This history is based on eleven years of continuous research in archives and published works. For the German side, it relies heavily on the daily war diaries of German naval headquarters in Berlin and U-boat headquarters at various locations, and on the war diaries (or patrol reports) of individual U-boats. For the Allied side, it relies heavily on after-action reports from convoys and from warships and aircraft that tangled with U-boats, on interrogation reports of captured German and Italian submariners, and on codebreaking documents in London and Washington.
The war diaries of the various U-boat commands, amounting to thousands of pages (most translated into English) are immensely detailed. They include sailing and return dates and daily positions (known and assumed) of all U-boats on patrol, names, composition and action of groups (“wolf packs”), sightings, chases and sinkings of Allied ships, battle damage or mechanical breakdowns incurred, information regarding offensive and defensive weapons, and assessments of strategy and tactics by Karl Dönitz and others. Using these diaries and confirmed Allied ship losses to U-boats as compiled by others, a mass of newly released intelligence documents derived from the German naval Enigma decrypts, and data from other sources, including individual U-boat war diaries and interviews with captains and crewmen, it has been possible to re-create almost all significant features of the patrols of virtually all the U-boats.
Although this study is based for the most part on primary documents—war diaries, after-action reports, unit histories, and the like—I have, of course, consulted published sources. These vary quite widely in authenticity, reliability, and literary quality. Those I found of greatest merit include the official and semiofficial Allied war histories; all the writings of the esteemed German scholars Professor Jürgen Rohwer, Eberhard Rössler, Jak Mallmann Showell, and Axel Niestlé as well as the works of Günther Hessler and Karl Dönitz. Also of special notice are the works of the British authors Geoffrey P. Jones and Norman L. R. Franks, who have diligently probed official British archives to record specific U-boat kills by British and other Commonwealth air and naval forces. For equally competent and reliable research of this type, the American authors Philip K. Lundeberg, William T. Y’Blood, and Max Schoenfeld and the Canadian authors W.A.B. Douglas, Michael L. Hadley, and Marc Milner must be mentioned.
Herr Horst Bredow, director of the impressive Stiftung Traditionsarchive Unterseeboote in Cuxhaven, Germany, provided much general help as well as background and specific documents of great value. One is a list (in booklet form) of all German U-boats built in World War II. The data for each boat include type, place of construction, dates of launching and commissioning and assignment to battle-front flotilla (or schools, and so on), skippers and dates they commanded, and final fate of boat and crew. Another document is a compilation of Allied warships and merchant ships that were sunk by each U-boat, broken down by skippers of those individual U-boats. Herr Bredow also helped arrange our interviews with German U-boat veterans.
The most tedious and exacting challenge in this work was the compilation of accurate lists of Allied ships sunk by U-boats and, conversely, U-boats sunk by the Allies. Many such lists published in earlier years, including official government lists, are not accurate. In more recent times, British, German, and other scholars have vetted and published these lists and continue to vet them as new information comes to light. For ships sunk by U-boats, we have, of course, relied on the 1983 edition of Professor Rohwer’s indispensable Axis Submarine Successes 1939-1945. Regrettably, a new (1998) edition was not available in time for us to consult, but it definitely should be used by others who study this period of history. For U-boats sunk by the Allies, we have relied on the first (1998) edition of German U-boat Losses During World War II, by Axel Niestlé, a work of awesome detail and accuracy and therefore also indispensable.
Many other persons assisted us in our research, and for that help we are deeply grateful. We would especially like to thank Marcia Carr; my wife’s brother, Charles H. (“Ham”) Rutledge; and Frederic Sherman. Marcia, the chief librarian of the Washington Island Library, obtained for us literally hundreds of books and periodicals (some of them quite obscure) through the Wisconsin Interlibrary Loan system. Ham Rutledge, a professional computer wizard, created a program to compile the indices and nursed Joan through countless PC complications and challenges. Purely as a favor, our dear friend Fred, a retired newspaper editor, read and suggested corrections on the manuscripts of both volumes before I turned them over to the publisher. His suggestions, gratefully received, significantly improved the manuscripts.
We are also deeply indebted to the noted Enigma historian Ralph Erskine, who lives in Northern Ireland. He read the pages in Volume II that pertain to Enigma and Allied bombes, correcting errors and freely sharing his vast knowledge of Enigma with us. It needs pointing out that much of this story was not declassified by NSA until the spring of 1996 and that many more thousands of documents remain to be released before historians are satisfied that the full story is available from primary documents.
Finally, we thank the many persons at Random House, Inc., who supported this work and helped see it to completion. These include, notably, our editor, the incomparable Robert D. Loomis; our production editor, Sybil Pincus; and our copy editor, Chuck Thompson.
Others who have helped us over the years in (audiotaped) interviews or by correspondence include Joachim Ahme; Debbie Anderson (née Desch); Phillip Bochichio; Horst Bredow; Gus Britton; Colin Burke; Otto von Bülow; Robert M. Cop-pock; Joseph J. Eachus; Alfred Eich; Wolfgang von Eickstedt; Carl Emmermann; Kristina Engstrom; Wilhelm Grap; Lucille Gutterman; Reinhard Hardegen; Hans-Georg Hess; Veronica Mackey Hulick; Walter Kaeding; Frank Kaspras; Siegfried Koitschka; Hans-Günther Lange; Georg Lassen; Robert W. Love, Jr.; Bruce I. Meader; Hans Meckel; Allan Rockwell McCann; George P. McGinnis; Timothy P. Mulligan; Jürgen Oesten; Helmut Pich; Georg von Rabenau; Alfred Radermacher; Jürgen Rohwer; Hans-Rudolf Rösing; Heinrich Schroeteler; Friedrich Schumann-Hindeberg; Herbert Sohler; Hans-Harald Speidel; Werner Techand; Louis W. Tordello; Robert H. Weeks; Otto Westphalen.
The massive research collected in the preparation of this work, including thousands of pages of documents and microfilm and microfiche, has been deposited with my papers for Silent Victory: The U.S. Submarine War Against Japan and other books and papers relating to my professional and personal activities at the American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming in Laramie. Serious researchers of World War II naval operations and Allied codebreaking should find this collection especially of value.
When I began research for, I found a rich source of primary documents at the Naval Historical Center (NHC), located at the Washington, D.C., Navy Yard. In the mid-1990s, almost all of this material was transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in College Park, Maryland, a suburb of Washington. Many of the documents are copied onto microfilm and duplicates are obtainable from NARA.
In our work at the Center, as in other work before, we were ably—and cheerfully—assisted by Bernard Cavalcante and Kathy Lloyd of the staff of the Operational Archives (hereafter NAVOPARCH). We owe them many thanks. We also wish to thank Dr. Timothy Francis in the Ship’s History Division and the staff of the Navy Library. Unpublished documents at the Center that were especially useful:
Administrative Histories of the U.S. Navy in World War II. Rare typescripts at the Navy Library, NHC. Some histories are available on microfiche. A printed guide to the histories is also available. We consulted:
Assmann, Kurt. “Headline Diary.” 228 pp. In English. GNR Boxes T-64 and T-78. (Microreels T-10, T-11, T-54.)
Assmann, Kurt, and Walter Gladisch. “Aspects of the German Naval War.” Essay. 29 pp. In English.
GNR Boxes T-64 and T-81.
“Blockade Running Between Japan and Germany.” 8/27/45. Essay. 34 pp. GNR Box T-78. (Microreel T-23.)
Boehm, Hermann. “The War at Sea.” Essay. 11 pp. In English. GNR Box T-66. (Microreel T-47.) Clark, William Bell. “Submarines in the Western Hemisphere 1942 and 1943.” 3 vols. (Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings re U-boat campaign.) Unique. Navy Library, NHC.
Daily Position Reports of Allied Warships, Merchant-Ship Convoys, and Axis Submarines. (On large Atlantic maps.) Chief of Naval operations: World War II Command File.
Dönitz, Karl. “Capitulation Address.” 5 pp. In English. GNR Box T-66. .
——.“The Conduct of the War at Sea.” 34 pp. Essay. In English. 1/15/46. GNR Box T-66. (Microreel 1985.)
——. Documents about or relating to. From German records and other sources. Includes his official fitness reports (in German), a secret USN interrogation of him on 8/16/45, and a copy of the USSBS interrogation of him on 6/28/45 (see NARA documents). GNR Box T-87 TR-50. (Microreel T-50.)
——. “Talk to the Officers’ Corps.” [Circa 5/8/45.] In English. GNR Box T-66. Dossiers of Some German U-boat Officers. (Microreel T-51.)
1. Wilhelm Canaris
2. Karl Dönitz
3. Hans-Georg von Friedeburg
4. Werner Hartmann
5. Fritz-Julius Lemp
6. Heinrich Liebe
7. Karl-Heinz Moehle
8. Günther Prien
9. Erich Raeder
10. Joachim Schepke
11. Viktor Schütze
Freiwald, Kurt. [CO. U-18L] “U-boat Activity in the Indian Ocean.” 1/13/50. Essay. 16 pp. In English. GNR Box T-66. (Microreels T-27 and T-47.)
Fuerbringer, Wagner. ‘The U-4T’s Scapa Flow Undertaking.” 4/3/48. Essay. 6 pp. In English. GNR Box T-66. (Microireel T-47.)
German Arctic Operations. Twenty essays based on data provided by German naval officers who fought in the Arctic. GNR Box T-94. (Microreel T-48, Misc. Series 118-A to 118-U.) See especially:
118-M U-boat War versus USSR shipping, 23 pp.
118-0 U-boat mine laying, 6 pp.
118-S U-boat Ops, technical, 13 pp.
German Arctic Operations. The Arctic sea route of the German auxiliary cruiser Komet, 8/14/40 to 9/5/40. Admiralty Report 12/4/45. GNR Box T-80.
German Midget Submarines: Marder, Biber, Molch, Hecht, Seehund. GNR Box T-95.
German Minesweeping and Estimated Shipping Losses to Allied Mines. Two reports by USN Historical Team, 1950.43 pp. GNR Box T-93.
German Naval Air 1933-1945. Historical essay, based on German Naval Staff documents. Office of Naval Intelligence, 1/15/47. 37 pp. (Microreel T-48, Misc. Series, Item 4.)
German Naval Policy in Face of the Air Menace from the West (Summary). Report of British Bomber Survey Unit, 9/7/45. 85 pp. GNR Box T-79.
German Submarine Type XXI. Method of production. Admiralty Report of January 1945. (Based on about 5,000 documents captured at the Hermann Göring Werke, Strassburg.) 27 pp. GNR Box T-79.
German Submarine Type XXI. Report from USN Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, March 1946. (Technical evaluation.) Submarines/Undersea Warfare Division. Series 3, File 3, Box 9. (Microreel NRS 517.)
German Technical Aid to Japan: A Survey by the Division of Naval Intelligence. 6/15/45. GNR Box T-95.
“German U-boats from Which Prisoners Were Taken During Hostilities by British and American Forces.” 15 pp. N.d. (Postwar.) Lists showing U-boat, type, date, skipper, Allied agency responsible for the destruction, and numbers of officers and enlisted men captured per boat. GNR Box T-76.
Godt, Eberhard. “Critical Review” of an essay, “Die Unterseebootswaffe im Dritien Weltkrieg” [“The Submarine Arm in World War II”], by Karl-Heinz Moehle. 11/27/50. 20 pp. In English. GNR Box T-67.
“The War At Sea.” Essay. 17 pp. November 3, 1945. GNR Box T-64. (Microreel 1985.) Handbook for U-boat Commanders, 1942 edition. 117 pp. In English. (Microreel T-50, Item TR 41.) See similar item by E. J. Coates, listed in Books section.
Heye, Hellmuth. “The Naval Aspects of the War.” Essay. 33 pp. In English. GNR Box T-66. (Microreel NRS 1985.)
Operation of German Small Battle Units (KdK). (Midget Submarines.) 5/22/45. 8 pp. GNR Box T-100.
Holtorf, Erich, and Alfred Behr. “Defensive Measures Against Enemy Type XXI and Walter Type XXVI U-boats.” 2/14/51. 14 pp. In English. GNR Box T-68.
“Fighting Enemy Submarines with Three-Dimensional Torpedoes.” 33 pp. In English. GNR Box T-69.
“German Torpedo Fire-Control Systems in WW II.” 5/22/51. Essay. 17 pp. In English. GNR Box T-69. (Microreel NRS T-47.)
“LUT Torpedo Firing Method from Depth.” 2/26/51. Essay. 18 pp. In English. GNR Box T-69.
Interrogation of U-boat Survivors, 1942-1944 (American “post mortems”): History, sinking and technical details of some U-boats destroyed by American forces, based on information from POW survivors. Most of these are extensive reports running to scores of pages and in a few cases, many more. Except in the five instances noted, these documents are also on microfilm (NRS 1979-107 and NRS 1980-28). An NRS number in parentheses designates additional information on other microfilm from the American forces that made the kill.
Note: Rough drafts and duplicates of the above and in some cases added documents and photos may also be found in NARA, Record Groups 38, 80, and 165. See below.
In addition, documents relating to the following U-boats, which surrendered after hostilities, may be found in the Command File:
U-234 | U-1228 |
U-805 | U-1230 |
Documents regarding the sinking or surrender of the following U-boats by or to American forces are on microfilm:
Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr. Papers relating to the Navy career and wartime death of. (Microreel NRS 1974-74.)
King, Ernest J. Papers of. Series XI, Box 13. Folder: "Review of Marshall, Arnold and King correspondence re ASW, 1942-1943,"
Knowles, Kenneth A., H.Q. USN, and K. E. Donegar, H.Q. British Admiralty. "German U-boat Fleet in World War Ilk Final Disposition." (Sunk, scuttled, etc.) 9/1/45, 144 pp. GNR Box T-97. (Microreel NRS T-48, Misc. Series Item 155.)
Leuthen, Group. Attack on convoy ON 202 ("Zaunkönig convoy"). September 1943. Narrative, translated from German with a Dönitz comment. 13 pp. GNR Misc. Series, Box T-95.
Location of U.S. Naval Forces. Chief of Naval Operations: World War %o Command File. (A daily listing of the location and readiness of all warships and patrol bombers.)
Lockwood, C[harles] A. Jr. (Naval Attaché, London.) "Translation of Operation Order of 5120141 captured from German tanker Gedania." 14 pp. GNR Box T-96.
Low, Francis S. "A Personal Narrative of Association with Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, U.S. Navy." 49 pp. 1961. (Microreel NRS 1975-61.)
Lüth, Wolfgang. "Problems of Leadership in a Submarine." Or, alternatively, "On Being a U-boat Captain." 15 pp. GNR Boxes T-69 and T-84. (Microreel NRS 1973-1 10.)
Lüdden, Siegfried. Document re Far East U-boat operations he prepared at sea 5/6/44. Captured by French Resistance forces. Forwarded to ONI 11/9/44. 14 pp. In English. GNR Box T-76. (Microreel NRS T-23.)
Mejer, Otto, and H. Reinecke. “Cooperation of U-boats and Luftwaffe in Attacks on Convoys.” 8 pp. In English. GNR Box T-69. (Microreel NRS T-47.)
Merker, Otto. USN interview with, re German shipbuilding, with emphasis on types XXI and XXIII U-boats. (Microreel NRS T-25.)
Metcalf, Martin K. See Tenth Fleet.
Moehle, Karl-Heinz. “Report on, with Reference to Orders Alleged to Have Been Given to the 5th U-Boat Flotilla.” Box T-77. (Laconia order interpretation.)
Mommsen, Hans-Günther. USN interview with, re labor and materials for German shipbuilding. (Microreel NRS T-25.)
Peters, Rudolph. (FdU U-boats, Arctic 1942.) “Submarine War in the Arctic Ocean.” 55 pp. In English. GNR Boxes T-69 and T-92. (Microreel NRS T-30.)
“Q-Ships, Reports and Documents Concerning Operations in World War II.” (Atik, Asterion, Eagle, Big Horn, Irene Forsyte.) World War Two Command File. See also ESF War Diary, Oct. 1943, ch. 2. Approx. 190 pp. (Microreels NRS 478 and NRS 1975-94.) See also War Diary, ESF, etc.
Raeder, Erich. Memo to Admiral [Kurt] Assmann re Hitler’s decision to mount Barbarossa, the invasion of the USSR. 1/10/44. GNR Box T-80.
Rösing, Hans-Rudolf. USN interview with, re U-boat logistics and French Bases. (Microreels NRS T-22 and NRS T-25.)
Ruge, Friedrich, et al. “The Soviet Union as Opponents at Sea.” The naval war between Germany and the Soviet Union, 1941-1945, as experienced and analyzed by the Germans. GNR Box T-70. (Microreel NRS T-33.) Also published in book format by USNI: See Ruge.
Schill, Group. Attack on convoy MKS 28/SL 138, October 1943. Narrative, translated from German with a Dönitz comment. 13 pp. GNR Misc. Series, Box T-95.
chlicke, Heinz. “Electronic Research in the German Navy.” Transcripts of ten lectures given to the U.S.N. 7/19/45 to 7/31/45. In English. GNR Box T-73. (Microreel NRS T-40.)
Schrader, Albert E. “War Diary, Naval Attaché, Berlin 9/1/39 to 3/24/41.” (Microreel NRS 542.)
Schuessler, Captain. “The [German] Navy’s Battle Against the Treaty of Versailles, 1919-1935.” Essay.’ 53 pp. In English; pp. 26-34 re submarines. GNR Boxes T-73 and T-84. (Microreels NRS T-34 and NRS 1985.)
Schuster, Captain, and Otto Schniewind. “The War at Sea.” 76 pp. GNR Box T-73. (Microreel NRS 1985.)
Stark, Harold R. Private papers and letters of, from London to SecNav, Cominch et al., re antisubmarine warfare, 1942-1945. About 200 pp. (Microreel NRS 235.)
Talbot, Melvin F. (USN observer at the Nuremberg Trials.) “The Case Against Grand Admiral Doentiz.” 7/12/46. typescript. 51 pps. GNR Box T-105.
Task Force 24, History of. (January-December 1941.) 150 pp. World War Two Command File. (Microreel NRS 11-453.) See also USN Administrative Histories.
Tenth Fleet. “Assessment Committee: ASW by ‘Incident’ Number in World War II.” (A chronological index to documents re 9,328 “incidents” or Allied attacks on U-boats.) (Microreel NRS 167.)
—. “Assessment Committee: Reports on Damage to Enemy Submarines, 6/4/42-1/7/46.” Rpts
nos. 1 to 72. World War Two Command File, Box 260.
—. Convoy and Routing. Extracts of miscellaneous documents from the files: RCAF weekly ASW
intelligence summaries, 3/21/43-6/14/44. Letter, Noble to King, enclosing minutes and addenda of the 21st meeting of War Cabinet Anti-U-boat Committee, 6/23/43. Atlantic Convoy Conference, February and March 1943: Minutes, subcommittee reports, etc. Documents and messages re convoy policy and operations 7/25/42-12/3/43. (Microreel NRS 1969-57.)
—. “History of the Anti-Submarine Measures.” World War Two Command File. 67 pp. Plus 18- page “Chronology.” (Microreel NRS 11-457.)
—. “History of Convoy and Routing.” World War Two Command File. 145 pp. By Martin K. Met calf. 1949. (Microreel NRS 1971-36.)
U-Boat Standing Orders. 143 pp. In English. GNR Boxes T-91 and T-92.
United States, German, Italian, and Japanese Submarine Losses in World War II. Edition of 1963. (Microreel NRS 1976-107.) See also listing at Naval History Division in Books section.
United States Navy. Anti-Submarine Bulletin. (“Yellow Peril,” so-called because the cover is yellow.) A monthly publication, June 1943 to May 1945, and a 44-page “Summary.” World War Two Command File, Boxes 259 and 260. “Summary” only on microfilm. (NRS 1973-4.) A once highly classified account of the Battle of the Atlantic, containing technical details about Allied and Axis weaponry, statistical charts of shipping losses, etc. An invaluable source similar to the British Monthly Anti-Submarine Report. (See Public Record Office.)
War Diary, Eastern Sea Frontier. December 1941 to September 1943. World War Two War Diary Collection. (7 Microreels, NRS 1971-48.) Index, 12/41 to 12/44. (Microreel NRS 1988-23.)
War Diary, Fleet Air Wing 7. World War II. (Microreel NRS 1971-102.)
War Diary, Fleet Air Wing 15. World War II. (Microreel NRS 1974-54.)
War Diary and History, U.S.N. Parol Squadron VP 83 (in May 1943, redesignated VB 107), 9/15/41-10/1/45. Prepared by Boyce S. McCoy.
War Diary (Kriegstagebuch or KTB) of the Commander in Chief, Submarines (Des Fuhrers/Be-fehlshabers der Unterseeboote, or FdU/BdU). In English. GNR Boxes T-40 to T-44. (5 Microreels, KTB, nos. 1-5.) Also available in German on microfilm at NARA: See Mulligan guide.
The KTB of BdU stops at 1/15/45. However, as Mulligan points out on p. 2 of his guide, reports of U-boat operations from 1/15/45 to 4/21/45 may be found elsewhere (in German) on microreels 3900 and 1755-1759, 1995. Also, there is a missing section, 10/16/43 to 10/31/43, in the BdU/KTB. The original is held by the Bundes-Abt. Militärchiv in Freiburg, Germany, item RM 87/32. This missing section can also be partly recovered by consulting the U-boat summaries in the SKL War Dairy (see below) for that period.
War Diary (KTB) FdU U-boats Italy/Mediterranean (Italien/Mittelmeer) 12/8/41 to 12/31/43. In English. GNR Boxes T-45 to T-48. Also available in German on microfilm at NARA: See Mulligan guide.
War Diary (KTB) FdU U-boats Italy/Mediterranean (Italien/Mittelmeer) 7/15/42 to 12/31/42 (period preceding and following Torch). In English. NARA, RG 457, NS A Historical Collection, NR 3547, Box 110.
War Diary (KTB) FdU U-boats Italy/Mediterranean (Italien/Mittelmeer) 1/16/44 to 9/7/44. Rough translation into English. GNR Box T-60. Also available in German on microfilm at NARA: See Mulligan guide.
War Diary (KTB) FdU Norway (Norwegen) 1/18/43 to 10/15/44. In English. GNR Boxes T-49 to T-53. Also available in German on microfilm at NARA; See Mulligan guide.
War Diary (KTB) Naval Group Command, West. 6/1/44 to 6/30/44. (Period of the Normandy Invasion.) 124 pp. In English. GNR Box T-82 TR-5. (Microreel NRS T-7.)
War Diary (KTB) of the Operations Division (der Seekriegsleitung, or SKL) Part A Naval H.Q., Berlin 1939-1945. Boxes T-l to T-39 In English, but with significant gaps. (16 Microreels, TM 100A to TM 100P) Also available in German on microfilm at NARA: See Mulligan guide.
—. Extracts 11/5/42-11/12/42 re U-boat Ops in Mediterranean vs. Torch, 30 pp. In English (filling
a gap). GNR Box T-82 TR-1.
—. Extracts of Appendix, “Supplement to the Submarine Situation”: 10/1/42 to 12/31/42
re U-boat Ops in South Atlantic versus Torch 11/8/42 to 11/16/42. In English. 5 pp. GNR BoxT-92.
War Diaries (KTBs) of U-boats. Extracts in English:
In addition, there are brief extracts or summaries from U-boat war diaries, in English, that are not on microfilm:
Wehr, Oskar, Konteradmiral. Proceedings of the court-martial of him and others for German torpedo
failures. 5/27/41. About 250 pp. In German. (Microreel NRS T-26.) Weichold, Eberhard. “Axis Naval Policy in the Mediterranean, 1939-1943.” 130 pp. In English. GNR
Box T-76.
“German Naval Defense [in 1944] Against the Allied Invasion.” 195 pp. In English. GNR Box
T-74. (Microreel NRS T-32.)
“Survey from Naval Point of View of the Organization of the GAF for Ops over the Sea
1939-1945.” In English. GNR Box T-75. (Microreel NRS T-41.)
“War at Sea in the Mediterranean.” 2/26/47. Essay. 80 pp. In English. GNR Box T-75. (Microreel NRS T-47.)
Whitehead, Thor. “Iceland and the Struggle for the North Atlantic 1940-1941.” MA thesis, University of Georgia, 1972. (Microreel NRS 516.)
Worthington, Joseph M. “A Biography of [Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet] Admiral Royal E. In-gersoll, U.S. Navy” 2 vols. Typescript. 1,009 pp. (2 microreels, NRS 1971-129.) Contains copies of numerous official dispatches re Atlantic Fleet Ops and convoying (etc.) from King to Ingersoll and vice versa and between King and others.
Apart from the foregoing, there are literally tens of thousands of primary documents and microfilms of primary documents at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) that deal with the U-boat campaigns of World War II. These include, significantly, microfilms of the entire German naval archives, captured at Castle Tambach (near Coburg) by Allied ground forces in April 1945 and removed to England and microfilmed.
The documents relating to the U-boat war at NARA are filed in various categories known as record groups. Because of the vast sizes of these groups, a researcher must be rigidly selective and focus narrowly on those documents that are obviously of exceptional value. In our many visits to NARA, two able officials guided us in our searches and helped arrange the copying of thousands of pages and numerous microreels of documents: John E. Taylor, archivist, and Dr. Timothy P. Mulligan, a specialist in captured German and related records.
Among the captured German records at NARA, those of particular value are the war diaries (Kriegstagebuchs or KTBs) of the three major U-boat commands (Atlantic, Mediterranean, Norwegian) and of 889 individual U-boats. The bulk of these records, known as Microfilm Publication T 1022, was reproduced in 1945-47 by the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence on 147 rolls of microfilm. These microreels (in German) may be purchased singly for a modest fee. Dr. Mulligan has produced an invaluable guide to these microreels (and instructions for ordering same) that can be obtained at NARA (see Mulligan in Books section). As related, the KTBs of the Atlantic U-boat command (as well as that of SKL, Berlin) are available in English on paper and microfilm. The KTBs of the Norwegian and Mediterranean U-boat commands are available in English on paper (but not microfilm).
The KTBs of the U-boats that survived and returned to base are especially valuable. They include a day-by-day account of the patrol, attacks on enemy shipping, Allied counterattacks, unusual events, meetings at sea with other U-boats, and verbatim official radio messages to and from the boat. A detailed “shooting report” for each torpedo expended is usually appended to the patrol report. The last voyages of many U-boats that failed to return have been summarized (and hypothesized) by U-boat Control based on orders and radio messages, sinking reports, interception of Allied ASW reports, and so on.
Note: Some of the following listed record groups at NARA, which we searched, contain copies of declassified Admiralty documents emanating from the Naval Intelligence Division (NID) that London passed to Washington during the war years.
Apart from the material transferred from NHC:
Chart Room Files.
Various boxes. These chronological files contain copies of the entire wartime operational communications of the Commander in Chief (COMINCH) Ernest J. King, both incoming and outgoing. Of particular interest, of course, are the messages pertaining to U-boat operations, convoy composition, convoy routing, convoy escorts, and other aspects of the Battle of the Atlantic. Seldom cited by naval historians, these documents are of unsurpassed value for insights into American, British, and Canadian thinking about the U-boat war, specific policies adopted, steps taken, and warship movements.
We limited our search of these documents to the periods 1/1/42 to about 6/1/42, when Drumbeat, the German U-boat campaign in the Americas, was in progress, and 2/1/43 to 4/1/43, when the Atlantic Convoy Conference convened. Naval historians who have castigated Admiral King for his alleged indifference to German U-boat depredations in American waters will be surprised at the wealth of information in these files that supports a contrary case.
NAVAL ATTACHE REPORTS 1944-47: BOXES I TO 16 AND 214, 327,469.
These documents, especially those from USN officers in London (COMNAVEU and COMTWELFTHFLEET), contain a great deal of technical and operational information about U-boats and ASW derived from British sources, including British interrogations of U-boat POWs. Of exceptional interest:
U-230 | U-562 |
U-343 | U-565 |
U-410 | U-586 |
U-421 | U-642 |
U-455 | U-952 |
U-466 | U-967 |
U-471 | U-969 |
Box 469: | Summary of information on German U-boats (less torpedo data). Extraordinarily thorough 37-page document (or “handbook”) prepared by E.G.N. Rushbrooke, Director of Naval Intelligence, Admiralty, 11/29/43. |
Handbook for the operations of the Type XXI U-boat. 42 pp. In English, 7/10/44. | |
Report on the capture in Toulon, France, of prefabricated sections and machinery sufficient to assemble two Type XXIII U-boats, 2/2/45. |
Subject File, 1942-1945, OP16Z (from Algiers to British N.I.D./1 PW.) British Final Reports. Box 2.
History, sinking, and technical details of thirty-six U-boats destroyed by British forces, based on information obtained from POW survivors—the final British “post mortems.” U-boats covered in this series:
Note: Duplicates of some of these documents may be found in RG 80 and RG 165 (see Mulligan guide) and at PRO (see below).
Subject File, 1942-1945, OP16Z (BAD Correspondence 1943-1944). Report re German code “Ireland” in POW mail, 10/12/43. Box 2. 2 pp.
Subject File, 1942-1945 OP16Z (Naval Messages to PW Special, 1945). Box 13.
Memo on the code used in correspondence by German U-boat prisoners of war in World War II. 1. Plus appendix of sample correspondence, 7/27/45. In addition, boxes 214, 327, and 469 contain information about:
Special Activities Branch, OP16Z. Interrogation Reports (final and rough).
1. History and technical details of forty-six U-boats destroyed by American forces and one (U-168) by Dutch forces, based on information from POW survivors. In most cases the final reports duplicate the American “post mortems” listed above (noted below in parenthesis) but in many cases the roughs contain interesting additional information and photos. (See also Record Groups 59, 80, and 165.) The destroyed U-boats dealt with in this category are:
2. History and/or technical details of ten U-boats that surrendered to American (US), Canadian (C), or Argentine (A) authorities after cessation of hostilities:
U-190 (C) | U-873 (US) |
U-234 (US) | U-889 (C) |
U-530 (A) | U-977 (A) |
U-805(US) | U-1228 (US) |
U-858(US) | U-1230(US) |
Items 862.30/7-1045 through 8-2145 and 862.30/8-445 through 8-2145 contain information about two U-boats that surrendered in 1945 in Argentina. These were:
Box 2334. “Official German Naval Reaction to the Subordination of the German Navy to the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces.” Historical essay based on interrogations of Grand Adöiral Karl Dönitz, VAdm. Otto Schniewind, VAdm. von der Borne, and Otto Mejer. 17 pp. N.d. (Postwar.)
Various boxes in this record group contain some information on U-boats. These boxes have been identified as such: 665, 666, 1679, 1829, 1830. U-boats covered:
Records of the G-2 (Intelligence) Division (MIS-Y). Boxes 364,441 to 571, 599 to 621,640, 645, 669, 712, 724 to 735, 745, and 746. Records and documents re U-boats, ships, and naval material based on interrogation of or eavesdropping on German POWs. (Some of these reports duplicate or supplement previously described American or British “post mortems”) U-boats and Italian submarines covered:
In addition, the following boxes contain documents of unusual interest:
724: | Bound Volume, tabbed. |
Tab A: An Appreciation of the Air Effort Against Submarines [U-boats] prepared by U.S.A.A.F. Eighth Air Force January 1943. 25 pp. | |
Tab B: U.S.A.A.F. Anti-Submarine Command Monthly Summary, January 1943. 36 pp. Technical and attack data, history of the command and Track Charts of convoys SC 104 and SC 107, etc. | |
“Schnorcher: report on by USN OP16Z. 2/15/45. 28 pp. | |
727: | POW Interrogations 5G-55NA #643 from U-118 8/23/43. 11 pp. Description of Enigma machine (Schluessel “M”) and operating instructions; description of U-boat’s Array Sonar (Type G.H.G. with 48 sensors); description of U-boat radio equipment and antennae. |
745: | Digests of U-boat [Technical] Information from German POW Sources. Digest 1 (12/4/43) to Digest 59 (6/25/45). About 200 pp. |
746: | Intelligence Report of 1/21/46 re why it was a mistake to transfer all naval armament production to Speer’s ministry in June 1943. Based on interview with Hans Günter Mommsen (chief, Naval Maténels). |
Joint New Weapons Committee Subject File: May 1942-1945. Boxes 1 and 18.
Box 1: | Correspondence re ASW between Dr. Vannevar Bush, director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (or his surrogates) and the JCS. 1/4/43 to 3/5/43. |
Box 18: | Draft manuscript: “Trends in Submarine Warfare.” Typescript. 42 pp. N.d. (circa July 1942). An American summary of ASW weaponry of the past, present, and immediate future and recommendations for lines of R&D to pursue. |
Report: | “Carriers for ASW Equipment” 14 pp. 7/18/42. A summary of USN ships and aircraft capable of ASW and the weaponry they carry, together with an analysis of U-boat characteristics and operations. |
This group contains the official documents of the War Crimes Trials at Nuremburg. We confined our research to two boxes, 25 and 75.
Final Reports 92 to 100, with support documents. Boxes 47, 49, and 50.
Box 47: | Final Report 92. “German Submarine Industry.” 108 pp. |
Exhibit M-l, M-2, and M-3: Allied aircraft attacks on U-boat yards at Hamburg, Bremen, and Kiel. ‘ | |
Box 49: | Final Report 92all. Bombing of Submarine Base, Brest, France. 10 pp. |
Box 50: | Final Report 92al7. Interviews of German submarine builders. See transcripts of four such interviews: |
Karl Dönitz on 6/28/45. | |
Eberhard Godt on 7/15/45. | |
Otto Merker (chief, naval shipbuilding) on 6/20/45. | |
H. Günter Mommsen, (naval materiels) on 6/28/45. | |
Minutes of the [German] Central Planning Committee for 5/4/43 (Dönitz presentation re U-boat war and supply lines) and 12/21/45 (Speer presentation re electric motor production) and brief excerpts from other meetings. Excerpts of speeches by Speer re “electro” U-boats on 8/3/44 and 1/13/45. |
This collection contains all the documents relating to the Allied penetration of German naval Enigma that have been released to the public by the National Security Agency (NSA) through 1998. The documents include not only translated Enigma decrypts but also technical and historical studies of the U-boat war based on the decrypts, the daily exchanges of U-boat information between the USN, RCN, and RN Submarine Tracking Rooms, daily and weekly summaries of U-boat activities, and the like.
We used two separate and indispensable guides to these documents: a general guide prepared by the Modern Military Branch at NARA (36 pages, n.d.) and a meticulous computerized guide cataloged and indexed by U-boat subject matter, prepared by Irwin G. Newman, a declassification consultant and archivist for the U.S. Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association (64 pages, dated 9/11/92).
Documents of this group that were exceptionally helpful:
In addition, some researchers may profit by consulting NARA Entry 9010 of this series: “German Navy/U-boat Messages Translations and Summaries: 1941 to 1945.” This massive document series in 67 boxes is 29 feet long and consists of 49,668 Enigma messages to U-boats, translated into English and filed chronologically, 1/2/41-7/9/45.
In 1996 the NSA turned over to NARA about 1.3 million more documents relating to the breaking of World War II Axis codes. These documents, also in Record Group 457, are cataloged in a list of 4,923 very briefly described items. Of particular interest to this book is item NR 1736, “Bombe History.” This is an excellent 11-page single-spaced document describing the history of building the American four-rotor bombes for breaking naval Enigma, prepared 4/24/44 by Howard T. Engstrom, Ralph I. Meader, and Joseph N. Wenger, the three men who ran the project. (RG 457, Box 705.)
The catalog of the 4,923 listed items is available at NARA. The catalog (over two hundred pages) can also be downloaded from NARA’s home page on the Internet.
The papers of Ernest Joseph King. Fifteen linear feet, about 10,000 items.
General Correspondence, 1908-57. Containers 1-18. See especially boxes 8,9,12,14.
Subject File, 1924-57. Containers 19-26. See especially boxes 21 (General Board) and 22 (Anti-Submarine 1942-1944 and Memoranda for SecNav).
Escort-of-Convoy Instructions (Revised 11/17/41). U.S. Atlantic Fleet. 11 pp. (LANTFLT 9A).
Miscellaneous papers (in German) relating to the following U-boats (containers 161-72; microreels 78-86):
Records of the Royal Navy and of British codebreakers in World War II are kept in the British Public Record Office (PRO) in Kew, a suburb of London. There are finding aids available for these records, which are computerized. Numerous records relating to this history have been microfilmed.
We limited our research mostly to those documents that deal with U-boat operations, U-boat sinkings, and information on U-boats gained from interrogation of German U-boat POWs. Most of the Enigma codebreaking documents (“Ultra”) relating to U-boats are filed under the broad category ADM 223. Most of the pertinent naval documents are filed under categories ADM 1, ADM 199, and ADM 237. The minutes of the weekly meetings of the Battle of the Atlantic and Anti-U-boat committees plus important addenda are filed in ADM 205 (see also War Cabinet file CAB 86). Official internal Admiralty monographs and histories (BR series) relating to U-boats are filed in ADM 186 and ADM 234. The documents at PRO that we consulted for this book:
213/573 | German submarine construction: “History of Walter Submarine Projects,” including postwar interviews with the commanders of the Walter Type XVIIB U-1406 (Werner Klug) and U-1407 (Horst Heitz). |
213/574 | Correspondence between Karl Dönitz and Helmut Walter re new U-boat designs and equipment. In English. |
German Submarine Construction: “History of the Type XXI.” |
Convoy narratives and U-boat sinkings. U-boat kills reported. See below.
223/8 | Special Studies: |
Percentage of losses imposed on German U-boats, 8/13/43. | |
Enemy appreciation of Allied ASW aircraft, 8/24/43. | |
U-boats in the Indian Ocean, 9/5/43. | |
Rate of expenditure of U-boats, 10/9/43. | |
223/16 | Ultra. U-boat appreciations and stories of convoy battles, 12/41 to 11/43. 136 pp. Convoys detailed: |
JW 56A | RA 57 | |
JW 56B | ONS 29 |
Special Studies: | |
U-boat operations off South Africa: March-July 1943, 10/24/43. | |
Resumption of U-boat operations against convoys, 9/20/43. | |
Claims by U-boats in 1943: Analysis by Naval Section, Bletchley Park (J.H.C. Whitehead). Report of 2/22/44. | |
Experience of U-boat skippers now on operations. 3/2/44. | |
U-boat campaign in the Indian Ocean: September-December 1943. Report of 3/18/44. | |
U-boat war: 1/12/44 to 3/12/44. Report of 3/14/44. | |
223/21 | Ultra. Weekly U-boat situation reports, 10/16/44 to 5/21/45. |
223/42 | Godt address to U-boat commanders. 6/14/45. 2 pp. |
223/88 | Special Study: Admiralty use of Special Intelligence in Battle of [the] Atlantic. 7 pp. N.d. (1945?) |
Admiralty Use of Special Intelligence in Naval Operations, by G[eoffrey] E. Colpoys, Officer in Charge, Operations Intelligence Center. 379 pp. | |
223/96 | Ultra. Weekly U-boat situation reports, 10/26/42 to 1/25/43. |
223/98 | Ultra. Weekly U-boat situation reports, 5/31/43 to 9/13/43. |
223/152 | U-570, capture of and technical surveys. |
223/170 | Ultra. Weekly U-boat situation reports 9/20/43 to 12/13/43. |
223/171 | Ultra. Weekly U-boat situation reports, 12/20/43 to 3/20/44. |
Special Study: The achievements of individual U-boats in 1943. Naval Section (J.H.C. Whitehead), Bletchley Park, 3/21/44. | |
223/172 | Ultra. Weekly U-boat situation reports, 3/20/44 to 10/9/44 and convoy battles in April and August 1944: |
JW 58 | |
JW 59 | |
Special Studies: | |
Note on U-boats in the Mediterranean, 4/18/44. | |
Experience of U-boat skippers now on operations, 5/8/44. | |
Movement of U-boats into the English Channel, 5/19/44. | |
Minutes of meeting re publicity on U-boat kills, 7/10/44. | |
Experience of U-boat skippers now on operations, 7/12/44. | |
U-boats sunk or lost, September 1939 to September 1944. Rodger Winn analysis of 10/1/44. |
Filed in: ADM 1: Admiralty and Secretariat Papers.
ADM 199: War History Cases and Papers.
ADM 217: Station Records: See above.
The following U-boats are described in documents as noted in ADM 1 and ADM 199. (Attacks, sinkings, captures, etc.)
Some of the foregoing document series also include special ASW studies. See for example:
199/1245 | The air offensive against U-boats (ORS Report 174A). July 1941-December 1941. Dated 7/10/42. Italian U-boats, Intelligence Report 11/21/42. |
199/124-915 | Attempt to capture U-boats—orders for operation. Dated 6/5/40. |
199/1491 | Summary of [ASW] operations in the Bay [of Biscay]. 6/14/43 to 9/21/43. |
199/2032-2056 | U-boat “incidents.” Daily log of Allied ships sunk; U-boats sighted, attacked, or sunk; POWs taken, etc. (See similar document at NARA, listed under Tenth Fleet.) |
1/17561 | Postwar interviews of U-boat POWs conducted by Gilbert Howland Roberts, commander of the RN “Anti-U-boat School”: |
Eberhard Godt, 5/23/45 | |
Günther Hessler, 5/24/45 | |
Kurt Dobratz, 5/24/45 | |
Ernst Hechler, 5/24/45 | |
Lieutenant Burkner, 5/24/45 | |
WaldemarMehl, 5/25/45 | |
Heinz Walkering, 5/27/45 | |
Peter Cremer, 5/29/45 | |
1/17617 | Summary of [U-boat] information supplied by Eberhard Godt on 5/12/45. 49 pp., plus addenda, which includes a German list of 635 U-boat losses, acknowledged to be incomplete. |
199/135 | Reports of C in C, Mediterranean Station, re Allied attacks on Axis submarines in the Mediterranean. Dated 11/5/40, 3/13/41,4/5/41, 8/9/41, and 3/22/42. |
199/139 | Currents and tides in the Straits [sic] of Gibraltar. Essay by A. L. Maidens. 8 pp. “Measures taken to prevent U-boats from penetrating territorial waters and entering the Mediterranean.” Report of C in C, Mediterranean Station. 19 pp. |
A once highly classified account of the Battle of the Atlantic in a series of monthly booklets. Produced by the Admiralty intelligence division, the issues contain detailed narratives of convoy battles, U-boat kills, descriptions of Allied and Axis weaponry, statistical charts of shipping losses and damage by type and nationality, new ship construction by types, as well as information from interrogations of POWs, and so on. Although the primary focus is on naval actions, the contributions of RAF Coastal Command to ASW operations are not slighted. The issues contain no reference to codebreaking; nonetheless, they remain indispensable to historians of the U-boat war. Of special interest are the narrative accounts of U-boat kills and convoy battles, as noted below.
ADM 199/2057 VOL. I (9/39 TO 12/40), 33I PP.
U-13 | U-39 | Durbo |
U-26 | U-40 | Galileo Galilei (captured) |
U-27 | U-42 | Gondar |
U-31 | U-49 | Liuzzi |
U-33 | U-55 | Luigi Galvante |
U-35 | U-63 |
HX 55 | SC 2 | OA204 |
HX 66A | SC 6 | OB 202 |
HX 79 | ||
HX 83 |
ADM 199/2058 VOL. 2 (l/41 TO I2/4I), 446 PP.
U-32 | U-111 | Adua |
U-70 | U-138 | Anfitrite |
U-76 | U-501 | Baracca |
U-95 | U-566 | Ferraris |
U-99 | U-570 | Glauco |
U-100 | U-651 | Naiade |
U-110 |
ADM 199/2059 VOL. 3 (1/42 TO 12/42), 475PP.
U-85 | U-379 | Cobolto |
U-94 | U-433 | Emo |
U-95 | U-434 | Ondina |
U-131 | U-464 | Peria (captured) |
U-162 | U-568 | Pietro Calvi |
U-210 | U-574 | |
U-335 | U-581 | |
U-353 | U-701 | |
U-372 |
ADM 199/2060 VOL. 4 (1/43 TO 12/43), 393 PP.
U-118 | U-432 | U-523 |
U-135 | U-439 | U-528 |
U-175 | U-444 | U-533 |
U-185 | U-454 | U-559 |
U-187 | U-458 | U-604 |
U-202 | U-468 | U-606 |
U-203 | U-487 | U-607 |
U-205 | U-506 | U-659 |
U-224 | U-512 | U-660 |
U-331 | U-513 | U-706 |
U-357 | U-517 | U-732 |
U-409 | U-521 | U-752 |
ADM 199/206I VOL. 5 (1/44 TO 12/44), 415 PP.
U-177 | U-407 | U-744 |
U-188 | U-536 | U-761 |
U-223 | U-539 | U-852 (photos) |
U-247 | U-616 | U-960 |
U-340 |
SL 139/MKS 30 | RA 57 | JW 62 |
SL140/MKS31 | JW 56A | JW 59 |
JW 56B | RA 62 | |
RA59 | HXS 300 |
ADM 199/2062 VOL. 6 (1/45 TO 12/45), 224 PP.
U-300 | U-681 (Photos) | U-1024 |
HX332 | TBC 135 |
HX346 |
This volume also contains a number of essays summarizing certain aspects of the U-boat war. See especially “The Radio War” “Statistical Summary of the War on British, Allied and Neutral Merchant Shipping “ “Scientific History of Anti-Submarine Weapon Development” and “Final Assessments.” The last booklet in this volume contains a 14-page document based on 1945 interviews with Karl Dönitz, who outlines in detail the “phases” of the U-boat war as he saw them.
At the Admiralty Office of History: Five oversize, bound volumes:
Saint Bon
The U-boat War in the Atlantic: 1939-1945, by Günther Hessler, assisted by Alfred Hoschatt and Jürgen Röhwer. 396 pp. plus charts.
Written for the British Admiralty and the U.S. Navy in the immediate postwar years by Dönitz’s son-in-law, who made use of the secret War Diary of U-boat Control (FdU/KTB), this is the only known “official” German history of the U-boat war. Translated by unidentified Admiralty linguists, it has been microfilmed. In 1989, HMSO published a revised and corrected version of this indispensable work in one volume (see Books section) with an introduction by Andrew J. Withers, RN.
ADM 186/802 Vol. 1 (BR 305-1): August 1939 to December 1941
ADM 234/67 Vol. 2 (BR 305-2): January 1942 to May 1943
ADM 234/68 Vol. 3 (BR 305-3): June 1943 to May 1945
Abbazia, Patrick. Mr. Roosevelt’s Navy: The Private War of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet, 1939-1942. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1975.
Addington, Larry H., et al., eds. Selected Papers from the Citadel Conference on War and Diplomacy 1978. Charleston, S.C.: Citadel Press, 1979. See paper by Boyd.
Admiralty. The Battle of the Atlantic. The Official Account of the Fight Against the U-boats, 1939-1945. Official History. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO), 1946.
——. British Vessels Lost at Sea 1939-45. (Warships, Merchant Ships.) HMSO, 1947. Rpt. Cam bridge: Patrick Stephens, 1976.
——. The Defeat of the Enemy Attack on Shipping, 1939-45: A Study of Policy and Operations (by F. W. Barley and D. Waters). Official History. Two vols. (1A and IB). London: HMSO, 1957.
——. Submarines. Vol. 3 of Operations in Far Eastern Waters. Official History. London: HMSO, 1955.
Alman, Karl [Karl the German; pseud, for Franz Kurowski]. Many books, published in Germany 1971-1988, about the U-boat war, the U-boat “aces” or “knights,” and Dönitz. In a detailed analysis of these books, the Canadian historian Michael L. Hadley (Count Not the Dead, 1995) has aptly described them as “hackwork.” They include hardbacks and paperbacks in the Landser Military Series and from other publishers about: Albrecht Brandi (1988), Engelbert Endrass (1978), Werner Henke (1971), Hans-Günther Lange (1972), Georg Lassen (1976 and 1982), Heinrich Lehmann-Willenbrock (1978), Wolfgang Lüth (1988), Rolf Mützelburg (1971), Johann Mohr (1975), Günther Prien (1981), Joachim Schepke (1980), Helmut Witte (1977). Much of the same material is rehashed in the following (or vice versa):
——. An alle Wolff: Angriff! [To All Wolves: Attack!]. Lichtsatz: Podzun-Pallas, 1986.
——. Angriff, ran, versenken! [Attack, At ‘Em, Sink!]. Preface by Karl Dönitz. Rastatt/Baden: Erich Pabel, 1975.
——. Graue Wolfe in blauer See [Gray Wolf in the Blue Sea]. [Mediterranean]. Rastatt: Manfred Pawlak, 1985.
——. “Graue Wolfe”—Wilde See: Januar/Februar 1943. [Gray Wolf—Wild Sea]. Rastatt/Baden: Erich Pabel, 1973.
——. Die letzte Feindfahrt: Mai 1943 [The Last War Patrol]. Rastatt/Baden: Erich Pabel, 1973.
——. Ritter der Sieben Meerr [Knights of the Seven Seas]. (Stories of 18 U-boat aces.) Rastatt: Pabel AG, 1975.
Anderson, Frank J. Submarines, Submariners, Submarining: A Checklist. Hamden, Conn.: Shoestring Press, 1963.
Andrew, Christopher, ed. Codebreaking and Signals Intelligence. London: Frank Cass and Company Limited, 1986. See papers by Denniston, Morris, and Welchman. [A hardback edition of volume 1, number 1, of the quarterly British periodical Intelligence and National Security.]
——. Her Majesty’s Secret Service. New York: Viking, 1986.
Andrew, Christopher, and David Dilks, eds. The Missing Dimension: Governments and Intelligence Communities in the Twentieth Century. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1984. See papers by Rohwer and Stengers.
Andrew, Christopher, and J. Noakes, eds. Intelligence and International Relations, 1900-1945. Exeter: Exeter University Publications, 1987. See papers by Beesly, Bennett, Chapman, Hinsley, Röhwer, and Thomas.
Arnold, Henry H. Global Mission. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949.
Auphan, Paul and Jacques Mordal [pseud, for Hervé Cras]. The French Navy in World War II. Trans. A.C.J. Sabalot. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1959.
Axis Submarine Losses: See Naval History Division.
Bagnasco, Erminio. Submarines of World War Two. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1977.
Bailey, Thomas A., and Paul B. Ryan. Hitler vs. Roosevelt: The Undeclared Naval War. New York: The Free Press, 1979.
Barnett, Correlli. Engage the Enemy More Closely. (Royal Navy in World War II.) New York: W. W Norton & Co., 1991.
Bauer, Hermann. Als Führer der U-boote im Weltkriege, 1914-1918 [As Commander of U-boats in i>World War I]. Leipzig: Koehler & Amelang, 1942.
——. Das Unterseeboot. Berlin: E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1931.
Baxter, James Phinney 3rd. Scientists Against Time. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1950.
Beach, Edward L. The United States Navy: 200 Years. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1986.
Beaver, Paul. U-boats in the Atlantic: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz. (Picture book.) Cambridge, U.K.: Patrick Stephens Limited, 1979. Beesly, Patrick. Room 40: British Naval Intelligence, 1914-1918. San Diego: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1982.
——. Very Special Admiral: The Life of J. H. Godfrey, CB. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1980.
——. Very Special Intelligence. London: Hamish, 1977.
Behrens, C[atherine] B. A. Merchant Shipping and the Demands of War. London: HMSO, 1955. Bekker, Cajus D. [Hans Dieter Berenbrock]. Defeat At Sea or Swastika at Sea [Einzelkhampfer auf i>See]. New York: Ballantine, 1956.
——. The German Navy: 1939-45. (Picture book.) Trans. G. Stalling. New York: Dial, 1974.
——. Hitler’s Naval War [Verdammte See]. Trans. Frank Ziegler. London: Macdonald & Janes, 1974.
——. X-Men. Maidstone: George Mann Ltd., 1973.
Bennett, Ralph. Ultra in the West. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1979.
Bird, Keith W. Weimar, the German Naval Officer Corps and the Rise of National Socialism. Amsterdam: B. R. Griiner, 1977.
Blair, Clay, Jr. Silent Victory: The U.S. Submarine War Against Japan. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1975.
Bloch, Gilbert. Enigma avant Ultra [Enigma Before Ultra]. Paris: Privately printed, 1988. For excerpts, see Articles section.
Böddeker, Günther. Die Boote im Netz [Caught in the Net]. Bergsch Gladbach: Gustav Lubbe, 1981.
Böddeker, Günther, and Paul K. Schmidt. Die Gefangenen; Leben und Uberleben [Prisoners: Life and Survival]. Frankfurt: Ull stein, 1980.
Bonatz, Heinz. Seekrieg im Ather [Naval Radio War]. Herford: E. S. Mittler & Sohn GmbH, 1981.
Botting, Douglas, et al., eds. The U-boats. The Seafarers Series. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1979.
Boutilier, James A., ed. The RCN in Retrospect: 1910-1968. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1982. See papers by Beesly, Douglas and Röhwer, Lund, Milner.
Boyd, Carl. The Extraordinary Envoy: General Hiroshi Oshima and Diplomacy in the Third Reich,
1934-1939. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1980.
——. Hitler’s Japanese Confidant. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1993.
Boyd, Carl, and Akihiko Yoshida. The Japanese Submarine Force and World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute. Press, 1995.
Bradley, Omar N., and Clay Blair. A General’s Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983.
Bragadin, Marc’ Antonio. The Italian Navy in World War II. Trans. Gale Hoffman. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1957.
Breemer, Jan. Soviet Submarines. London: Jane’s Information Group, 1989.
Brennecke, Hans Jochen. Der Fall Laconia: Ein Hohes Lied der U-boot Waffe [The Laconia Case: A Song of Songs in the U-boat Force]. Biberach an der Riss: Koehlers, 1959.
——. Haie im Paradies: Der Deutsche U-boot Krieg imAsiens Gewässern 1943-1945 [Sharks in Paradise: The German U-boat War in Asian Waters, 1943-1945]. Preetz/Holstein: Ernst Gerdes, 1961. ——. The Hunters and the Hunted [Jäger-Gejagte: Deutsche U-Boote 1939-1945]. Trans. R. H.
Stevens. New York: W. W. Norton, 1957. ——; Unser Boot und Wir im Mittelmeer: Die Feindfahrten eines deutschen Unterseebootes in Wort and Bild. [Our Boat and Us in the Mediterranean: The War Patrols of Some German U-boats in Words and Pictures]. (Picture book.) Berlin: Otto von Holten, 1943.
——. Die Wende im U-boot Krieg [The Turnabout in the U-Boat War]. Herford: Koehlers, 1984.
Breyer, Siegfried and Gerhard Koop. The German Navy at War. 2 vols. Vol. 2: U-boats. Trans. Edward Force. West Chester, Pa.: Schiffer Publishing Limited, 1989.
Brinkley, David. Washington Goes to War. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1988. Brooks, Geoffrey. See Hirschfeld.
Brown, Anthony Cave. Bodyguard of Lies. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
——. “C”: The Secret Life of Sir Stewart Graham Menzies. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1987.
Brustat-Naval, Fritz and Teddy Suhren. Nasses Eichenlaub [Soaked Oak Leaves]. Herford: Koehlers-Mittler, 1983.
Bryant, Arthur. Triumph in the West. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1959.
——. The Turn of the Tide. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1957.
Bryant, Ben. Submarine Commander. London: William Kimber, 1958.
Buchheim, Lothar-Günther. The Boat [Das Boot]. (Fiction.) Trans. Denver and Helen Lindley. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1975.
——.. Jäger im Weltmeer [Hunters on the World’s Oceans]. Preface by Karl Dönitz. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 1943.
——. U-Boat War [U-Boot Krieg]. Trans. Gudie Lawaetz. Afterword by Michael Salewski. New York: Bantam Books, 1979.
——. Die U-Boot-Faher: Die Boot, die Bestazungen, und ihr Admiral [The Submariners: The Boat, the Crews, and Their Admiral]. Munich: Bertelsmann, 1985.
Buderi, Robert. The Invention That Changed the World. (Radar.) New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. Buechner, Howard A., and Wilhelm Bernhart. Adolf Hitler and the Secrets of the Holy Lance. (Fiction.) Metairie, La.: Thunderbird Press, Inc., 1988.
Buell, Thomas B. Master of Seapower: A Biography of Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1980.
Bunker, John. Heroes in Dungarees. (Merchant Mariners.) Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1995.
——. Liberty Ships: The Ugly Ducklings of World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1972.
Burchard, J. E. Q.E.D.: MIT in World War II. New York: John Wiley, 1948.
Burke, Colin [B.]. Information and Secrecy. Lanham, Md.: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1994.
Busch, Harald. Totentanz der Siebenmeere: Todbringende Gesspensterjagd [Death Dance of the Seven
Seas: Death-dealing Phantom Hunt]. Rastatt/Baden: Erich Pabel, 1960.
——. U-Boats at War: That’s the Way It Was [So War der U-Boot Krieg]. Trans. L.P.R. Wilson. New York: Ballantine, 1955.
——. U-Boot auf Feindfahrt: Bildberichte vom Einsatz im Atlantik [U-boat on Patrol]. Giitersloh: Bertelsmann, 1942.
Busch, Rainer, and Hans-Joachim Röll. Die deutschen U-boot Kommandanten. Rastatt: Erich Pabel- Arthur Moewig, January 1992.
Butcher, Harry C. My Three Years with Eisenhower. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1946.
Bykofsky, Joseph, and Harold Larson. The U.S. Army Transportation Corps. (In World War II.) Part 1, vol. 3: Operations Overseas. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army,* 1957. See also Wardlow.
Calvocoressi, Peter. Top Secret Ultra. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980.
Cameron, John, ed. War Crimes Trials. Vol. 1: The Peleus Trial. London: William Hodge Co., Ltd., 1948.
Campbell, Ian, and Donald Macintyre. The Kola Run: A Record of Arctic Convoys, 1941-1945. London: Mulle r, 1958.
Campbell, John. Naval Weapons of World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1985.
Cantwell, John D. The Second World War: A Guide to Documents in the Public Record Office. London: HMSO, 1993.
Carver, Michael, ed. The Warlords. Boston: Little, Brown & Co. 1976. See paper by Kemp.
Chalmers, W. S. Max Horton and the Western Approaches. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1954.
Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., et al., eds. The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower: The War Years. 5 vols. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1970.
Chapman, Paul. Submarine Torbay. London: Robert Hale, 1986.
Charles, Roland W. Troopships of World War II. Washington, D.C.: Army Transportation Assn., 1947.
Cherry, Alex. Yankee, RN. London: Jarrolds, 1953.
Churchill, Winston S. The Second World War. 6 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1948-1953.
Clark, Ronald. The Man Who Broke Purple. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1977.
Clausen, Henry C. and Bruce Lee. Pearl Harbor: Final Judgement. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1992.
Cline, Ray S. Washington Command Post: The Operations Division. Washington, D.C.: OCMH, 1951.
Coates, E. J., ed. The U-boat Commander’s Handbook. 1943 ed. Trans. U.S. Navy. Gettysburg, Pa.:
Thomas Publications, 1989. (See similar document in NAVOPARCH.) Cocchia, Aldo. Submarines Attacking. Trans, from Italian by Margaret Gwyer. London: William Kimber, 1956.
Cohen, Eliot A., and John Gooch. Military Misfortunes: The Anatomy of Failure in War. New York: The Free Press, 1990.
Collier, Richard. The Road to Pearl Harbor: 1941. New York: Atheneum, 1981.
Compton-Hall, Richard. Submarine Warfare—Monsters and Midgets. New York: Sterling Publishing Company, 1985.
——. The Underwater War, 1939-1945. Poole-Dorset: Blanford Press, 1982.
Connell, G. Gordon. Fighting Destroyer: The Story of HMS Petard. London: William Kimber, 1976.
Conot, Robert E. Justice at Nuremberg. New York: Harper & Row, 1983.
Craven, Wesley Frank, and James Lea Cate, eds. The Army Air Forces in World War II. 7 vols. Vol. 1:
Plans and Early Operations. Vol. 2: Europe: Torch to Pointblank. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1948-1958.
Cremer, Peter, with Fritz Brustat-Naval. U-boat Commander. Trans. Lawrence Wilson. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1984.
Cunningham, Andrew B. A Sailor’s Odyssey. London: Hutchison, 1951.
Dalton, Curt. Keeping the Secret: The Waves and NCR, 1943-1946. (Bombe operators.) Dayton, Ohio: Privately printed, 1997.
Davidson, Eugene. The Trial of the Germans. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1966.
Davis, George T. A Navy Second to None. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1940.
Davis, Vincent. The Admiral’s Lobby. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1967.
Deighton, Len. Blood, Tears and Folly. New York: Harper Collins, 1993.
Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. 8 vols. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1959.
Dönitz, Karl. Die Fahrtender Breslau im Schwazen Meer [The Voyages of the Breslau in the Black Sea]. Berlin: Ullstein, 1917.
——. Mein wechselvolles Leben. [My Changing Life]. Göttingen: Musterschmidt, 1968.
——. Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days [Zehn Jahre und Zwanzig Tage]. Trans. R. H. Stevens and David Woodward. Afterword by Jttrgen Röhwer. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1990.
——. 40 Fragen an Karl Dönitz [40 Questions to Karl Dönitz]. Munich: Bernard & Graefe, 1979.
——. Die U-bootswajfe [The U-boat Arm]. Berlin: E. S. Mittler & Sohn, 1940.
Dollinger, Hans. The Decline and Fall of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. New York: Bonanza Books, 1965.
Dorr, Manfred. Die Ritterkreuztrdgen der deutschen Wehrmacht. Teil VI: U-boote. [The Knight’s Cross Holders in the German Military. Part 6: U-boats]. Osnabruck: Biblio-Verlag, 1988. Douglas, WA.B. The Creation of a National Air Force. Vol. 2. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986. ——, ed. The RCN in Transition: 1910-1985. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1988. See papers by Douglas and Rowher, Hadley, and Milner. Drea, Edward J. MacArthur’s Ultra. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1992. Dreyer, Admiral Sir Frederic C. The Sea Heritage. London: Museum Press Limited, 1955. Drummond, John Dorman. H.M. U-boat. (U-570.) London: W. H. Allen, 1958. Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt. The Naval War in the West: The Wolf Packs. (Juvenile.) New York: Franklin Watts, 1963.
Easton, Alan H. 50 North: An Atlantic Battleground. (War memoir of a Canadian skipper who commanded two corvettes, a frigate, and a destroyer.) London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1963.
Elliott, Peter. Allied Escort Ships of World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1977.
Ellis, John. Brute Force: Allied Strategy and Tactics in the Second World War. New York: Viking, 1990. Enders, Gerd. Auch kleine Igel haben Stacheln: Deutsche U-Boote im Schwarzen Meer [Even Small Hedgehogs Have Quills: German U-boats in the Black Sea]. Herford: Koehlers, 1984.
Essex, James W. Victory in the St. Lawrence: Canada’s Unknown War. (Versus U-boats.) Erin, Ont.: Boston Mills Press, 1984.
Fahey, James C. The Ships and Aircraft of the US. Fleet. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1976.
Farago, Ladislas. The Game of Foxes. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1971.
——. The Tenth Fleet. New York: Ivan Obolensky, Inc., 1962.
Fehrenbach, T. R. FD.R.’s Undeclared War, 1939 to 1941. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1967.
Fischer, Gerald J. A Statistical Summary of Shipbuilding Under the U.S. Maritime Commission During World War 11. Historical Reports of War Administration, United States Maritime Commission, No. 2, 1949.
Fisher, David E. A Race on the Edge of Time: Radar—The Decisive Weapon of World War II. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.
Frank, Wolfgang. Prien greiftan [Prien Attacks]. Hamburg: Deutche Hausbücherei, 1941, 1942.
——. Der Stier von Scapa Flow: Leben und Taten des U-Boot-Kommandanten Günther Prien [The Bull of Scapa Flow: The Life and Facts of Günther Prien]. Oldenburg: G. Stalling, 1958.
——Die Wölfe und der Admiral: Triumph und Tragik der U-Boote [The Wolves and the Admiral: Triumph and Tragedy of the U-boats]. Oldenburg: G. Stalling, 1953. Trans, into English by R.O.B. Long and published as The Sea Wolves. New York: Rinehart, 1953.
Franks, Norman L. R. Conflict over the Bay (Of Biscay.) London: William Kimber, 1986.
——. Search, Find and Kill: Coastal Command’s U-boat Successes. Bourne End, Bucks, England: Aston Publications, 1990. An updated and extensively corrected version was published in 1995 by Grub Street (London).
Freiden, Seymour, and William Richardson, eds. The Fatal Decisions. New York: Berkley Publishing Corp., 1958.
Frey, John W, and H. Chandler Ide, eds. History of the Petroleum Administration for War, 1941-1945. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1946.
Freyer, Paul Herbert. Der Tod auf allen Meeren [Death on All Seas]. Berlin: Militar-Verlag, 1971.
Friedman, Norman. U.S. Destroyers: An Illustrated Design History. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1982.
Friedrich, Otto. Before the Deluge. New York: Harper & Row, 1972.
Fuhren, Franz. Kapitänleutnant Schepke erzahlt [Schepke Narrates]. Foreword by Karl Dönitz. Minden: Wilhelm Kohler, 1943.
Gabler, Ulrich. U-Bootbau [U-boat Construction].Bonn: Wehr and Wissen, 1978.
Gallagher, Thomas. The X-Craft Raid. (On Tirpitz.) New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.
Gallery, Daniel V. Clear the Decks! New York: William Morrow & Co., 1951.
——:. Twenty Million Tons Under the Sea. Chicago: H. Regnery, 1956.
Gannon, Michael. Operation Drumbeat. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.
Gansberg, Judith M. Stalag: U.S.A. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1977.
Garland, Albert N. and Howard McGaw Smyth, assisted by Martin Blumenson. Sicily and the Surrender of Italy. Washington, D.C.: OCHM, 1965.
Garlinski, Józef. The Enigma War. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1979.
Gasaway, Elizabeth] B[lanchard]. Grey Wolf, Grey Sea. (U-124.) New York: Ballantine Books, 1970.
Gebhard, Louis A. Evolution of Naval Radio-Electronics and Contributions of the Naval Research Laboratory. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1979.
Gentile, Gary. Track of the Gray Wolf. (Drumbeat.) New York: Avon Books, 1989.
Gibson, Richard H., and Maurice Prendergast. The German Submarine War: 1914-1918. New York: Richard R. Smith, Inc., 1931.
Giese, Fritz. Die deutsche Marine: 1920-1945 [The German Navy: 1920-1945]. Frankfurt: Verlag für Wehrwesen-Bernard & Graefe, 1956.
Giese, Otto, and James E. Wise, Jr. Shooting the War. (With camera, from U-boats.) Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1994.
Gilbert, Martin. Winston S. Churchill. 8 vols. Vol 6: Finest Hour, 1939-41. London: Book Club Assn., 1983. Vol 8: Road to Victory, 1942-45. London: Heinemann, 1986.
Gleichauf, Justin F. Unsung Sailors: The Naval Armed Guard in World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1990.
Glueck, Sheldon. The Nuremberg Trial and Aggressive War. New York: Kraus Reprint Corp., 1966.
Goodhart, Philip. Fifty Ships That Saved the World. Garden City: Doubleday, 1965.
Goralski, Robert, and Russell W. Freeburg. Oil and War: How the Deadly Struggle for Fuel in World War II Meant Victory or Defeat. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1987.
Gordon, Don E. Electronic Warfare: Element of Strategy and Multiplier of Combat Power. New York: Pergamon Press, 1981.
Görlitz, Walter. History of the German General Staff, 1657-1945. Trans. Brian Battershaw. New York: Praeger, 1953.
——Karl Dönitz: Der Grossadmiral. Gottingen: Musterschmidt, 1972.
Grant, Robert M. U-boats Destroyed. New York: Putnam, 1964.
Gray, Edwyn. The Devil’s Device: Robert Whitehead and the History of the Torpedo. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1975.
——. The Killing Time: The U-boat War, 1914-1918. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1972.
———. Submarine Warriors. Novato, Calif.: Presidio Press, 1988.
——. The Underwater War: Submarines—1914-1918. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1971. Greenfield, Kent Roberts, ed. Command Decisions. Washington, D.C.: OCMH, 1960. See paper by Leighton.
Gretton, Peter. Convoy Escort Commander. London: Cassell & Company, Ltd. 1964.
——. Crisis Convoy: The Story of HX 231. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1975.
——. Winston Churchill and the Royal Navy. New York: Coward, McCann, 1968.
Griess, Thomas E., ed. The Second World War: Europe and the Mediterranean. Wayne, N.J.: Avery Pub. Group Inc., 1989. See paper by Buell.
Griffin, Gwyn. An Operational Necessity. (Fictional account of Peleus.) New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1967. The German edition was titled Der letze Zeuge [The Last Witness].
Gröner, Erich. Rev. and expanded by Dieter Jung and Martin Maass. German Warships, 1815-1945 [Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe, 1815-1945). 3 vols. Vol. 2: U-boats and Mine Warfare Vessels. London: Conway Maritime Press Ltd., 1990, and Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1991. Originally published by Erich Gröner in 6 volumes by Bernard & Graefe, Koblenz. Updated and republished in 1985 by Bernard & Graefe, attributed thusly: “Drawings by Erich Gröner, Peter Mickel, and Franz Mrva.”
Grossnick, Roy A., et al. United States Naval Aviation: 1910-1995. Washington, D.C.: Naval Historical Center, Dept. of the Navy, 1997. (Also available from Navy Historical Center in CD-ROM with added material.)
Gunton, Dennis. The Penang Submarines. (Operations, 1942-45.) Penang, Malaysia: City Council of George Town, 1970.
Guske, Heinz. The War Diaries of U-764: Fact or Fiction? Gettysburg, Pa.: Thomas Publications, 1992.
Hackmann, Willem. Seek and Strike: Sonar, Anti-submarine Warfare and the Royal Navy, 1914-54. London: HMSO, 1984.
Hadley, Michael L. Count Not the Dead. (U-boat mythology.) Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1995.
——. U-boats Against Canada. McGill: Queen’s University Press, 1985.
Hague, Arnold. Destroyers for Great Britain. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1988.
Hall, Hessel Duncan. North American Supply. History of the Second World War United Kingdom Civil Series. Ed. Sir Keith Hancock. London: HMSO, 1955.
Hall, Hessel Duncan, and C. G. Wrigley. Studies of Overseas Supply History of the Second World War United Kingdom Civil Series. Ed. Sir Keith Hancock. London: HMSO, 1956.
Halpern, Paul G. A Naval History of World War I. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1994.
——. The Naval War in the Mediterranean, 1914-18. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987.
Hancock, W. Keith, ed. Statistical Digest of the War. Rpt. London: HMSO, 1975.
Hardegen, Reinhard. “Auf Gefechtestationen”: U-Boote im Einsatz gegenEngland and Amerika [Action Stations: U-boats Against England and America]. Foreword by Karl Dönitz. Leipzig: Boreas, 1943.
Hartmann, Werner. Feindim Fadenkreuz: U-Boot auf Jagd im Atlantik [Enemy in My Sights: U-boat at War in the Atlantic]. Preface by Karl Dönitz. Berlin: Verlag die Heimbrucherei, 1942.
Hashimoto, Mochitsura. Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet, 1941-1945. Trans. E.H.M. Colgrave. New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1954.
Herlin, Hans. The Survivor: The True Story of the Sinking of the Doggerbank. Trans. John Brownjohn. London: Leo Cooper, 1994.,
——. Verdammter Atlantik. Schicksale deutscher U-Boot Fahrer [Damned Atlantic: The Fate of the German U-boat War]. Munich: Wilhelm Heyne, 1982.
Herwig, Holger H. Politics of Frustration: The United States in German Naval Planning, 1889-1941. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1976.
Herzog, Bodo. Die deutschen U-boote, 1906 bis 1945 [German Submarines, 1906-1945]. Munich: J. F. Lehmanns, 1959.
——. 60 Jahre deutscher U-Boote, 1906-1966 [60 Years of German Submarines, 1906-1966]. Mu nich: J. F. Lehmanns, 1968.
——. U-Boote im Einsatz [U-boats in Action]. (Photo book in both German and English.) Dorheim: Polzun, 1970.
Herzog, Bodo, and Günter Schomaekers. Ritter der Tiefe: Graue Wolfe [Knight of the Deep: Gray Wolves]. Munich: Welsermühl, 1976.
Hess, Hans Georg. Die Männer von U-995. [The Men of U-995]. Oldenburg: Stalling Maritim, 1979. Rpt. Wumstorf-Idensen: HESS-PRESS, 1987. (Also in English.)
Hessler, Günter, assisted by Alfred Hoschatt and Jürgen Röhwer. The U-boat War in the Atlantic, 1939-1945. 3 vols, in one. London: HMSO, 1989. (See also PRO documents and microfilms.)
Hezlet, Arthur R. Electronics and Sea Power. New York: Stein and Day, 1975.
——. The Submarine and Sea Power. New York: Stein and Day, 1967.
Hickam, Homer H., Jr. Torpedo Junction (Drumbeat.) Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1989.
Hildebrand, Hans H., and Walter Lohmann. See Lohmann.
Hinsley, F[rancis] H[arry] et al. British Intelligence in the Second World War. 5 vols. Vol. 1 (1979), 2 (1981), 3, part 1 (1984), 3, Part 2 (1988). (3,182 pp.) London: HMSO, 1979-88.
Hirschfeld, Wolfgang. Feindfahrten: Das Logbuch eines U-Boot-Funkers [War Patrol: The Diary of U-boat Radio Operators]. Vienna: Paul Neff, 1982, and Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1996. The latter, entitled Hirschfeld: The Story of a U-boat NCO, 1940-1946, was translated and expanded by Geoffrey Brooks, who shares authorship (“as told to”).
——. Das Letzte Boot: Atlantik Farewell [The Last Boat: Atlantic Good-bye]. Munich: Universitas, 1989. (As a POW, 1945-46.)
Hitchcock, Walter T., ed. The Intelligence Revolution: Proceedings of the 13th Military History Symposium, USAF Academy, 1988. Washington, D.C.: 1991. See papers by Andrew, Hinsley, Rohwer, and Weinberg.
Hodges, Andrew. Alan Turing: The Enigma. New York: Touchstone Books, 1983.
Hoehling, Adolph A. The Fighting Liberty Ship. (War memoir.) Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1990.
Hogel, Georg. Embleme Wappen Malings [Coats of Arms in Color]. Herford: Koehlers, 1987.
Holley, I. B., Jr. Ideas and Weapons. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1971.
Hough, Richard. The Longest Battle: The War at Sea, 1939–5. New York: Morrow, 1987.
Hough, Richard, and Denis Richards. The Battle of Britain. New York: W W Norton & Company, 1989.
Howarth, Stephen, ed. Men of War: Great Naval Leaders of World War II. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993. See profiles by Bird, J. David Brown, Herzog, Kemp, Love, Padfield, van der Vat, Wilson, and Winton.
Howard, Stephen, and Derek Law, eds. The Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-1945. 50th Anniversary International Naval Conference [at Liverpool]. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1994. See papers by Adams, Allard, Boog, D. K. Brown, Buxton, Goldrick, Hobbs, Kessler, Lundeberg, Lyon, Neitzel, Niestlé, Probert, Pugh, Rahn, Rhys-Jones, Rohwer, Rössler, Santoni, Sutcliffe, Thowsen, Topp, Weir, and Zimmerman.
Howe, George F. The Mediterranean Theater of Operations, Northwest Africa: Seizing the Initiative in the West. Washington, D.C.: OCMH, 1957.
——. United States Cryptographic History. Ft. Meade, Md.: National Security Agency, 1980.
Howeth, Linwood S. History of Communications: Electronics in the United States Navy. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1963.
Howse, H. Derek. Radar at Sea: The Royal Navy in World War 2. London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1993.
Hoyt, Edwin P. The Death of the U-boats. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.
——. The Sea Wolves. New York: Avon Books, 1987.
——. Submarines at War. New York: Stein & Day, 1983.
——. U-Boats: A Pictorial History. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.
——. U-Boats Offshore. New York: Stein & Day, 1978.
——. The U-boat Wars. New York: Arbor House, 1984.
Hughes, Terry, and John Costello. The Battle of the Atlantic. New York: Dial Press/James Wade, 1977.
Ickes, Harold L. Fightn’Oil. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943.
Ingraham, Reg. First Fleet: The Story of the U.S. Coast Guard at War. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1944.
Irving, David. The Destruction of Convoy PQ-17. New York: Richardson & Steirman, 1987.
Jackson, Carlton. Forgotten Tragedy: The Sinking of HMT Rohna. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1996.
Jackson, Robert H. The Case Against the Nazi War Criminals. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1946.
Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf, and Jürgen Rohwer, eds. Decisive Battles of World War II: The German View.
Trans. Edward Fitzgerald. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1965. See paper by Rohwer.
Jameson, William. The Most Formidable Thing. London: Rupert-Hart-Davis, 1965.
Jane’s Fighting Ships of World War II, 1946/1947. Rpt. New York: Military Press, 1989.
Johnson, Brian. The Secret War. New York: Methuen, 1978.
Johnson, Robert Erwin. Guardians of the Sea: History of the United States Coast Guard 1915 to the Present. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1989.
Jones, Geoffrey Patrick. Autumn of the U-boats. London: William Kimber, 1984.
——. Defeat of the Wolf Packs. London: William Kimber, 1986.
——. The Month of the Lost U-boats. London: William Kimber, 1977.
——. Submarines Versus U-boats. London: William Kimber, 1986.
Jones, Reginald] Vfictor]. The Wizard War. New York: Coward, McCann & Geohegan, Inc., 1978.
Just, Paul. Vom Seeflieger zum Uboot-Fahrer [From Naval Aviator to U-boat Skipper]. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1979.
Kahn, David. The Codebreakers. New York: Macmillan, 1967.
——. Hitler’s Spies. New York: Macmillan, 1978.
——. Seizing the Enigma. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1991.
Kaplan, Philip and Jack Currie. Wolfpack: U-boats at War, 1939-1945. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1997.
Karig, Walter, with Earl Burton and Stephen L. Freeland. Battle Report: The Atlantic War. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, Inc., 1946.
Keatts, Henry C, and George C. Farr. Dive into History: U-boats. Houston: Pisces Books/Gulf Publishing Co., 1994.
Keegan, John. The Price of Admiralty: The Evolution of Naval Warfare. New York: Viking, 1989.
——. The Second World War. New York: Viking, 1989.
Kelshall, Gaylord T M. The U-boat War in the Caribbean. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1994.
Kemp, Peter K. Decision at Sea: The Convoy Escorts. New York: Elsevier-Dutton, 1978.
——. HM. Submarines. London: Jenkins, 1952.
Kennedy, Paul. The Rise and Fall of British Naval Mastery. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger, 1982.
Kesselring, Albert. A Soldier’s Record. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1954.
Kimball, Warreo R, ed. Churchill and Roosevelt: The Complete Correspondence. 3 vols. Princeton,
N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1984.
——. The Most UnsordidAct: Lend Lease, 1939-1941. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969.
King, Ernest J., and Walter Muir Whitehill. Fleet Admiral King: A Naval Record. New York: W. W Norton & Company, Inc., 1952.
Klenck, Walter [Horst Freiherr von Luttitz]. Wer das Schwert Nimmt: Erleben im Luft- und Seekrieg, 1940-1945 [He Who Takes Up the Sword: Experience in Air and Sea Warfare, 1940-1945]. (Fictionalized war memoir by a Kriegsmarine officer describing his experiences in the Luftwaffe and those of U-boat skipper Oskar Kusch, crew of 1937A, who was executed for sedition.) München: Universitas, 1987.
Knox, Dudley W The Eclipse of American Sea Power. New York: American Army and Navy Journal, Inc., 1922.
——. A History of the United States Navy. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1935.
Kozaczuk, Wladyslaw. Enigma. Trans. Christopher Kasparek. Fredrick, Md.: University Publications of America, 1984.
Krammer, Arnold. Nazi Prisoners of War in America. Chelsea, Mich.: Scarborough House, 1991.
Kurowski, Franz: See Karl Alman. Land, Emory S. Winning the War with Ships. New York: Robert M. McBride Co., Inc., 1958.
Lane, Frederic C. Ships for Victory. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1951.
Langer, William L., and S.’Everett Gleason. The Undeclared War, 1940-1941. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1953.
Larrabee, Eric. Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, His Lieutenants, and Their War. New York: Harper & Row, 1987.
Layton, Edwin T., with Roger Pineau and John Costello. “And I Was There.” New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1985.
Leahy, William D. I Was There. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950.
Leighton, Richard M., and Robert W. Coakley. Global Logistics and Strategy, 1940-1943. Washington, D.C.: OCMH, 1955.
Lenton, H. T. British Escort Ships. New York: Arco Publishing Company, Inc., 1974.
——. German Submarines. 2 vols, (vest-pocket size). Garden City: Doubleday & Co., Inc., 1965.
Leutze, James R. Bargaining for Supremacy: Anglo-American Naval Collaboration, 1937-1941. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1977.
Lewin, Ronald. The American Magic. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1982.
——. Ultra Goes to War. London: Hutchinson, 1978.
Liddell Hart, B. H. History of the Second World War. New York: Paragon Books, 1979.
Loewenheim, Francis L., Harold D. Langley, and Manfred Jonas, eds. Roosevelt and Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence. New York: Saturday Review Press/E. P. Dutton & Co., 1975
Lohmann, Walter. Kameraden auf See, zwischen Minen und Torpedoes [Shipmates at Sea, Between Mines and Torpedoes]. Berlin: N.p., 1943.
Lohmann, Walter, and Hans H. Hildebrand. Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945. 3 vols. (See biographies of German naval officers.) Bad Nauheim: Podzun, 1956-1964. Rare. (Copies at NAVOPARCH, GNR Box T-123, Navy Library, and at NARA, Foreign Records Branch.)
Lott, Arnold S. Most Dangerous Sea. (Mine warfare.) Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1959.
Love, Robert William. Jr., ed. Changing Interpretations and New Sources in Naval History: Papers from the Third USN Academy History Symposium. New York: Garland, 1980. See papers by Beesly, Knowles, and Rohwer.
——. The Chiefs of Naval Operations. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1980.
——. History of the U S. Navy. 2 vols. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole Books, 1992.
Low, Archibald M. Mine and Countermine. New York: Sheridan House, 1940.
——. The Submarine at War. New York: Random House, 1942.
Lüdde-Neurath, Walter. Regierung Dönitz [The Dönitz Administration]. Gottingen: Musterschmidt, 1953.
Lund, Paul, and Harry Ludlam. Night of the U-boats. (Convoys SC 7 and HX 79.) London: W. Foul-shamn & Co. Ltd., 1973.
Lüth, Wolfgang, and Claus Korth. Boot Greift wieder an: Ritterkreuzträger Erzählen [U-boat Strikes Again: Tales of the Knight’s Cross]. Berlin: Erich Klinghammer, 1944.
Lynch, Thomas G. Canada’s Flowers: History of the Corvettes of Canada. Halifax, N.S.: Nimbus Publishing Ltd., 1981.
Macintyre, Donald. The Naval War Against Hitler. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1971.
——. U-boat Killer. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1956.
Madsen, Chris. The Royal Navy and German Naval Disarmament 1942-1947. Portland, Oreg.: Frank Cass Publishers, 1998.
Manchester, William. The Arms of Krupp. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1968.
Manson, Janet M. Diplomatic Ramifications of Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, 1939-1941. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1990.
March, Edgar J. British Destroyers: A History of Development, 1892-1953. London: Seelkey Service, 1961.
Mars, Alastair. British Submarines at War: 1939-1945. London: William Kimber, 1971.
Martienssen, Anthony K., ed. Fueher Conferences on Naval Affairs. (Extensive notes made by Raeder and Dönitz in conferences with Hitler and entered in the official Kriegsmarine record. Captured at Castle Tambach and translated into English by American and British linguists. Edited of verbosity and overly technical details by the Admiralty. Published by HMSO with “background commentary” on the general war situation added by the Admiralty.) Republished in Brassey’s Naval Annual. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1948.
——. Hitler and His Admirals. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1949.
Maser, Werner. Nuremberg: A Nation on Trial. Trans. Richard Barry. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1979.
Mason, David. U-boat: The Secret Menace. London: Pan, 1972.
Massie, Robert K. Dreadnought: Britain, Germany, and the Coming of the Great War. New York: Random House, 1991.
Masterman, J. C. The Double-Cross System in the War of 1939 to 1945. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1972.
Matloff, Maurice. Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare 1943-1944. Washington, D.C.: OCMH, 1959.
Matloff, Maurice, and Edwin M. Snell. Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare 1941-1942. Washington, D.C.: OCMH, 1953.
Maurer, Maurer. Air Force Combat Units of World War II Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961.
McCormick, Harold J. Two Years Behind the Mast. (War memoir of a Naval Armed Guard officer) Manhattan, Kans: Sunflower University Press, 1991.
McCue, Brian. U-boats in the Bay of Biscay. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 1990.
McLachlan, Donald. Room 39. (British Naval Intelligence in World War II.) New York: Atheneum, 1968.
Meigs, Montgomery C. Slide Rules and Submarines. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 1989.
Merten, Karl-Friedrich, and Kurt Baberg. Nein! So war das nicht [No! It Was Not Like That]. (Refuting Buchheim’s U-boot Krieg.) West Germany: J. Reiss Verlag, 1985.
Messenger, Charles. World War II in the Atlantic. New York: Gallery Books, 1990.
Metzler, Jost. Sehrohr Südwärts! [Periscopes southwards!]. Berlin: William Limpert, 1943. Trans, into English and published as The Laughing Cow. London: William Kimber, 1955.
Middlebrook, Martin. The Battle of Hamburg: Allied Bomber Forces Against a German City in 1943. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1981.
——. Convoy. (SC 122, HX 229, and HX 229A.) New York: William Morrow, 1976.
Mielke, Otto. 225 Tage Auf Feindfahrt. [A War Patrol of 225 Days]. (By U-196.) Munich: Arthur Moewig, 1956.
Millett, Allan R., and Williamson Murray, eds. Military Effectiveness, Volume 2. Boston: Allen & Unwin, 1988. See paper by Boyd.
Milner, Marc. North Atlantic Run. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1985.
——-. The U-boat Hunters. (RCN versus German submarines.) Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1994.
Monsarrat, Nicholas. The Cruel Sea. (Fiction.) London: Cassell & Co., Ltd, 1951.
Montagu, Ewen. Beyond Top Secret Ultra. New York: Coward, McCann, Geoghegon, Inc., 1978.
Moore, Arthur R. A. A Careless Word... A Needless Sinking. (List of U.S. merchant ship losses.) Kings Point, N.Y.: Merchant Marine Museum, 1983.
Moore, John Hammond. The Faustball Tunnel. (Escape of U-boat POWs.) New York: Random House, 1978.
Morgan, Ted. FDR: A Biography. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985.
Morison, Samuel Eliot. History of United States Naval Operations in World War II. 15 vols. Vol. 1: The Battle of the Atlantic, September 1939-May 1943. Vol. 2: Operations in North African Waters: October 1942-June 1943. Vol. 9: Sicily-Salerno-Anzio, January 1943-June 1944. Vol. 10: The Atlantic Battle Won, May 1943-May 1945. Vol. 15: The Invasion of France and Germany, 1944-1945. Rpt. Boston: Little, Brown, 1984.
Morse, Philip M. In at the Beginnings: A Physicist’s Life. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1977.
Morton, Lewis. Strategy and Command: The First Two Years. Washington, D.C.: OCMH, 1962.
Mulligan, Timothy P. Lone Wolf: The Life and Death of U-boat Ace Werner Henke. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1993.
——, comp. Records Relating to U-boat Warfare, 1939-1945. (Guides to the Microfilmed Records of the German Navy, 1850-1945.) Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1985.
Naval History Division. United States Submarine Losses [in] World War II. With an Appendix of Axis Submarine Losses, Fully Indexed. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1963. (Also available at NARA on microfilm NRS 1976-107.)
Neave, Airey. On Trial at Nuremberg. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1978.
Nicosia, Francis R., and Lawrence D. Stokes, eds. Germans Against Nazism: Non-Conformity, Opposition and Resistance in the Third Reich. New York: Berg, 1991. See paper by Walle.
Niestlé Axel. German U-boat Losses During World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1998.
Noli, Jean. Les loups de I’Admiral [The Admiral’s Wolf Pack]. Trans. J. F. Bernard. Garden City: Doubleday, 1974.
Nuremberg: Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal. 42 vols. Nuremberg: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1947-9. Vol. 5 (Dönitz) and Vol. 13 (Raeder).
Ott, Wolfgang. Sharks and Little Fish [Haie und kleine Fische]. (Fiction.) Trans. Ralph Manheim. New York: Ballantine Books, 1966.
Padfleld, Peter. Dönitz: The Last Führer. London: Victor Gollancz, 1984.
——. War Beneath the Sea. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995.
Page, Robert Morris. The Origin of Radar. New York: Doubleday, 1962.
Palencia, Mario Moya. 1942: Mexicanos al grito de guerra [1942: Mexicans Cry War]. Mexico: Miguel Angel Porriia, 1992.
Parrish, Thomas. The Ultra Americans. New York: Stein & Day, 1985.
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Peillard, Leonce. The Laconia Affair. Trans. Oliver Coburn. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1963.
Peter, Karl. Acht Glas, Ende der Wache: Erinner eines Seeoffiziers der Crew 38 [Eight Bells, End of the Watch: Remembrances of a Naval Officer of Crew 38]. Munich: Preussischer Militar-Verlag, 1988.
Phillips, Cabell. The 1940s: Decade of Triumph and Trouble. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1975.
Pitt, Barrie, et al., eds. The Battle of the Atlantic. New York: Time-Life Books, 1977.
Plottke, Herbert. Ein U-Boot-Drama: Die Letzen Feindfahrten von U-172 [U-boat Drama: The Last War Patrol of U-172]. Rastatt: Erich Pabel, 1987.
Pogue, Forrest C. George C Marshall. 4 vols. Vol, 2: Ordeal and Hope, 1939-1942. Vol. 3: Organizer of Victory, 1943-1945. New York: Viking, 1963-1987.
———. The Supreme Command. Washington, D.C.: OCMH, 1954.
Poolman, Kenneth. Allied Escort Carriers of World War Two in Action. London: Blandford Press, 1988.
——.Escort Carriers of World War II. (Paper.) London: Arms and Armor Press, 1989.
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Preston, Antony. Submarines. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1982.
——. U-boats. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1978.
Price, Alfred. Aircraft Versus Submarines. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1974.
Prien, Günther. Mein Weg nach Scapa Flow [My Road to Scapa Flow]. Berlin: Im Deutschem Verlag,
1940. Trans, into English by George Vatine and published as I Sank the Royal Oak. London: Gray’s
Inn Press, 1954. American ed.: U-boat Commander. New York: Award Books, 1969.
Puttkamer, Karl Jesko von. Die Unheimliche See [The Dreadful Sea], 1952.
Quine, W[illard] V[an Orman]. The Time of My Life. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1985.
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Raeder, Erich. My Life [Mein Leben]. Trans. Henry W. Drexel. Annapolis: United States Naval Institute Press, 1960.
Range, Clemens. Die Ritterkreuz.trd.ger der Kriegsmarine. Stuttgart: Motorbuch, 1974.
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Riesenberg, Felix. Sea War: The Story of the U.S. Merchant Marine in World War II. New York: Rinehart, 1963.
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Robertson, Terence. Escort Commander. (Johnny Walker.) London: Evans Brothers, 1956.
——. The Golden Horseshoe. London: Evans Brothers, Ltd., 1955. American edition: Night Raider of the Atlantic. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc., 1956. German edition: Der Wolf im Atlantik: Die Kriegeerlebnisse Otto Kretschmer [Wolf in the Atlantic: The Wartime Experiences of Otto Kretschmer]. Wels: Welscrmuhl, 1969.
Röhwer, Jürgen. Axis Submarine Successes, 1939-1945 [Die U-Boot-Erfolge Der Achsenmachte, 1939-1945]. Introductory material translated by John A. Broadwin. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1983.
——. The Critical Convoy Battles of March, 1943. Translated by Derek R. Masters and A. J. Barker. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1977.
——, ed. Decisive Battles of World War II: The German View. See Jacobsen.
——. Die Versenkung der judischen Fluchtlinastransporter.. . im Schwarzen Meer [The Sinking of the Jewish Refugee Ship in the Black Sea]. Frankfurt: Bernard and Graefe, 1965.
Rohwer, Jürgen, and Gerd Hümmelchen. Chronology of the War At Sea: 1939-45 [Chronik des Seekrieges: 1939-45]. Trans. Derek R. Masters. 2 vols. Vol. 1: 1939-1942; Vol. 2: 1943-1945. New York: Arco Publishing Co., 1972-73.
——. Chronology of the War at Sea, 1939-1945: The Naval History of World War Two. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1992. {Chronology Vols. 1 and 2 updated and combined into a single volume.)
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Roscoe, Theodore. United States Destroyer Operations in World War II. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1953.
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——. Naval Policy Between the Wars. 2 vols. Vol. 1: The Period of Anglo-American Antagonism, 1919-1929. London: William Collins Sons & Co., 1968. Vol. 2: The Period of Reluctant Rearmament, 1930-1939. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1976.
——. The Secret Capture. (Re U-110, etc.) London: Collins, 1954.
——. The War at Sea: 1939-1945. 3 vols. (1, 2, 3, parts 1 and 2.) London: HMSO, 1954-61.
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Runyan, Timothy J., and Jan M. Copes, eds. To Die Gallantly: The Battle of the Atlantic. Boulder:
Westview Press, 1994. See papers by Allard, Barlow, J. D. Brown, King, Love, Lundeberg, Meany, Milner, Rahn, Rohwer, Sarty, Steury, Syrett, Valle.
Rusbridger, James, and Eric Nave. Betrayal at Pearl Harbor. New York: Summit Books, 1991.
Rust, Eric C. Naval Officers Under Hitler: The Story of Crew 34. New York: Praeger, 1991.
Salewski, Michael. Die deutsche Seekriegeleitung, 1939-1945 [Direction of the German Sea War, 1929-1945]. 3 vols. Munich: Bernard & Graefe, 1970-75.
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Schäffer, Heinz. U-boat 977. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 1952.
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——. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960.
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——. U-boats Under the Swastika. London: Allen, 1973.
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Cross-references in this list refer the reader to the Books section.
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Alden, CarRöll Storrs. “American Submarine Operations in the War.” United States Naval Institute Proceedings,* June 1920.
Alden, John D. “Dutch Submarines in World War II: The European Theater.” Submarine Review, April 1994.
——. “Dutch Submarines in World War II: The Far East.” Submarine Review, April 1993.
Allard, Dean C. “Introduction: An American Assessment.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
——. “A United States Overview.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Althoff, William F. “Airships.” USNIP, January 1988.
Ancell, Robert M. Jr. “Grand Admiral Doenitz: Reflections at 80” USNIP, March 1973.
Andrew, Christopher M. “Gordon Welchman, Sir Peter Marychurch and ‘The Birth of Ultra.’“ Intelligence and National Security. May 1986.
——. “Intelligence Collaboration Between Britain and the United States During the Second World War.” See Hitchcock, ed.
Armstrong, W.H.R. “The Sea Devils of the Caribbean.” Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, November 1960.
Assmann, Kurt. “The Invasion of Norway.” Trans. Roland E. Krause. USNIP, April 1952.
——. “Operation Sea Lion.” Trans. Roland E. Krause. USNIP, January 1950.
——. “Stalin and Hitler.” Trans. Roland E. Krause. “Part I: The Pact With Moscow,” USNIP, June 1949; “Part II; The Road to Stalingrad,” USNIP, July 1949.
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Atha, Robert I. “Bombe! I Could Hardly Believe It.” Cryptologia, 1985.
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Barker, Edward L. “German Naval Aviation.” USNIP, July 1950.
Barlow, Jeffrey G. “The Views of Stimson and Knox on Atlantic Strategy and Planning.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
Beach, Edward L. “Culpable Negligence.” (Re USN torpedo failures.) American Heritage, December 1980.
——. “Down by Subs.” (Operation Drumbeat.) USNIP, April 1991.
Beesly, Patrick. “British Naval Intelligence in Two World Wars.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.
——. “Convoy PQ 17: A Study of Intelligence and Decision-Making.” Intelligence and National Se curity, April 1990.
——. “Operational Intelligence in the Battle of the Atlantic: The Role of the Royal Navy’s Subma rine Tracking Room.” See Boutilier, ed.
——. “Special Intelligence and the Battle of the Atlantic: The British View.” See Love, ed.
Belke, T. J. “ ‘Röll of Drums.’“ USNIP, April 1983.
Belote, James H. “The Development of German Naval Policy: 1933-1939.” PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1954.
Bennett, Ralph. “Army Ultra in the Mediterranean Theatre: Darkness and Light.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.
Bernotti, Romeo. “Italian Naval Policy Under Fascism.” USNIP, July 1956.
Bird, Keith W. “Erich Raeder.” See Howarth, ed.
Bishop, Eleanor C. “The Campbell’s Path to Glory.” Naval History, Spring 1993.
———. “ ‘Hooligan’s Navy’: Coastal Pickets at War.” Naval History, Summer 1992.
Bloch, Gilbert. “Enigma Before Ultra.” (Excerpts of his book.) Trans. C. A. Deavours. Cryptologia, July 1987; October 1987; July 1988.
Bloomquist, Dick L. “Air-Independent Submarine Propulsion.” Submarine Review, July 1993.
Boog, Horst. “Luftwaffe Support of the German Navy.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Bowling, Roland A. “Escort of Convoy: Still the Only Way.” USNIP, December 1969.
Bowman, Richard C. “Organizational Fanaticism: A Case Study of Allied Air Operations Against the U-boat During World War Two.” Air Power Historian, October 1963.
Boyd, Carl. “American Naval Intelligence of Japanese Submarine Operations Early in the Pacific War.” Journal of Military History, April 1989.
——. “Japanese Military Effectiveness: The Interwar Period.” See Millett and Murray, eds.
——. “The Japanese Submarine Force and the Legacy of Strategic and Operational Doctrine Devel oped Between the World Wars.” See Addington, ed.
——. “The ‘Magic’ Betrayal of Hitler.” Paper presented at The Citadel Symposium on Hitler and the National Socialist Era, April 1980, The Citadel, Charleston, SC.
Bragadin, Marc* Antonio. “Mediterranean Convoys in World War II.” USNIP, February 1950.
Broad, William J. “Lost Japanese Sub with 2 Tons of Axis Gold Found on Floor of Atlantic.” New York Times, July 18, 19-5.
Brown, David K. “Atlantic Escorts 1939-45.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Brown, J. David. “The Battle of the Atlantic, 1941-1943: Peaks and Troughs.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
——. “John Godfrey.” See Howarth, ed.
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——. “Marvelous Machines, a Bit Too Late.” Intelligence and National Security, 1998.
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Chapman, J.W.M. “Japanese Intelligence 1919-1945: A Suitable Case for Treatment.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.
Chicago Tribune. Special Supplement, Section 2A, December 7, 1966: “New Pearl Harbor Facts! Full Story: How U.S. Got Jap Secrets.” See articles by Anonymous (probably Laurence F. Safford), Wayne Thomis, Walter Trohan, Admiral Husband F. Kimmel, C. C. Hiles, Harry Elmer Barnes.
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Decker, Hans Joachim. “404 Days! The War Patrol Life of the German U-505.” USNIP, March 1960.
Denniston, A. G. “The Government Code and Cypher School Between the Wars.” See Andrew, ed., Codebreaking.
Doenhoff, Richard A. von. “Nuremberg in Perspective.” USNIP, March 1973.
Douglas, Laurence H. “Submarine Disarmament: 1919-1939.” PhD dissertation, Syracuse University, 1969.
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Douglas, W.A.B., and Jürgen Röhwer. “The Most Thankless Task’ Revisited: Convoys, Escorts, and Radio Intelligence in the Western Atlantic, 1941-43.” See Boutilier, ed.
——. “Canada and the Wolf Packs, September 1943.” See Douglas, ed., Transition.
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——. “Commentary: Why Was Safford Pesimistic....” Cryptologia, April 1991.
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Glennon, A. N. “The Weapon That Came Too Late.” (The Type XXI Boat.) USNIP, March 1961.
Goldrick, James. “Work-Up.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Gordon, Arthur. “The Day the Astral Vanished.” USNIP, October 1965.
Gruner, William P. “The German Type XXVI Convoy Killer Submarine.” Submarine Review, October 1993.
Guth, Rolf, and Jochen Brennecke. “Hier Irrte Michael Salewski.” (Refuting mistakes regarding youthful ages of U-boat skippers.) Schiff und Zeit, no. 28, 1988.
Hadley, Michael L. “Inshore ASW in the Second World War: The U-boat Experience.” See Douglas, ed., Transition.
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——. “Prelude to ‘Weltblitzkrieg’: Germany’s Naval Policy Towards the United States of America 1939-1941.” Journal of Modern History, December 1971.
Herzog, Bodo. “Otto Kretschmer.” See Howarth, ed.
Herzog, Bodo, and Allison Saville. “Top Submarines in Two World Wars.” USNIP, September 1961.
Hinsley, F[rancis] H[arry]. “British Intelligence in the Second World War.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.
——. “British Intelligence in the Second World War: An Overview.” Cryptologia, January 1990.
——. “An Intelligence Revolution.” See Hitchcock, ed.
Hobbs, David. “Ship-borne Air Anti-submarine Warfare.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Hubiner, Bert. “We Got That Sonofabitch!” (Japanese 1-52.) Naval History, November-December 1995.
Kahn, David. “An Enigma Chronology.” Cryptologia, July 1993.
——. “Why Weren’t We Warned?” (About Pearl Harbor.) Military History Quarterly, Autumn 1991.
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Kauffman, D. L. “German Naval Strategy in World War II.” USNIP, January 1954.
Kemp, Peter K. “Dönitz.” See Carver, ed.
——. “Sir Dudley Pound “ See Howarth, ed.
Kessler, Jean. “U-boat Bases in the Bay of Biscay.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
King, Thomas A. “The Merchant Marine Cadet Corps.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
Knowles, Kenneth A. “Ultra and the Battle of the Atlantic: The American View.” See Love, ed.
Krause, Roland E. “The German Navy Under Joint Command in World War II.” USNIP, September 1947.
Krug, Hans-Joachim. “Filming Das Boot.” USNIP, June 1996.
Kruh, Louis. “British-American Cryptanalytic Cooperation and an Unprecedented Admission by Winston Churchill.” Cryptologia, April 1989.
——. “Why Was Safford Pessimistic About Breaking the German Enigma Cipher Machine in 1942?” Cryptologia, July 1990.
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Langdon, Robert M. “Live Men Do Tell Tales.” (Re Peleus.) USNIP, January 1952.
Lasky, Marvin. “Historical Review of Underwater Technology: 1939-45 with Emphasis on Undersea Warfare.” U.S. Navy Journal of Underwater Acoustics, vol. 25, 1975, pp. 567-84.
——. “Review of Scientific Effort for Undersea Warfare, 1939-45.” US. Navy Journal of Underwa ter Acoustics, vol. 25, 1975, pp. 885-918.
Layman, R. D. “U-boat with Wings.” USNIP, April 1968.
Leighton, Richard M. “U.S. Merchant Shipping and the British Import Crisis,” See Greenfield, ed.
Love, Robert W., Jr. “Ernest J. King.” See Howarth, ed.
——. ‘The U.S. Navy and Operation Röll of Drums, 1942.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
Lowenthal, Mark M. “Intrepid and the History of World War II.” Military Affairs, April 1977.
Lujan, Susan M. “Agnes Meyer Driscoll.” (American codebreaker.) Cryptologia, January 1991.
Lund, W.G.D. “The RCN’s Quest for Autonomy in the North Atlantic, 1941-1943.” See Boutilier, ed.
Lundeberg, Philip K. “Allied Co-operation.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
——. “American Anti-Submarine Operations in the Atlantic, May 1943-May 1945.” PhD disserta tion, Harvard University, 1953. University Microfilms International #9736996, Ann Arbor, ML (A copy of the above and a classified version are on file at NAVOPARCH, Naval Historical Center.)
——. “Operation Teardrop Revisited.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
Lyon, David J. “The British Order of Battle.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Macintyre, Donald. “Point of No Return.” USNIP, February 1964.
——. “Shipborae Radar” USNIP, September 1967.
——. “Three Aces—Trumped!” (The death of and capture of Kretschmer, Prien, and Schepke.) USNIP, September 1956.
Maher, Robert A., and James E. Wise, Jr. “Stand By for a Ram.” (U.S. destroyer Borie versus U-405.) Naval History, Summer 1993 (part 1); October 1993 (part 2).
Markowitz, Arnold. “At Last, Honors for a WW II Hero——“ Miami Herald, May 17, 1997.
Maurer, Maurer, and Laurence J. Paszek. “Origin of the Laconia Order.” Air University Review, March-April 1964.
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McLean, Douglas M. “The Battle of Convoy BX 141.” Northern Mariner, October 1993.
——. “Confronting Technological and Tactical Change: Allied Antisubmarine Warfare in the Last Year of the Battle of the Atlantic.” Naval War College Review, Winter 1994.
Meany, Joseph R, Jr. “Port in a Storm: The Port of New York in World War II.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
Mellen, Greg, ed. “Rhapsody in Purple: A New History of Pearl Harbor.” Cryptologia, July 1982 (part 1) and October 1982 (part 2). (A reprint of a manuscript written by Laurence F. Safford, with annotations by Dundas P IXicker, Charles C. Hiles, and Harry E. Barnes. Original in the papers of Tucker at the American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.)
Mellin, William F. “To Convoy or Not to Convoy.” USNIP, March 1980.
Merrill, John. “PMS Blackett” (Profile.) Submarine Review, January 1995.
——“Sonobuoy.” Naval History, January-February 1994.
Milford, Frederick J. “U.S. Navy Torpedoes,” a series of seven articles detailing U.S. submarine torpedo history. Submarine Review, April 1996, October 1996, January 1997, April 1997, July 1997, October 1997, January 1998.
——. “More on Fido.” (Letter re the Mark XXIV homing torpedo.) Submarine Review, April 1996.
Miller, David. “The Peleus War Crimes Trial.” Naval History, February 1997.
——. “World War II Development of Homing Torpedoes, 1940-1946.” Submarine Review, April 1997.
Milner, Marc. “Inshore ASW: The Canadian Experience in Home Waters.” See Douglas, ed., Transition.
——. “Royal Canadian Navy Participation in the Battle of the Atlantic Crisis of 1943.” See Boutilier, ed.
——. “Squaring Some of the Corners: The Royal Canadian Navy and the Pattern of the Atlantic War.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
Moeser, Vicki. “Unlocking Enigma’s Secrets.” Cryptologia, October 1990.
Morris, Christopher. “Ultra’s Poor Relations.” (Hand ciphers.) See Andrew, ed., Codebreaking.
Mulligan, Timothy [P.]. “The German Navy Evaluates Its Cryptographic Security, October 1941.” Military Affairs, April 19S5.
——. “German U-boat Crews in World War II: Sociology of an Elite.” Journal of Military History, April 1992.
——. “Tracking Das Boot: Records of U-96 in the National Archives.” Prologue, Winter 1982.
Neitzel, Sonke. “The Deployment of the U-boats.” Trans. Klaus Schmider. See Howarth and Law, eds.
Niestlé Axel. “German Technical and Electronic Development.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Nimitz, Chester W. “Fleet Admiral Nimitz Replies to Questions in Trial of Gross Admiral Doenitz.” USNIP, July 1946.
O’Connell, Jerome A. “Radar and the U-boat.” USNIP, September 1963.
O’Connor, Jerome M. “Secret at Bletchley Park.” Naval History, December 1997.
Offley, Ed. “Wartime Foes Reunite as Friends.” (Re U-70I) Norfolk Ledger-Star, July 7, 8, 9, 1982.
Oliver, Edward F. “Overdue—Presumed Lost.” (Tanker S.S. Astral.) USNIP, March 1961.
Pace, Eric. “Birger Lunde, Norway Seaman.” Obituary. New York Times, October 1, 1996.
Padfleld, Peter. “Karl Dönitz.” See Howarth, ed.
Pelick, Thomas J. “Fido—The First U.S. Homing Torpedo.” Submarine Review, January 1996.
——. “Post WW II Torpedoes: 1945-1950.” Submarine Review, July 1996.
Picinich, R. G., Jr. “Blimp Blasts Subs.” USNIP, October 1943.
Poyer, David. “U-boat: The Story of C/-&5.” Virginia-Pilot and Ledger Star, April 18, 1982.
Probert, Henry. “Allied Land-Based Anti-Submarine Warfare.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Pugh, Philip. “Military Need and Civil Necessity.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Rahn, Werner. “The Atlantic in the Strategic Perspective of Hitler and Roosevelt, 1940-1941.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
——. “The Campaign: The German Perspective.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
——. “Long Range German U-boat Operations in 1942 and Their Logistical Support by U-Tankers.”
Paper given at USN Academy History Symposium, September 1987.
Reedy, James R., Jr. “Coast Guard Sinking of U-352” World War II Magazine, May 1996.
Reinecke, H. J. “German Surface Force Strategy in World War II.” USNIP, February 1957.
Rhys-Jones, Graham. “The German System: A Staff Perspective.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Röhwer, Jurgen. “Allied and Axis Radio-Intelligence in the Battle of the Atlantic: A Comparative Analysis.” See Hitchcock, ed.
——. “Codes and Ciphers: Radio Communication and Intelligence.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
——. “Dönitz and the Battle of the Atlantic: A New Perspective.” See Dönitz, Memoirs.
——. “The Operational Use of ‘ULTRA’ in the Battle of the Atlantic.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.
——. “Radio Intelligence and Its Role in the Battle of the Atlantic.” See Andrew and Dilks, eds.
——. “Sperrbrecher 104.” (Duty on a Minesweeper.) Naval History, February 1994.
——. “The U-boat War Against the Allied Supply Lines.” See Jacobsen and Röhwer, eds.
——. “Ultra and the Battle of the Atlantic: The German View.” See Love, ed.
——. “‘Ultra,’ xB-Dienst, und ‘Magic.’“Marine-Rundschar 76, October 1979.
——. “The Wireless War.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Röhwer, Jurgen, and W.A.B. Douglas. “Canada and the Wolf Packs, September 1943.” See Douglas, ed., Transition.
——.” ‘The Most Thankless Task’ Revisited.” See Boutilier, ed.
Rossler, Eberhard, “U-boat Development and Building.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Rouse, Parke, Jr. “Under the Cloak of Night.” USNIP, June 1982.
Rousmaniere, John. “The Romance of the Subchasers.” Naval History, Summer 1992.
Ruge, Friedrich. “Dönitz: The Last Führer!’ (Comment re Seagren.) USNIP, October 1954.
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Safford, Laurence F. “The Undeclared War: ‘History of R.I.’ [Radio Intelligence]” 11/15/43 [NARA RG457, SHR 305]. Rpt. Cryptologia, special supplement, Summer 1987.
——-. See article by Mellen, Greg, ed.
Salewski, Michael. “The Submarine War: A Historical Essay.” See Buchheim, U-boat War.
Santoni, Alberto. “The Italian Submarine Campaign.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Sarty, Roger. “Ultra, Air Power, and the Second Battle of the St. Lawrence, 1944.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
Saville, Allison W. “The Development of the German U-boat Arm, 1919-1935.” PhD dissertation, University of Washington, 1963.
——. “German Submarines in the Far East.” USNIP, August 1961.
Schäffer, Heinz. “We Escaped in an Outlaw U-boat.” Saturday Evening Post, November 22, 1952. (Excerpt from his book.)
Schoenfeld, Max. “Winston Churchill as War Manager: The Battle of the Atlantic Committee, 1941.” Military Affairs, July 1988.
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Selinger, Franz. “German Midget Submarines.” USNIP, March 1958.
Smith, Bradley F. “Admiral Godfrey’s Mission to America, June/July 1941.” Intelligence and National Security, September 1986.
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Sokol, A[nthony] E. “German Attacks on the Murmansk Run.” USNIP, December 1952.
Spilman, C. H. “The German Submarine War.” USNIP, June 1947.
Stengers, Jean. “Enigma, the French, the Poles and the British, 1931-1940.” See Andrew and
Dilks, eds. Steury, Donald P. “The Character of the German Naval Offensive: October 1940-June 1941.” See Runyan and Copes, eds. Stevens, Allan W. “Capital Johnnie Walker....” (Profile.) World War II Magazine, May 1996.
Stevenson, Gene C. “Submarine Losses in the Eastern Baltic in World War II.” Warship International, 1986.
Stratton, Roy O. “German Naval Support Techniques in World War II.” USNIP, March 1954.
——. “Germany’s Secret Naval Supply Service” USNIP, October 1953.
Sutcliffe, Paul M. “Operational Research in the Battle of the Atlantic.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Sweetman, Jack. “Destruction of the Tirpitz” USNIP, November 1994.
—. “The U-boat Peril Overcome.” USNIP, June 1993.
Syrett, David. “The Battle for Convoy TM 1, January 1943.” American Neptune, Winter 1990.
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——. “The Sinking of HMS Firedrake and the Battle for Convoy ON 153.” American Neptune, Spring 1991.
——. “‘Situation Extremely Dangerous’: Three Atlantic Convoys in February 1943.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
—. “Weather-Reporting U*boats in the Atlantic. 1944-45: The Hunt for U~248.v American Nep° tune, Winter 1992.
Taylor, Blaine. “Personality: DBnite.u WorldWar IIMagazine, March 1988.
Thomas, Edward. *The Evolution of the JIC [Joint Intelligence Committee] System up to and During World War II.” See Andrew and Noakes, eds.
Thoradike, Joseph J.. Jr. “King of the Atlantic.” (Profile.) Life, November 24, 1941.’
Thowsen, Atle. “The Norwegian Merchant Navy in Allied War Transport.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Toliaksen, Duane Morgan. “Last Chapter for C/-853.” USNIP, December 1960.
Topp, Erich. “Manning and Training the U-boat Fleet.” See Howarth and Law, eds.
Tordella, Louis W. “Commentary: Ultra and the Walkers.” USNIP, September 1989.
Tucker, Dundas P. See article by Mellen, Greg.
Valle, James E. “United States Merchant Marine Casualties.” See Runyan and Copes, eds.
van der Vat, Dan. “Günther Prien.” See Howarth, ed.
Walle, Heinrich. “Individual Loyalty and Resistance in the German Military: The Case of Sub-Lieutenant Oskar Kusch.” See Nicosia and Stokes, eds.
Webster, W Russell. “Someone Get That Damned Dog.” Naval History, November-December 1996.
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Whipple, A.B.C. “The Education of Willie.” (German saboteur.) Life, January 22, 1945.
Wiedersheim, William A, HI. “Factors in the Growth of the Reichmarine: 1919—1939.” USNIP, March 1948.
——. “Officer Personnel Selection in the German Navy: 1925-1945.” USNIP, April 1947.
Wilson, Michael. “Sir Max Horton.” See Howarth, ed.
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——. “Unsinkable Archie Gibbs.” Naval History, April 1998.
Zimmerman, David. ‘Technology and Tactics.” See Howarth and Law, eds.