Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is Benjamin Tucker, commander of the commercial spacecraft Legacy .I’m declaring a medical emergency. Repeat, I’m declaring a medical emergency. Request instructions for landing.”

The return to Earth had been painfully slow for Tuck. Had the situation been otherwise, he would have enjoyed what amounted to a leisurely fall. With family and friends in danger, the cabin full of dying people, he longed for the rapid descent of the old Space Shuttle. The computer provided the proper guidance and brought Legacy into the thickening atmosphere in long lingering loops. It had taken an eternity to reach this point.

Tuck keyed the mike again and tried to raise the control tower at Edwards Air Force Base fifty miles away from where he had taken off that morning. He had changed the radio frequency to match that used by military aircraft. “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is Benjamin Tucker, commander of the commercial spacecraft Legacy. I have a medical emergency. Repeat, I’m declaring a medical emergency. Request instructions for landing.”

“Stand by, Legacy.” Even over the headset, Tuck could tell the air traffic controller was confused. In his mind, he could see the man speaking to his superior and wondering if this were some kind of drill or joke. “Um, Legacy, this is restricted airspace. You do not have clearance to land.”

“Edwards, I repeat this is a medical emergency. I need ambulances standing by.” Tuck wasn’t going to take no for an answer. In point of fact, he couldn’t take no for an answer.

“Legacy, you are hereby ordered off approach. We recommend SCLA.”

Southern California Logistics Airport was too far and much too public. Not that it mattered now; Tuck had committed himself to Edwards Air Force Base the moment he entered information into the onboard computer. “Negative, Edwards. I am without power and in direct line with you. It’s you or nothing.”

“Stand by, Legacy.”

“You’re going to make some general very unhappy.” Lance’s words were soft but clear and the sound of them gave Tuck a moment of hope. His mind stumbled back to Jess and her fractured speech as the effects of the stroke that took her life manifested.

“Not a problem, buddy. I plan to blame you.”

“Somehow . . . I figured that.”

Tuck reached to his copilot and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Your job is to live to give me a bad time about it later.”

“Count on it.”

A new voice came over the headset. “Legacy, this is Colonel Riggins. Did we hear you right? You said your name was Benjamin Tucker?”

“Roger that, Edwards. Commander Benjamin Tucker, United States Navy, retired.”

“My intel says you’re supposed to be on the other side of the desert.”

“Affirmative, Colonel Riggins. I hate to be a party crasher, but I need to sit down on your runway and I need to do it soon.”

“Legacy, you’re cleared to land on runway two-two. Please be advised that we have gusty winds at one thousand feet. Winds diminish below that. Copy that you have a medical emergency. How many souls on board?” The voice came from the traffic controller.

“Six souls. Two are crew. Five need immediate medical attention. Please be advised that we have a high-ranking member of government on board.”

“High ranking? Understood, Legacy.”

“Runway two-two, Edwards, and . . . thanks.”

“You may thank me in person, Commander Tucker —and you had better be Commander Tucker. Have I made myself clear?” Riggins had come online again.

“Colonel, there are days when I wish I wasn’t.”

As they descended toward the long wide runway of Edwards Air Force Base, Tuck hit the switch that lowered the landing gear. He heard them rumble and lock into place. The airspeed of Legacy immediately dropped.

Approaching from the east, Tuck could see the brown desert turn pale beige as he passed over the dry lakebed on approach to the runway. It was the long runway and the land-capable lakebed that made Edwards Air Force Base the alternate landing site for all Space Shuttle missions. More than one crew had set down here; now Legacy was about to do the same.

As they dropped to a thousand feet of altitude, strong gusts of wind pushed the craft to the side and caused it to bounce in unsettling ways. The computer compensated beautifully and a few minutes later, it was clear flying. Tuck took hold of the controls and finished the landing manually. The Legacy rolled along the hard runway, and the sound of rubber tires on concrete reverberated through the spaceship. To Tuck, it sounded like music. A few minutes later, Tuck brought the craft to a halt.

Tuck released his harness and made his way to the door, where he released its locks, opened it, and extended the airstairs. Several military vehicles pulled alongside, as did the military police. Colonel Riggins was easy to identify both by bearing and in the way the men looked to him for leadership. Tuck didn’t need to see the icon of rank.

Four medics started for the stairs, and Tuck extended a hand to stop them where they were. They looked confused. “Masks and gloves. There’s something in their flight suits that made them sick. This is the same thing that happened on Atlantis . Watch their blood pressure.” No sooner had the last syllable flown from Tuck’s lips than he was down the stairs. The colonel was there to meet him.

“I hoped to meet you, Commander, but I never expected it would be like this. Let me get a medic to look at you.”

“No need, Colonel, I’m fine, but I do need your help, and I need it fast.” . . .


Jim entered the code into the keypad lock on the rear door to the hangar and pushed it open, making certain it closed behind him. He entered like a man victorious from a successful flight, took several steps, and then stopped in his tracks. He stood frozen in place, taking in the scene. He already imagined what it would be like, but it was important for him to play his part. “Well, I feel like I’m interrupting something.”

“That’s because you are. Who are you?” The man asking the questions did so with a confident air about him. Jim took in every detail of his appearance and couldn’t help noticing a banged-up ear on the side of the man’s head.

“Maybe I should be asking you that.”

“I’m your new host and I brought party games.” He held up the gun and an electronic device that Jim couldn’t quite make out. “Now once again, who are you?”

Jim didn’t answer. He was afraid that if he appeared too cool he might tip his hand.

Roos spoke up. “His name is Jim Tolson, and he’s the pilot for Condor. He’s supposed to be here.” Roos addressed Jim. “This man is holding us hostage. The woman with the backpack — well, the backpack has some kind of bio-bomb. The device the man is holding is a dead man’s switch.”

“Man, did I pick a lousy day to be punctual.”

“That you did, Jimmy boy. That you did.” Quain motioned with his gun. “I would feel a lot more comfortable if you joined the party.”

Jim said nothing as he blended in with the others in the huddled crowd. . . .


Myra’s back hurt and the cold seeping in through the metal side of the container made the pain worse. Still she didn’t move. Tucked under each arm and pulled tightly to her body were her children. Under her left arm, Penny quivered more from fear, Myra was certain, than from the cold. Beneath the other arm, Gary rested. He had not succumbed to tears, but she could feel the tension in his body. Myra wished she could do more, but embracing her children was the best she could offer. She decided that if she were to die, and her children along with her, then they would die in one another’s arms. Although no ideas for saving themselves had come to her, she had not given up on the process. Her mind alternated between heartfelt prayer and cold logical reasoning, but despite her best efforts, no ideas came.

Benjamin had yet to sit down. Perhaps it was the old firefighter in him; perhaps it was because he was the only male adult available; but he had resisted the temptation to settle in one of the dark corners. He tested the doors a dozen times and used the meager light from Gary’s cell phone to examine and reexamine the small pendulums of death that hung from the ceiling. Myra had no idea if what their abductor had said was true, but she didn’t want to test the validity of his statements. Perhaps the glass vials contained nothing more dangerous than water. Then again, they might hold a horrible, torturous death.

“Any ideas, Grandpa?” It was the first words Gary had uttered in the last hour. Myra assumed it had been an hour. There was insufficient light for her to look at her watch and she saw no benefit in doing so.

“No, Son. Not yet. I feel like I’m overlooking something.”

Myra could feel Penny raise her head. “Dad sometimes tells me I overthink things. He says that I’m always looking for the complex answer when the obvious would do the trick.”

“He would know,” Benjamin said. “I can’t tell you how many times I told him that very thing when he was your age.”

“I didn’t know that.” Penny’s words were soft. “I wish I could hear him say it one more time.”

“You will, kiddo.” Benjamin’s words carried a note of confidence.

“I’m scared, Grandpa. I feel all broken inside.” The last few words came from Penny with tears.

“How can you be so calm, Grandpa?” Gary’s voice was shaky. “Aren’t you scared?”

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t.” Myra could hear Benjamin’s footsteps as he continued to walk around the perimeter of the container. In her mind, she could see him taking one slow step after another, being certain he avoided the dangling vials. “I’m plenty scared.”

“You don’t show it,” Gary said.

The footsteps stopped. “Many years ago, years before your father was born, I was assigned to my first fire station. I was wet behind the ears and eager to do my job. Just putting on my uniform made me feel brave. I thought I was really something.

“Then my first call came. It was a big house fire — we called them boomers. I was on the pumper. We rolled up and my feet had no more than hit the ground when the captain told me someone was inside and trapped in the flames. The captain looked at me, pointed, and said, ‘Tucker, get in there.’ ” Benjamin paused, then said, “The smoke was thick and black and I could feel the heat from the flames all the way to the curb. It rolled out of broken windows. I had never seen flames licking at the eaves. I donned my tank and mask and then turned to face the house again.”

“What did you do, Grandpa?” Penny asked.

“I was shaking in my boots, but then I noticed some-thing: none of the other firefighters seemed afraid. They just went about their business. They did their jobs. They did what was required of them. So I pretended not to be afraid, and I went into the house.”

Gary straightened. “Did you save the man trapped inside?”

Benjamin gave an actor’s laugh. “Turns out, there wasn’t anyone trapped inside after all. Nonetheless, it did me a world of good to stare fear in the eye and still do my job. Later, a guy on my rig took me aside.”

“What did he say, Grandpa?” Penny’s voice had strengthened.

“He asked if I had been afraid and I admitted to it. ‘Good,’ he said. ‘Because the day you stop being afraid is the day you retire.’ He said at such a blaze, every firefighter was frightened and that I shouldn’t trust anyone who wasn’t. It was a good lesson — and he taught me something even more important. He’s the one that led me to faith in Christ. He said that there were many courageous men in the world, but a courageous man with faith was unstoppable. I never forgot that, and I don’t want you to forget it either. Got that?”

Gary and Penny said they did.

“Tell you something else; everyone experiences death. Our faith enables us to face it with courage.”

Myra heard the old man approach and judging by the source of his voice knew he had squatted down next to them. He spoke softly. “We’re not giving up. Everyone dies, but that doesn’t mean today is our day. We need to use the faith, the courage, and the brains God gave us.”

Myra heard him stand again. “Thanks, Dad. That helped.”

Benjamin didn’t respond. Instead, he resumed his pacing, and once again, Myra could hear his footfalls on the metal floor.

“Have you figured out what those things are, Grandpa?” Gary sat straight, pulling away from Myra. She resisted the urge to pull him back in place.

“I don’t know, Gary. I’ve been giving it a lot of thought. The driver told us not to touch them and implied that doing so would be deadly. That means that these glass vials hold some kind of chemical or poison. I’ve been afraid to touch them because someone who’s gone through this much trouble must have assumed that we would try just that. My concern is if I touch one the others will fall.”

Benjamin paced a little more, then stopped. “Why would he go through such an elaborate scheme? If he just wanted to kill us, he could have driven us to this isolated spot, shot us, and been done with it, but he didn’t. He found this container here or maybe he had it put here, but why imprison us? Why set up these vials?”

Myra had not thought about these things and Benjamin’s questions bored into her mind. “It’s Tuck, isn’t it? It’s the only thing that makes sense. It must have something to do with today’s space flight.”

“So we’re hostages.” Benjamin’s words were a statement, not a question. “That means he plans to keep us alive until he doesn’t need us any longer. That’s why these things haven’t dropped yet.”

“So he’s going to release this after he gets what he wants?”

“No, Penny, I wish it were true.” Benjamin’s words hung heavy in the air. “I don’t think these vials are just for us. I think he intends to kill us — and whoever tries to rescue us.”

Myra listened to the conversation and her mind flew to her husband, who she knew must be miles away in space.

“Why keep us alive?” Myra asked. “Why not just kill us and store our bodies in here? If he’s after Tuck, then he could tell him that we were still alive even though we weren’t.”

“He’s not sane, Myra. No one does this kind of thing, goes to these lengths without being at least a little batty.” Benjamin’s voice faded, then, “Maybe he gets some kind of thrill out of all this, like those serial killers who leave clues for the police or send them letters. It’s a way to make people suffer longer.” He sighed. “The reason doesn’t matter now. Escaping does.”

Myra agreed. She started a new prayer.

Her prayer was interrupted.

“Did you hear that?” Benjamin asked. He stopped his pacing.

Myra strained her ears to catch a sense of whatever Benjamin had heard.

“I hear it.” Gary’s words echoed in the container. “What is it?”

Before Benjamin could answer, Myra heard a distant thumping. At first, she thought she heard thunder, but then noticed the sound came in rhythmic pulses. “Helicopters?”

“Yes,” Benjamin said. “From the sound of them they’re big — maybe military helicopters.”

“When Dad and I came out here to visit Mr. Roos, he told me that he had been stationed at Edwards Air Force Base. He said it wasn’t far from where Mr. Roos did his work.” There was excitement in Gary’s voice.

“He’s right, Edwards is close by.”

Penny asked, “Is it Dad? Is he coming to save us?”

Myra could hear Benjamin take a deep breath. “I pray so, but it could just be a routine flight. There’s no way for us to tell, no way for us to signal them.”

The thumpa-thumpa of the sound grew louder, and Myra could feel vibration through the metal skin of the container.

“Oh no,” Benjamin whispered.

Myra returned her gaze to the direction of his voice and saw her father-in-law activate the cell phone again. He raised the dim light to one of the vials. What she saw made her courage drain from her.

“This is not good,” Benjamin said with a calm that belied the situation.

Myra’s eyes fixed on the same thing as Benjamin’s. The vials that dangled like pendulums on a string were vibrating in resonance with the sound made by the powerful rotors of approaching helicopters.

Benjamin moved the light to another vial and Myra saw the same terrifying sight: a delicate glass container dancing to the music of heavy motors.

If the helicopters get any closer . . . Myra couldn’t finish the thought. . . .


Colonel Riggins’s voice stabbed Tuck’s ear as the officer shouted into the onboard communication system. “Could that be it?”

“Where?” Tuck tried to keep his wishful thinking in check.

“Two o’clock off our heading — on the ground — a structure.”

Raising binoculars to his eyes, Tuck looked in the direction that Riggins had indicated. It took a moment, but he soon locked his sights on a worse-for-wear metal box. Its peeling white paint stood in contrast to the taupe ground. Through the powerful lenses of the binoculars, Tuck studied every inch that he could see from a low-flying CH – 53E Super Stallion helicopter. The aircraft belonged to the Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron – 769 stationed at Edwards. At the controls sat a man who looked too young to be manhandling such a large craft. At the moment, that didn’t matter to Tuck; he felt grateful that Riggins had been able to call in favors with the squadron commander.

“It looks like a storage container,” Tucker said. “I can see tire marks leading to the door.”

The pilot chimed in. “I just got word that our second chopper has found a van on the roadside. They could see a body in the passenger seat from the air. They’ve landed and investigated: one male, dead.”

Tuck felt sick with worry. “Can they describe the man?” Tuck’s thoughts ran to his father.

“Stand by one, Commander.” A moment later, “Male Caucasian, midforties, short, and thick build.” Another moment ticked by before the pilot asked, “I hate to ask, but does that sound like one of yours, Commander?”

A wave of relief rushed over Tuck, followed by another wave of guilt. The description did not fit any member of his family, but nonetheless, a man lay dead in the desert. “No.” Tuck tried to picture the image he’d seen over the video monitor. He could see his family and could tell that they were in some kind of artificial surroundings, but the camera angle was too tight for him to see anything more than darkness behind them. Could they have been confined in the container below? Tuck knew only one way to find out. “Let’s take her down, Colonel.”

The helicopter began a slow descent fifty yards away from the large metal box. The rotor blast kicked up dust and sand, and Tuck could feel the vibration of the powerful engine run through his body. If his family were indeed trapped inside that container, they would feel and hear his arrival.