“And then Axel tackles me so hard that I crash into the wall and -- India, are you okay?”
Over dinner, Matt explained that he’d be leaving for the west coast on Wednesday and wouldn’t be back until very late on Sunday. He felt bad, so he’d gone overboard and taken them to the poshest restaurant he knew.
“I’m fine. Matt, I love being with you, but you didn’t have to bring me here because you’re going to be gone.” She squeezed his hand. “I’d have been happy with pizza at my place or yours.”
He looked past her down the road. “I know, but I want to show you off, and I’m going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too.” She stepped closer. “And for the record, all eyes were on you.” A waitress had been ogling Matt and walked into a pillar, dumping the tray of drinks on a nearby table. That wasn’t what was bothering her, though. Such things were to be expected when dating someone as handsome as Matt, especially when he wore a suit and tie.
“You’re not still upset about the waiter, are you?” Matt leaned in close enough for her to feel his breath on her neck.
The waiter had slipped and said how nice it was that he took his aunt out for dinner, and was it a special occasion? Matt had given him one of his trademark scowls and announced that India was his girlfriend, loud enough for heads to turn.
India had wanted to melt into the floor. She gave a half shrug, but said nothing because she didn’t trust her voice.
“Stop.” He kissed just below her ear. “I want you, no matter what anyone thinks.”
“I know.” I just hate that people think I’m too old for you. “And I want you.”
“Then that’s enough.”
For now, but what about later?
The valet pulled up and climbed out of the car. Matt opened the passenger side door for India, stealing a kiss as she got inside, which assuaged some of the angst she felt.
Once they had merged with the traffic, Matt turned down the radio. “Now tell me about your meeting.” He’d tried to wheedle the information out of her over the main course, but she didn’t dare speak of it in public. “No one can overhear us now.”
“You’ve got to swear you won’t breathe a word of this to anyone, not even Salé.”
“Who is this person?” He sounded both concerned and excited.
“Well, the day I met you, I went into a swanky shoe store to find shoes that would go with the dress I made.”
“The patterned one?”
He remembered my dress. Heavens, this man is amazing. “That one. Anyway, when I was in the store I talked to this woman. I had no idea who she was at the time. Turns out I was chatting about my dress with Maida Pelham. She liked it so much she wants me to design one for her.”
“Maida Pelham?” He stole a glance then returned his focus to the road. “The singer Maida Pelham?”
“Yes, her.”
“India, that’s fantastic.” His joy sounded genuine.
“Yes, but it’s also terrifying.” She studied her nails.
“Terrifying? How?” He gestured to the road ahead. “Where am I going? Your place or mine?”
“Either.” India shrugged. “We both work tomorrow, so it’ll be an early night wherever we go.”
He flicked the turn signal. “Your place. It’s quieter.”
They drove in silence for a bit, then Matt picked up her hand. “I can see where it might be intimidating to design for Maida Pelham, but why is it terrifying?”
“Because until recently, being a designer is a dream I had forgotten about, and now I have a chance to make it happen, and it is all on me. If I fail, it’ll be my fault.”
“Why did you wait so long?”
“Nolan. I believed him when he told me I would never make it as a designer, and maybe he’s right.”
“Let me get this straight. You’re afraid you’ll fail because of something your idiot ex-husband said?” He squeezed her hand. “That’s not like you.”
“It’s hard to explain.” She looked out the passenger window. “It was a constant drip, drip, drip over weeks and months, and at the time, we were struggling financially. Back then, it was easy to believe, and he genuinely believed I wouldn’t make it, and somehow that’s worse. What if he’s right?”
“I am under the impression that a husband should lift a wife up, not bring her down.”
“I agree, but he thought he was protecting me.”
“From your dreams?”
“From failure.” India couldn’t believe she was defending Nolan. “He didn’t want me to be hurt.”
“From where I’m sitting, he hurt you more by not supporting you.” Matt stared straight ahead, and he gripped the steering wheel hard enough to turn his knuckles white.
“I know. That’s why I left him.” It moved her that he seemed to be upset on her behalf. She ran her hand down the back of his neck, enjoying the soft prickle of his recently cut hair, and she could see some of the tension leave his grip. “But can you see why it adds to my anxiety? If I fail, I prove him right.”
“When you succeed, you can call him and ram your new career down his throat.”
“If it’s all the same to you, I’d prefer to never speak to that man again.” Though she tried to prevent it, the bitterness seeped through.
He gave her a sideways glance that stopped her heart. “That’s what I’d prefer as well, but I’d understand if you did call. Oh look, a spot.”
They made the short walk to her building hand in hand, and during it, India tried to make her thoughts coherent. She felt much less anxious, but still felt scattered. “Thanks for thinking I’ll design some wonderful dress that knocks the socks off of… her.”
“Thinking? No, I know you will. How can I help?”
She considered while she found her keys. “By not pouting when I don’t have time for you because I am neck deep in fabric and bitching about a seam I can’t get right.”
“I don’t pout.” But he laughed at the same time. “Much.”
“No, not much.” She waved at the piles of papers everywhere. “Sorry about the mess. Sadie finally decided on a pattern, but it took forever for her to do so, and I haven’t had a chance to clean up.”
“No worries.” He sat down on the sofa and held his arms open. “Now come here. I need to hold you.”
“TV?” He looked around for the remote.
“Maybe in a minute.” She sat back so she could see him better. “I’ve talked a lot about my dreams. What are yours? World Cup?”
“Oh, of course.” He rubbed her back. “But you and I both know that’s a pipe dream.”
“What? Why?”
“Because they are every four years, and there was a World Cup last summer. By the time the next one comes around, I’ll be almost thirty.”
“But thirty really isn’t old, even in soccer.”
“No, you’re correct, it isn’t, but that’s not my ultimate dream. If playing in the World Cup happens, it happens. If not, I’m okay with that.”
“So, what is your ultimate dream? If you want to share, I’m all ears.” She waggled her eyebrows, but he grew serious, so she stopped playing around.
He leaned forward, as if he was imparting a deep, dark secret. “I want to play for the Milton Rovers.”
“I’m sure they’d gladly take you now. Have you talked with your agent?” Matt was definitely EFL caliber.
“Ryan knows that’s an option.” Matt picked up her hands. “But I also want to play in the Premiere League.”
“I don’t see why you won’t get there. Even I can see you’re getting better and better. A year. Maybe two, depending on your season.”
“Thank you for not lying and telling me I’m ready now.” He looked at her steadily, and his eyes were a forest she could get lost in, full of wonder and traps.
“I wouldn’t do that, but you still have time to get there.” She saw on his face the fear she felt when thinking about failing Maida. “You can do this.”
“There’s more.” He drew in a breath and exhaled. “I want both. I want to play for the Rovers in the EPL.”
India frowned. The EPL was foreign territory for her, but she’d looked up the Rovers out of curiosity. “But the season is winding down, and they’re fifth or six in the table.”
“You’re dead sexy when you talk football.” He kissed her, then sat back. “You’re right. That’s where they are now, but they’ll climb a little before all is said and done.”
“They won’t be promoted this year.” The top two teams were very strong.
“This year.” He bit his lip.
“Oh, I see.” Everything made sense now. “You want to rise with them.”
“I want to help them get there. The Rovers may only be in the Premier League a year, but I’d get a year, and who knows? Maybe another team would want me.” His eyes glowed with the excitement she could hear in his voice.
“That’s a brilliant plan. You really think they have a chance next year?” Success or failure hinged on that. The Rovers could easily topple from the standings and be bottom.
“Maybe. I’m waiting to see how the season ends.”
“Would you go in the summer transfer window or in the January one?” Her heart sank at the idea.
He made a playful growl. “Seriously. You tossing about football terms is a giant turn on. I may throw you over my shoulder, carry you into the bedroom, and have my way with you.”
“Not happening.” But she kissed him anyway. “And you didn’t answer my question.”
“Whenever they would take me.” His voice was soft.
“I’d hate to lose you, but what a wonderful dream. It’s going to happen. I know it.” She turned and nestled into his arms.
“You wouldn’t lose me.” He kissed the top of her head. “But thank you for your faith in me.”
“I just call it as I see it.”
“You’re my good luck charm.” He squeezed her tight.
“Nonsense.” She didn’t believe in luck anyway.
“You were there, and I scored. I’ve never done that before. Thus, you are my good luck charm.”
Athletes are such a superstitious lot. “You’d have scored anyway.”
“I’m not going to argue with you about this. Which reminds me, say you’ll watch the game on Saturday.”
“I plan on it.”
“And I bet I’ll score.”
She shook her head, but let him have his fantasy.
He didn’t score, but he had two assists, and that was good enough for him. India was declared his official good luck charm.
* * *
March blossomed into an April that alternated wet weather with warmth. For the first time in her life, India sat and cheered through a rainy soccer game and livestreamed another while sketching in the park one sunny day. The Spirit didn’t win every game, but they only lost one, and Matt went from strength to strength, assisting his teammates and scoring the occasional goal.
One Monday afternoon, in what had become a bi-weekly ritual, Sadie came over for a fitting of her prom gown and dinner. India looked forward to these evenings with her niece, even though Sadie nitpicked at every detail of the dress. India chalked it up to experience she could apply when dealing Maida, who had to be at least as tough as a teenager.
Sadie had fretted and complained over every detail of the dress. Even worse, she’d somehow figured out that Matt was younger than her aunt, and had razzed her incessantly about it. After Sadie had left, India had curled up in bed and sulked until the flashing light of her phone let her know Matt was calling.
“Hello, beautiful.”
“Mmph.” She pushed the comforter away from her face, so it wouldn’t interfere with the phone. “Hey, handsome. Great game. I saw your goal, nice recovery.” She hoped it was the right game, she’d been deep asleep when her phone vibrated on the nightstand.
“Thank you.” His voice was a purr in her ear. “I have you to thank for those goals.”
“When do I get to see you?” She couldn’t remember when the team was flying back, given the vagaries of travel.
“When you open the door.”
“You’re here?” She threw back the covers and hopped up. “Why didn’t you buzz?”
“I know it’s annoying when I wake you that way. I figured I’d call and if you didn’t answer, I’d head home.” The sound of a car door shutting and his footsteps on the concrete punctuated the conversation.
“I really should give you your own key.”
“Um, if you like what I said, I’ll repeat it. If you’re shocked, I didn’t say a word.”
“Open the door, India.” Then he hung up.
Without seeing his face, she had no idea how to read his voice. She buzzed him in and unlocked her apartment door. He scooped her into a deep kiss, backing her into the living room, and shutting the door with his foot. By the time he let her go, she was breathless and her heart pounded.
He turned and set the locks, then leaned against the door, arms folded. “Repeat what you said.”
“Does that kiss mean you liked it?”
He motioned for her to speak.
“I said that I should get you your own key. That way I don’t have to get out of bed, and sometimes you wait in your car for me to get home from work. I think it’s time. Don’t you?”
The heartbeats it took for him to answer were excruciating. If he turned her down, she might cry.
Matt levered himself off the door and came to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and putting his forehead against hers. “I think that’s the best idea I’ve heard in years, and yes, it’s time.”
“I don’t have one now, but I’ll call my landlord on Monday.”
“I’m thrilled that you’re willing to give me a key. I don’t care when I get it.” He stepped away and took her hand. “I’d give you one to International House, but I can’t.”
“I didn’t expect you to.”
“I just thought you should know.” He led her towards the bedroom. “And now, we will curl up in bed, and I will sleep for a few hours because I am exhausted. Then I will wake you up, and though I would like to have mad, passionate sex, it will probably be quieter. I think I hit the pitch ten times, and I ache everywhere.”
“Oh, your poor thing.” Some of those falls had looked painful. “Let me help you undress.” She unzipped his warmup jacket.
“You heard the sleep first part, right?” But he smiled.
“I did.” She slipped the jacket off of his shoulders. “I’m just trying to be nice. You get your shoes.”
“Done.” He only wore slides, so he kicked them off.
She pushed up his T-shirt. He helpfully ducked, and she yanked it off. A light bruise marked his side, and she touched it gently. “That looks sore.”
“There’s been worse.”
This was true. He’d had a deep purple bruise on his thigh that she could still see the remnants of when she took off the warm-up pants. He shoved them aside with his foot.
“Completely naked?”
“You know I sleep naked when I’m with you.”
“What do you wear when you’re not with me?” She used their conversation to lessen the tension as she slowly removed his boxer-briefs.
“Sleep pants, usually.” He tugged on her nightshirt. “You naked, too.”
“Sleep first, right?” She pulled her shirt off and tossed it onto the pile.
“Maybe.” He walked to her side and climbed in, then scooted over giving her just enough room. “Ooh. Your spot is warm.”
“Which is why you’re in it.” She slid into the space that was left.
“That, and I want to be close to you. Very close. This way you have to sleep on top of me.” He pulled her to him, and she threw a leg over his.
“Tell me about the game.” She nuzzled his neck.
“You watched the game.” He settled into the mattress and stroked her back.
“I did.”
“Tell me about your evening with Sadie. Did she want you to redo the whole dress?”
“No, she was actually pretty good about that.” India bit off the rest of the statement. She had already said too much, and he disliked it when she sulked about their age difference.
“So what was she bad about?”
“She was here when the game came on, and suddenly she announced that you are hot.”
“That’s rude.” He laughed. “She shouldn’t be scoping out your boyfriend.”
“She didn’t know that you were my boyfriend when she said you were hot.” She kept her tone dry. “She knows now.”
“So how is that bad? She probably ogled half the team. Luc is a looker, or so I’ve been told.”
“Sadie felt the need to point out that you were younger.”
“Then she got mad at me.” She nuzzled his neck again, letting the smell of him calm her. “Before she left, I asked her why it made her so angry that we were together, and her response was it’s not right.”
“That’s not an answer.” He kissed her hair. “And I think we’re right.”
“I do, too.” She shoved away the negative thoughts and focused on Matt, with his strong arms and optimism. He believed in her and all she could become. Being with him was worth any criticism she had to endure. Between the rhythm of his heart and his warmth she soon drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.
* * *
A touch on her hip, no more than the brush of a butterfly’s wing, kindled the first tendrils of desire that curled up from deep inside and wound their way into her consciousness. Matt.
But sleep kept her from speaking aloud. Instead, she focused on the caress that traveled from her hip across her abdomen, skimming her sex briefly in a tease that sent her blood rushing.
Stay there. Yet again, this was only a thought.
Up her body he stroked with the merest pressure coming to rest just below her breast, then nothing.
Her body protested, craving more. Is he asleep?
Instinctively she shifted toward him and found he lay behind her. She could feel his burgeoning erection grow stiffer as she pressed against him. He’s awake.
He -- correctly -- took her movement as encouragement. After a long moment, he slipped his flingers along the curve of her breast until he found her nipple, tracing the areola then rolling her nipple until she sighed.
He responded by nuzzling her neck.
Another sigh, and she reached back to grab his ass and push him into her ever more. The nuzzle became a nibble hard enough to drive her closer to full consciousness.
“Oh.” No other words seemed necessary.
Nibbles shifted to delicious sucks, and his hand slid down her abdomen with excruciating slowness until with a taunting brush of her thighs, he returned to her sex and began to stroke.
If she hadn’t been wet before, she definitely was now, her thighs damp with excitement.
Unable to keep her hands still, she shifted to cup his balls then, despite the awkward angle, gently gripped his shaft and stroked upward, losing herself in their matched rhythm and her building orgasm. Her only thought was Don’t stop.
She could feel his own rising tension, his own slippery wetness. One stroke more. Maybe two.
“Wait.” She stilled her hand. “I want you inside me.”
He moaned both in protest and agreement, she knew him well enough to read the single syllable. “Yes.” A breath on the back of her neck, but he shifted and she could hear the crinkle and shuffle of a condom before he reached for her again. “Stay this way.”
It took some maneuvering -- her leg tugged back to wrap around his waist, tilting forward, reaching to press him deeper inside her -- until they found the right rhythm, right pace. In this position he could continue stroking, moving her closer to orgasm, to that final swoosh that sent her vibrating with pleasure.
He paused his hand, the breath before, then gripped her thigh as his orgasm rocketed through him. His pulsing sent her over the edge until she lay breathless and panting into the pillow.
“Wow.” Shock and admiration tinged his voice. “We should do that more often.”
“Oh yes.” She shifted away from him, and while he cleaned up, she smoothed the sweaty sheets and rearranged the pillows.
“Come here.” He climbed into his spot and pulled her toward him. “Back to sleep.”
“For a little bit.” Although as sleepy as she felt now, it might be morning before she woke again.
“Just a little bit.” He sounded equally sleepy. “But not long.”
She settled back into his arms and onto the place near his shoulder where she felt most safe, most whole. I can’t believe I’m thinking these things. But marveling at the thought couldn’t squelch it. For the first time in years, she felt at home, and she wanted to revel in this feeling as long as she could.