All page numbers refer to the print edition of this title.
alchemist, 70, 71
alchemy, 56, 73, 127
American Indians, 22
Ananga Ranga, 13
Annotations Upon the Sacred
Writings of the Hindus, 15
autoerotic techniques, 12
“back-off ” words, 74–75
Bataille, Georges, 31
Baudelaire, Charles, 73–74
bondage/binding, 3, 29–30, 92–93
candles, 100
caning, 85, 95–96, 103
Carnal Alchemy
described, 122, 127
essence of, 53, 115
general theory of, 56–60
overview, 115–17
practice of, xvi, 130
chains, 111
chamber, 84–88, 106–14
Chymical Wedding of Christian
Rosencreutz, The, 15
clamping, 99–100
collar, neck, 92–93
costume/clothing, 79–80, 81
Crafting the Art of Magic, 44–45
cross, 111–12
Crowley, Aleister, 6, 16, 36–40
cuffs, leather, 92–93
Deleuze, Gilles, 34, 35
Dervish Dangling, 42–43, 93
Divorced Woman, The, 34
dominants, 63, 64, 70–75, 78–79, 127
empathetic link, 63, 71–72, 73, 74, 75, 90–91, 119
Evola, Julius, 31
fisting, 99
flagellation, 22–27, 94–96, 102–3
Flowers, Stephen, 52–54
Fraternitas Saturni, 17
Frater U/D/, xvi, 102
Freud, Sigmund, 16
furniture for chamber, 110–14
Gardner, Gerald, 43–46
God/Goddess, 13–15, 59, 66, 67, 77
Gorer, Geoffrey, 32
Gregorius, Gregor A., 17
“Heauton Timoroumenos,” 73–74
horse, the, 111
initiation, 22, 127
Japanese tradition, 27–30
Justine, Philosophy in the Bedroom, and Other Writings, 31–32
Kamasutra, 13
Kellner, Karl, 16
Kelly, Aidan, 44–45
King, Francis, 14–15
Krafft-Ebing, Richard Freiherr von, 35
kundalini, 14
Lake Harris, Thomas, 51
Lavey, Anton Szandor, 46–50
lighting, for chamber, 108
Lords of the Left-Hand Path, 31
magic, 6–7, 8, 128. See also
Man Called Horse, A (film), 22
masks, 43, 77–78
Masochists/Masochism, 48, 62–63, 65, 71, 119, 128
Metaphysics of Sex, The, 31
Michelangelo, 49, 71
Mishima, Yukio, 96
Naglowska, Maria de, 42, 52
needles, 96–97, 100–101
New Flesh Palladium (NFP), 50–52
nipples, clamping, 99
North, Robert, 41–42, 50–52, 56
Offray de la Mettrie, Julien, 30–31
Oniroku Dan, 28, 29
operative personae, 77–81, 128
Order of Triskelion, xi–xii, xiii, xv, 52–54, 118–23
Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), 16–17
orgasm, 10, 11–12, 19, 86–87
paddle, 94–95
autoerotic techniques, 12
continuum/continuous, 91–92, 100
need for, 62, 65
quantum, 91–92, 94
safety issues, 102
thresholds, 63–64, 102–3
transforming into pleasure, 56–57
“panic” snap hooks, 109
Paulhan, Jean, 42, 52
penetration, 98–99
personae, operative, 77–81, 128
piercings, 4, 96–98
pleasure, 23, 56–57, 102
psychological bondage, 93
psychological techniques, 103–4
Pygmalion, 49
rack, 110–11
Réage, Pauline. See Story of O
rings, finger, 108
ritual, 82–88
rope bondage, 29–30
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold Ritter Von, 33–36
Sade, Marquis de, 30–32, 34–35
defined, 71, 119, 128
of Oniroku Dan, 29
orgasm in, 86–87 reevaluating/reviving, xi–xii, xiii
Sadism versus, 34, 35
as taboo, 115–16
See also Sado-Magic
Sadism/Sadist, 34, 35, 48–50, 71
Sado-Magic, 22–54
of Aleister Crowley, 36–40
of Anton Szandor Lavey, 46–50
defined, 128
of Ernst Schertel, 40–41
general theory of, 56–60
of Gerald Gardner, 43–46
history of, 22–23
Japanese tradition, 27–30
of Marquis de Sade, 30–32, 34–35
of Robert North, 50–52
of Sacher-Masoch, 33–36
true development through, xv–xvi
Western tradition, 23–27
of William Seabrook, 41–43, 52
See also Sadeanism
Sado-Shamanism, 52, 53, 56, 57, 128
safety issues
“back-off ” words, 74–75
empathic link and, 90–91
overview, xvi, 3–4
“panic” snap hooks, 109
piercings, 4, 97
psychological techniques, 103–4
safe-word, 4, 74
Salomé, 51
Schertel, Ernst, 40–41
Seabrook, William, 41–43, 52, 93
Sebaldt von Werth, Max, 16
Seiyu, Ito, 28
Sellon, Edward, 15
sexual energy, 8–10, 18, 81, 86, 98
Sexuality, Magic and Perversion, 14–15
sexual magic, 6–20
defined, 129
four parts of, 18–20
history of, 12–17
overview, 8–12
Sexual Magic, 50
Shakti, 13–14
Steddinger, Inga, 44
Story of O (Réage)
benefits of reading, 11
inspiration for, 52
inspiration for writing, 42, 51
mythic appeal of, 131
Order of Triskelion and, 120
overview, 133
piercings and brandings in, 97
Sadean philosophy in, 118
transformation in, 121
straps, leather, 95, 103
submissive, 3, 62–68, 80–81, 129
suspension, 3, 109
taboo/forbidden, 10–11, 115–16
tantrism, 10–15, 59, 77, 129
temperature, 100–104
described, 56–57, 58
isolation needed for, 107
pain thresholds and, 63–64
represented in Story of O, 121
submissives’ process, 66–67
Triskelion Game, 104
Triskelion Process, 11, 53–54, 104
defined, 129
objective, 67, 72, 128
subjective, 63, 66, 72–73, 129
Vedas, 25–26
Venus in Furs, 34, 133
Western tradition, 23–27
whipping post, 112–13
whips, 26, 95
Wicca, 43, 46
Wiccan Sex-Magic, 44
Wilde, Oscar, 51
Witchcraft, 42
operative personae, 77–81
ritual, 82–88
techniques, 90–104
See also specific techniques