2020 Global Climate Report 147
Aboriginal food systems 122
Acacia genus 71
afforestation initiatives 208
Africa 188, 203 See also Rwanda; West Africa
African arrowroot See Indian shot (Canna indica)
African rice (Oryza glaberrima) 114, 181–2
back-ups of long-term collection 185
agricultural research centre global network See Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
effect on seeds 115
Green Revolution 143
plant breeding for higher yields 144–5
See also crop domestication; Neolithic Revolution
Al-Fanar Media 172
All-Union Institute of Plant Industry 131, 132, 169 See also N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources
Amargosa niterwort 203
Americas, domestication of plants 120–1
Andersson, Leif 98
difference from gymnosperms 57
living species 58
Antony, Mark 11
ants and seed dispersal 89
apples, domestication 119
Arabidopsis 77
arboreal frugivores 83 See also orangutan and seed dispersal study
arctic tundra lupines (Lupinus arcticus) 25–6
Asal, Åsmund 164–5, 242, 243–4
Asian plam civets See civets (Viverridae)
Australia, wheat disease 197–8
Australian Botanic Gardens 218
Australian Indigenous peoples, modification and management of landscape 121–2, 270–1
Australian Grains Genebank 239
Australian Seed Bank Partnership 219
Baranowski, Lucy 63
Bardi Jawi people 266, 268, 269, 270, 271
Bascompte, Jordi 275
on angiosperms success 58
on environmental cues for germination 74–5
on seed plants and commonality 56–7
water gap in physically dormant seeds 72
Baskin, Jerry 76
bastard gumwood (Commidendrum rotundifolium) 202, 205
Bateson, William 109
Beal Bottle Experiment 231–5, 238
Beames, Louise 271
bears and consumption of berries 85
Beijng Institute of Botany 21
Betka bottlebrush (Callistemon kernmorrisonii) 64
Biffen, Rowland 109
Biodiversity International 154
Biotropica 88
medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) study 94–8
seed dispersal proficiency 85, 90, 101–102
seed predators 90
blazing star (Liatris spicata) 32
Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute 63
BMC Biology 81
Bonn Botanic Gardens 215
boordan boroo 267
boreal forests 58
Borlaug, Norman 141
Botanic Gardens Conservation International 206
Botanical Gazette 232
Brazil, 81, 87–8 See also Amazon rainforest
bread drunkenness 112
Britain, diplomatic mission to Chinese Imperial Court 24
British Association for the Advancement of Science 26
British Museum, Department of Botany 24–5
brown spider monkeys 103
Brudvig, Lars 234
budan 267
Bump, Joseph 84
atmospheric CO2 released during 64
bushwillow (Combretum zeyheri) 31
cabbage-on-a-stick plant See ‘Ōlulu (Brighamia insignis)
California Botanic Garden 236
Cámara-Leret, Rodrigo 275
Cambodian rice production 192–3
Campanulaceae family 225
canna lily (Canna compacta Roscoe) 23–4, 70
planting trees in wrong habitats 210
cassowaries and seed dispersal 101–2
Center for Plant Conservation 236
cereals 137
decreasing nutrient levels 144
domestication effects on 124
global crop production 139
global warming effects on 150
Green Revolution 143
lodging problems 140
Chaney, Ralph 20
charophytes 44
Chatham Island 92 See also San Cristóbal
Chelsea Physic Garden 25
Cherokee Nation Seed Bank 280–1
Cherokee Nation seed collection and deposit 279
Cherokee Tribal Council 280
crop domestication 118, 119, 120
earliest cultivation of lotus 19, 20
fossils 56
Chouraqui, Nathanaël 174
Chowdhury, Adib 174
civets (Viverridae) 86 See also kopi luwak
Cleopatra VII 161
Coal Mine No. 3 (Norway) 163, 243
Coates, Alfred 212
coco de mer palm tree (Lodoicea maldivica) 28–30
coconut of the sea See coco de mer palm tree
Cocos Island 95
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) 186–9
The Conversation 129, 147–8, 204, 285
Cooksonia 51
Cordaites 55
corn See maize (Zea Mays subsp. mays)
cornflower (Leucochrysum molle) 31
cotyledon 33
COVID-19 pandemic
impact of birth rates 133
impact on Beal Bottle Experiment 234
impact on food security 134
on connection to Country 272–3
on fires in monsoon vine thickets 272
crab’s eye creeper (Abrus precatorius) 266
forest fires during 81
crop domestication 114–15, 116–17
compared to wild relatives study 2017 122–3
domestication effects on 124
loss of seed dormancy 125, 126
crop intensification 144
crop productivity and response to temperature and rainfall 151–2
crop wild relatives 153–5, 172
crossbreeding experiments
grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) 179
cryptospores 48
cultivation of plants 116
Australian Indigenous peoples 121
Cumberland Plain Woodland 218–19
cycad tree (Encephalartos woodii) 204
daisy family 137
Law Grounds 268
Darlington, HT 233
darnel ryegrass 112
database, animal-seed interactions 87
ancient varieties 9
commercial varieties 4
extent of cultivation across Middle East 8
widespread cultural status 8–9
deep physiological dormancy 78
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 257
desert agricultural projects in Israel 3–4
dessication (drying) process 216–17
devil’s club plant 85
dioecious flowering plants 12
Djabera Djabera people 266–7, 269
domestication of plants See crop domestication; plant domestication
Domozych, David 44
dormant seeds 69
Dream of Wild Health 281, 284–5
dry mass accumulation 33
edible plants, scope and scale of study 136–7
Egyptian mummy wheat 26
El Galil, Tarek Abd 172
embryophytes 49
endangered animals 82, 102–103
endangered plants 64, 154, 195, 201–202, 205–206, 220–4, 275
endosperm 33, 34, 57, 122, 144
endozoochory process 84
environmental cues
smoke as germination cue 79–80
seed collection missions 271
ergot fungus 112
eukaryotes 205
European Space Agency research project 259–60
evolutionary anachronism 100–1
faba bean necrotic yellows virus (FBNYV) 171–2
famines 107–108, 128, 129–30, 142, 193
Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) 135–6
female sex cell 53 See also megagametophyte
domestication of cereals 117, 120, 124
fertiliser usage 144
Fidelis, Alessandra 80
smoke as germination cue 79–80
See also pink flannel flowers (Actinotus forsythii)
fire management by Australian Indigenous peoples 121, 270–1
fish and tucum palm seed dispersal 87–8
Flematti, Gavin 81
Fleming, Margaret 234
flora and fauna under threat of extinction 205–6, 220–4, 275
flowering monsoon hibiscus (Hibiscus peralbus) 266
endangered 201–2, 205–6, 220–4, 275
size of ancient flowers 59
See also angiosperms
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 134, 143
afforestation and reforestation initiatives 208–10
boreal 58
capture and store of carbon 206–7
monoculture plantations 209
Forrester’s bottlebrush (Callistemon forresterae) 64
fossils 269
living 218
Fowler, Cary 169
frankincense (Boswellia sacra) 3
Friedman, William ‘Ned’ 144
Frontiers in Forest and Global Change 210
Frontiers in Plant Science 44, 252
Fuller, Dorian 114–15, 121, 125
fungal diseases 109–10, 197, 220, 224
Gagnon, Terese 286
Galen 9
Galetti, Mauro 88
African rice 181
destroyed by armed conflict 170
destroyed by natural disasters 169
maintaining diversity in accessions 242
measures to ensure protection of collection 131, 171–9, 183
repatriation of rice to Cambodia 193
as resource for breeding and research 189, 190
seed ageing challenges 241
seed life span challenges 242
testing viability of seeds 240
Vavilov’s establishment of first global plant 128
See also a; Genetic Resources Unit; International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA); Iraq National Genebank; Millennium Seed Bank (MSB); Svalbard Global Seed Vault
genes 109
diversity of crop wild relatives 154
mutations in rice 142
repair mechanisms 246
role in size of beak in finches 98
role in stronger wheat varieties 141
RYMV-resistant rice 182
See also Bateson, William; Mendel, Gregor
Genetic Resources Unit 181
value of seeds as genetic resource 126–7
germination See seed germination
gibberellic acid 14
genes that interfere with 141
glass state physics 248–9, 253–4
Global Crop Diversity Trust 280
global crop seed market 137
global food security 164, 226 See also genebanks
impact of climate change 151–3
seed supply complexities 137–8
global languages, extinction rates 274–5
global population
food production demands 133–4, 137–8, 139, 143
Godwin, Ian 129
golden wattle (Acacia pycnantha) 71
Gospers Mountain mega blaze 63–4, 66, 218
Gould, John 94
grass family 137 See also rice; wheat
grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) 178–9
Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area 64
Green Revolution 144
food production 143
impact on loss of plant diversity 153, 155
green warbler finch (Certhidea olivacea) 96
Greendeer, Jessika 281–2, 283, 284
Grewia breviflora 266
grey Deua pomaderris (Pomaderris gilmourii var. cana) 64
The Guardian 174
Guarino, Luigi 280
Gunung Palung National Park 82
Gwin, Pat 280
gymnosperm ovules 57
difference from angiosperms 57
living species 58
Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem 4
Harrer, Laurie 85
cultural and spiritual status of ‘Ōhi‘a lehua tree 276–9
endangered plant families 225
‘Ōhi‘a lehua tree 223
species extinction and impact on culture 275
herbivores and seed dispersal 86
heterosis (hybrid vigour) 142–3
Higgins, Adrian 167
Hippocrates 9
Hiptage benghalensis 32
Ho-Chunk Nation 281
hornworts 45
horsegram, effect of domestication 125–6
Hoskin, Chuck Jr 279
How to Grow a Planet (BBC) 70
imbibition process 68
inactive seeds 69
Inazuka, Gonjiro 140
horsegram, effect of domestication 125–6
reintroduction of millet to diet 195
wild rice cultivation 118
Indian shot (Canna indica) 31–2, 70–1
Indian wild rice (Oryza nivara) 118
Indigenous languages as reservoir for medicinal knowledge 275
Indigenous Seed Keepers Network 283
insects and seed dispersal 89–90
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research 167
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 147
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) 150, 171–9, 187
duplication of seed collection 174–5, 178
new hubs in Lebanon and Morocco 177
plant collection missions 172
rebuilding genebank collection 176–8
rescue mission to send seeds out of Syria 173–6
seed genebank 172
Seed Health Laboratory 178
viral diseases in legume research 171–2
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) 187, 194
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) 187–8
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 188
International Livestock Research Institute 188
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center 141, 187
International Potato Center 187
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) 187, 192, 193
International Seed Federation 137
International Space Station (ISS) 259
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 189–90
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 205–6, 217
ancient Roman attack of Jerusalem 5–7, 11
desert agricultural projects 3–4
Palaeolithic settlement of Ohalo II 116
See also Masada
Japan, Daruma wheat variety 140, 141
Jesionka, Natalie 285
jewel orchid (Anoectochilus imitans) 30–1
Josephus 7
Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia) 203
Journal of Agricultural Science 109
Journal of Nutrition 195
The Journal of the History of Biology 93–4
Judean date palm
excavated specimens 4
extinction 12
Juglans australis (walnut) 23
Jurassic period 56
Kaplan, Sarah 210
Karen refugee community and access to ancestral seeds 285–6
Karomia gigas tree 203
Keller, Michael 137
Kew Gardens 204, 205, 211, 216
keystone biological events 44
keystone species 102–3, 203 See also cassowaries; Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia); orangutans
Kimberley Community Seed Bank 271–2
kinolau 277
kopi luwak 86
Kumari, Safaa 171–2, 173–4, 178
land animals
mutualism between plants and 86
seed dispersal proficiency 82–7
seed predators 90
land plants
evolutionary progress 43–5, 49–50
symbiotic relationship with mycorrhizal fungi 48
landraces 172
African rice 182
maintaining diversity in accessions 242
as source of biodiversity 155
languages 127, 267, 278–9, 282, 286
Indigenous language and medicinal knowledge 275
threat of extinction of global 275
larkspur (Delphinium peregrinum) 32
Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 115–16
late embryogenisis abundant proteins (LEAs) 251
Latty, Tanya 204
Lebanon, endangered plants 203–4
Lee, Timothy 204
development of FBNYV-resistant varieties 178
effect of domestication on 125–6
rare varieties 187
Levi, Taal 85
Libby, Willard 20
liverworts 45
living fossils 218
Loder, Gerald 212
Lord Howe Island endangered plants 202
Loskutov, Igor 131
lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) 19, 21
Louis L. Borick Natural Medicine Research Center 4
Lowland tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) 86
Lowry, David 234
Lusty, Charlotte 138
on diversifying crop production 153
on Green Revolution 155
on seed ageing in genebanks 241
lycopsids 52
lysergic acid 112
Magela, Geralda 87
magenta lilly pilly (Syzygium paniculatum) 220
Magness, Jodi 7
maize (Zea Mays subsp. mays) 120, 124
Cherokee Nation varieties 279
mallow family 137
Malo, Juan E 89
Manzano, Pablo 89
Masada: From Jewish Revolt to Modern Myth (Magness) 7
Mauro, John 249
May, Robert 204
mayi boordan 267
mayingan manja balu 267
medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) study 94–8
megagametophyte 53
megaspore 53
Mendel, Gregor 109
microspore 53
Millennium Seed Bank (MSB) 211–14, 251
limitations to conservation 216–17
mimosa tree (Albizia julibrissin) seeds 24, 25
molecular clock analysis 52, 56
monoecious flowering plants 12
monsoon vine thickets (MVTs) 265–73
analysis of fire history 270
cultural connection between Indigenous peoples and 269
ecosystem within 266
impact of colonisation on 270
Indigenous peoples’ knowledge of ecosystem 269–70
names in Indigenous language 267
seed collection missions 271
See also boordan boroo; budan; mayi boordan; mayingan manja balu
Moshenska, Gabriel 26
Moss, Ayesha 271
Mountain State Geology 40
Munz, Philip 235
Munz/Went project 238
Murphy, Charlene 125
mustard family 137
Mustelidae family of animals 86
mutualism, between plants and animals 86, 91–2, 99
mycorrhizal fungi, symbiotic relationship with plants 48
myrmecochory 89
myrrh, germination from ancient seed 17–18
Myrtaceae family (lilly pillies) 219–20
myrtle rust 220
Nabhan, Gary Paul 108
pink flannel flowers germination 67, 78–9
signs of recovery 65
narrow-leafed campion (Silene stenophylla) 21–2
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) 146–7
National Plant Genetic Resources Library 169
National Plant Germplasm System 190
National Public Radio 280
National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG) 220, 221, 276
National Tropical Botanical Garden (NTBG) Seed Bank 222
National Trust 212
native grasshoppers (weta) and seed dispersal 89–90
natural selection 93–4, 95, 97, 98, 110
Nature 25
Nature Ecology and Evolution 56
Nature Plants 172
Ndjiondjop, Marie Noelle 180–2
on relocation logistics of AfricaRice 183–5
responsibilities as genebank manager 186
New Scientist 171
New Zealand, native grasshoppers (weta) and seed dispersal 89–90
N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources 132, 196–7
non-deep physiological dormancy 78
non-orthodox (recalcitrant) seeds 166, 217, 224, 225, 254
challenges presented by 218
lilly pilly 219
non-shattering trait 124
Nordic Genebank 162
Norfolk Island 202
Novik Urban Farm 286
Nyul Nyul people 266, 267, 269, 270, 271
Nyul Nyul Women’s Rangers 267, 271
Offord, Cathy 71
on dormancy 75
on non-orthodox seeds 218, 219
Ohalo II 116
‘Ōhi‘a lehua (Metrosideros polymopha) 223–4
cultural and spiritual status 276–8
Rapid ‘Ōhi‘a Death (ROD) disease 278
seed collection and conservation 278–9
‘Ōlulu (Brighamia insignis) 225
Ooi, Mark 69
fire ephemeral collaboration 80–1
Open Library of Humanities 26
On the Origin of Species (Darwin) 94
orthodox seeds 166, 217, 224, 225
glassy state 249–52, 253, 254, 257
predicting life span 240
process of slowing down metabolism 247
Our World In Data 134
pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) 88
palms See coco de mer palm tree; date palms; Judean date palms; tucum palms
Pantanal tropical wetland 87–8
pea family 137
pea plants experiments 109
Pearce, Fred 171
Pennisi, Elizabeth 144
Perlman, Steve 222
Permaculture Women 283
Permian period 55
Perpetual Repercussion (artwork) 167–8
pesticides usage 144
Phaseolus albicarminus 187
photosynthesis and climate change 149
photosynthetic green algae 43–4
physiological dormancy 72–3, 78
phytogeography 110
pink flannel flowers (Actinotus forsythii) 65–6
germination in right conditions 67
non-deep physiological dormancy 78–9
smoke as germination cue 79–80
Plant Extinction Prevention Program (PEPP) 222
plant hormone 14, 74 See also gibberellic acid
The Plant Messiah (Magdalena) 215
adaptation to different habitats 191–2
breeding varieties for climate change 153–4
as central to Indigenous culture 272–4
extinct 206
Native Americans’ connection to 282
under threat of extinction 205–6
ways to mitigate heat stress 149–50
plumule 33
Preece, Catherine 122
Progress in Botany 49
progymnosperms 53 See also Archaeopteris
late embryogenisis abundant proteins (LEAs) 251
Purugganan, Michael 114
on domestication of plants 121, 124, 125, 126
on increasing yield of crop production 152
Pyrenophora tritici-repentis 197
Queen Anne’s lace (Daucus carota) 31
Queensland Museum Collection and Research Centre 59
radicle 33
radiocarbon dating 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25–6
Rancho Santa Ana 235, 236 See also California Botanic Garden
Rapid Ōhi‘a Death (ROD) 224, 278
reactive oxygen species (ROS) 246
recalcitrant seeds See non-orthodox (recalcitrant) seeds
reforestation initiatives 208
reptiles and seed dispersal 86–7
The Revelator 275
rhizoids 48
Cambodian rice production 192–3
cultivation in Africa 181
diseases 182
domestication effects on 124, 192
production breeding programs 141–2
water tolerance limits 151
Rice Biodiversity Center for Africa 181
rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) 182
Ritchie, Hannah 143
Roberts, Alice 118
rock sea-spurry wildflowers 31
rocket (Eruca sativa) 259
Roser, Max 143
Rothwell, Gar 40
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 87
Rozefelds, Andrew 59–60, 84, 101–2
Rubisco enzyme 149
Runcaria heinzelinii 54
first global plant genebank 128
See also Soviet Union
development of bean high in iron 193–5
waterlily discovery in hot spring 200–1, 214
San Cristóbal 92
Sanne, Dyveke 167
Santa Rosa de Tastil excavation 22–4
Save Plants 236
Scheckler, Stephen 40
Schroyer, Fred 40
seed ageing ix–x
effect of domestication on 123, 125
evolutionary anachronism 100–1
by land animals 82–8, 100, 103
proportionate to size of animal 100
time dispersal 68
seed dormancy 69–70, 75–6, 252, 255
loss in domesticated crops 125, 126
physical dormancy 70
survival mechanisms 77
environmental cues 74–5, 79–80
lilly pilly 219
monsoon vine thickets (MVTs) 272
seed longevity 255
mechanisms for extreme 252
seed plants See angiosperms; gymnosperms
seed rematriation as act of decolonisation 282–5
Seed Savers Exchange 283
seed tissue, oldest viable 21
Seed World 280
alpine 225
collecting for biodiversity 155–6
global warming effects on 150
impact of domestication on 122–3
oldest seed ever germinated 18
protective mechanisms 90–1, 96
temporal diversity 243
unpredictability of longevity 238–9
See also non-orthodox (recalcitrant) seeds; orthodox seeds
Seeds (Kesseler & Stuppy) 32
Seeds of Resistance (Schapiro) 170
self-pollinating plants 142
Shen-Miller, Jane 21
Sierra Leone rice genebank 170
Silvestro, Daniele 56
germination of ancient date seeds 13–17, 74
germination of mystery ancient seed 17–18
Solowey, Michael 17
sour leaf (chin baung ywet) 285
South Americas, genebanks 187
South Manchuria Railway Company 19
South-West Asia, origins of crop domestication 115
Spanish flu 1918 162
spathe (protective sheath) 15
sperm cells 53
spore-producing plants 53
Stalin, Joseph 129
State of the World’s Plants and Fungi 2020 144
Stewart, Iain 70
stripe rust 197
suberin 71
Svalbard Global Seed Vault 163–8, 169
accessions 164, 165, 174–5, 185, 189, 279, 280
seed life span challenges 242–3
seed longevity long-term study 243–4
sycamore maple seed (Acer pseudoplatanus) 31–2
Sydney Royal Botanic Garden 218
Syrian Arab Spring uprising 173
Taali dates 9
Talmud 9
Tamed (Roberts) 118
Tans, Pieter 146
Telewski, Frank 233
traditional crop landraces 155, 172
transcription factors in gene regulation 98
tree frog (Xenohyla truncata) 88
Tree of Knowledge 28 See also coco de mer palm tree
fruiting canopy 83
planting in wrong habitats 210
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 121
tropicbird orchid (Angraecum eburneum) 30
Trusov, Yuri 129
Tuanan Orangutan Research Program 82
ungulates and seed dispersal 86, 100
United Nations Children’s Fund 135
United Nations Global Goal for Sustainable Development, ‘Zero Hunger by 2030’ 134
United States
Cherokee Nation seed collection 279
displacement of native tribes 279–80, 281
endangered plants 203
invasive weeds 234
Karen refugees’ access to ancestral seeds 285–6
native crop wild relatives 154
rematriation of native American seeds 282–3
United States Agency for International Development 136
United States Geological Society 40
USDA National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation 34, 68, 185, 190–1, 236
Valuable and Endangered 270
Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich 107–13, 130
hunt for origins of agriculture 112–13, 114
international seed collection 127–8, 131
investigation into Persian bread and wheat 111–13
value of seeds as genetic resource 126–7
Verbascum blattaroa 234
Wagner, David 209
Wallace, Alfred Russel 99, 100
on accessibility to accessions 190
on maturation drying 247
predicting life span of seeds 239, 240–1
on seed germination 68
water gap in physically dormant seeds 72
waterlilies (Nymphaea thermarum) 200–1, 214–16
Waterworth, Wanda 252
Weatherall, Kylie 271
Weber, Marjorie 233
weeds, monsoon vine thickets (MVTs) 270
West Africa
rice development programs 183
West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey (WVGES) 39
Daruma variety 140
yellow spot resistant variety 198
Where Our Food Comes From (Nabhan) 108
White, Rowen 283
Whitehouse, Katherine 239, 247
on estimating seed longevity 254, 255
on seed soilbanks 251
wild emmer wheat 117
wild plant seeds, longevity 251–2
wild rice (Oryza barthii) 114
wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) 118 See also Indian wild rice (Oryza nivara)
Wildlife and Threatened Species Bushfire Recovery Expert Panel 64
winter annuals 75
women, ancestral role in seed keeping and cultural memory 283
World Agroforestry 188
World Health Organization Child Growth Standards 135
World Resources Institute 133
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 87
Living Planet Index 205
X-ray tomography 125
Yadin, Yigael 13
Yashina, Svetlana 22
Yazbek, Mariana
breeding plants for climate change 150–1, 153–4
on plant biodiversity 155
on plant collection process 188
testing viability of seeds 240, 241
yellow fatu flower (Abutilon pitcairnense) 202, 214
yellow spot resistant wheat 198
Yuan Longping 142
Yucca brevifolia (Joshua tree) 203
Zanotto, Edgar 249
Zirondi, Heloiza 80
Zoological Society of London 94
zygnematophyceae algae 44