


1. After surviving an air attack, returned to Baltic and Training Command.

2. The new VII U-644, commanded by twenty-four-year-old Kurt Jensen, joined the Arctic force in mid-March. Doubtless guided by Enigma decrypts, on 417 the British submarine Tuna, commanded by Desmond Martin, found and sank U-644 on her first patrol, near the island of Jan Mayen. Probably with Enigma help, a week later Martin found another Arctic VII, U-302, commanded by Herbert Sickel, but Martin missed with eight torpedoes.

3. Boat rammed by a German ship and decommissioned. Later repaired and recommissioned.

4. In experimental status with a Type VI conning tower.

5. In experimental status with a Type V conning tower.

6. In experimental status with a Type VI conning tower. Sailed to France on this date, arriving 7/23.

7. Sunk off Bergen on 4/19 by the Norwegian submarine Ula.