There’s a Lot More

Like every other chapter in this book, this chapter was designed to get you up and running—not to provide you with a comprehensive overview of Adaptive Payments. Frankly, Adaptive Payments is a such a broad, comprehensive, and exciting product that covering it in its entirety would take several hundred pages of dedicated coverage and entail writing a “definitive guide” to cover the possibilities. Using Adaptive Payments, you can quite literally handle just about any reasonable payment flow that you can imagine. At the moment, the more definitive coverage available is PayPal’s Adaptive Payments Developer Guide that you can freely access online. It includes some of the same fundamentals that were introduced in this chapter but also contains examples on using embedded payment flows, preapprovals, currency conversion, issuing refunds, and more. Definitely take a little bit of time to at least peruse its table of contents.

Although we didn’t cover it in this chapter, be advised that the same kinds of sophisticated payment mechanisms involved with digital goods purchases using Express Checkout are also available with Adaptive Payments. A recommended exercise for this chapter is to modify the same code for this chapter to implement an embedded payment flow.