction

17 luxury condominiums

electronically protected

from criminal hungerthe homeless

seeking a night’s warmth

across from the soup kitchen

St. Vincent’s Hospital

razor wire covering the hot air grates.

Disrobed need

shrieks through the nearby streets.

Some no longer beg.

a brown sloe-eyed boy

picks blotches from his face

eyes my purse shivering

white dust a holy fire

in his blood

at the cornerfantasy

parodies desirereplaces longing

Green light.The boy turns back

to the steaming grates.

Down the street in a show-window


the well-shaped woman smiles

waves her plump arm along

half-filled market shelves

excess expectation

dusts across her words

“Si hubieran capitalismo

hubiesen tomates aquí!”

“If we had capitalism

tomatoes would be here now.”