This index has three parts: Ships, U-boats, and General. It was compiled by my wife, Joan Blair, and her brother, C Hamilton Rutledge, who created the software. For technical details consult Hamilton’s e-mail address:


Please note that ships listed in the appendices are not indexed.




Abbeydale 378

Abnaki 554

Abosso 41, 15, 19, 340

Acanthus 40

Acciaio 209, 380

Accrington 42

Achates 92, 153, 154

Achilles 52

Aconit 256, 257, 273

Acquitania 463, 465

Actéon 92

Action 685

Active 74, 230, 456

Activity 498, 516, 517

Adamas 182, 183

Adelfotis 229

Admiral Graf Spee 69

Admiral Scheer 19, 152, 575

Adrastus 133

Adventure 221

Adviser 78

Aegeus 78

Aelybryn 227

Affleck 494, 590, 636, 642, 673

African Star 351

Agapenor 69

Agwinonte 301

Ahrens 566

Aiuto 59

Alabama 376

Alaska 70

Alaskan 77

Albatros 93

Alberni 616, 619

Albert Gallatin 387

Albert L. Ellsworth 147

Alcoa Rambler 55

Alcoa Transport 52

Alcyon 93

Alderamin 262

Aldington Court 11

Alexandre Silva 533

Algerine 102

Alice E Palmer 302

Allegiance 664

Almaak 112

Alnwick Castle 678, 680

Aloe 229

Alonso 186, 187

Alouette 71

Alsterufer 221, 452 - 454

Alva 387

Alynbank 446

Amazone 93

Ambra 117

Amerika 283

Amethyst 631

Amick 685

Ammiraglio 72

Amphitrite 93

Amsel-Specht 287, 288

Amsterdam 637

Anadyr 565

Andalucia Star 68

An Jrea F. Luckenbach 255

ArtJrew G. Cwrrm 514, 677

Angelus 221

Artgfo Maersk 69

Anguilla 680

Annamite 60, 64, 65

Artrtart 633

Annapolis 31, 129

Anne Hutchinson 76

Annik 180

Anson 153, 469, 516

Anthony 494

Antic 566

Antigone 329

Antiope 93

Antonio Sciesa 101

Archangelsk 598

ArcAer 90, 112, 243, 323, 326, 337, 338, 419

Archimede 58, 68, 79, 225, 238

Argento 380, 413

Argo 80

Argon 288

Argonaut 117

Argonaute 92

Argus 90, 96, 98, 112

Ark Royal 82, 100, 346, 351

Arkansas 163, 241

Arnprior 645

Arrow 74

Arthur Middleton 209

Arthur Sewall 635

Ascanius 603, 604

Ascension 634

Ascianghi 380

Ashanti 21

Ashantian 284

Ashbury 641

Asheville 495

Ashigara 539

Ashmun J. Clough 616

Asphodei 504, 513

Aspirant 523

Assiniboine 559, 610

Asteria 211

Astoria 159

Athabaskan 345, 405

Athelmonarch 311

Athelprincess 197

Athelsultan 33

Atheltemplar 20

Athelviking 649, 650

Athene 83

Atherton 685

Arlando 159

Atlantic States 684

Atlantic Sun 184

Atlantic 693

Attacker 419

Attila 94

Aubrietia 510

Audacity 566

Augusta 376, 468, 469

Aurora 662

Avenger 18 - 21, 90, 112, 114, 116, 243, 419, 458, 566

Avorio 211

Awfltea 102

Aylmer 512, 639

Aymeric 332



B. P. Newton 368

B. Walters 366

Babbitt 127, 181, 254, 263

Badger 43, 119, 467

Bagé 371

Bagnolini 110 , 1111 238, 411, 534

Bainbridge 388

Baker 568

Balfour 590, 603

Balsam 345

Baltrover 562

Banff 540

Barb 7

Barbarigo 58, 67, 219, 225, 238

Barter 546

Barberrys 120

Barham 98, 101

Barter 394, 400

Barnegat 351, 352

Barney 685

Baron Cochrane 132

Baron Jedburgh 691

Baron Kinnard 258, 260

Baron Semple 459

Baron Vernon 70

Barr 565, 566

Barry 385, 432, 439

Battleford 131, 133

Battler 419, 529

Bayntun 487, 504

Bazely 450, 452

Beagle 517

Beaver 1

Bedloe 622

Begum 540

Belfast 470, 471, 513, 516

Belgian Airman 267, 684

Belgian Fighter 75

Belknap Fighter 254, 269

Bello 129

Benakat 299

Bengasi 99

Benjamin Harrison 202

Benlomond 11

Benson 525

Bentinck 639

Bentley 511

Bermuda 405

Bernadou 93

Bernau 454

Berwick 153

Berwickshire 541

Besrifc 641

Besugo 691

Beverley 180, 181, 258, 260, 280, 281, 294, 528

Bibb 25, 180, 182, 254, 267

Biber 521, 601

Bicester 213

Bickerton 512, 585, 599, 681

Birdlip 557

Birmingham 111, 456

Biscaya 179

Bismarck 471, 527

Biter 90, 112, 243, 285 - 287, 323, 326 - 330, 358, 419, 436

Black Fly 510

Black Hawk 635

Black Point 685

Black Prince 515

Black Swan 207

Blackfish 7, 94

Blackheath 650

Blackwood 450, 452, 586, 589, 619

Blaisdel 586, 589

Blakeley 685

Blankney 520, 523

Blean 103, 526

Blencathra 520

Bligh 512, 586, 638

Blink 424

Bliss 110

Blitar 278

Block Island 244, 420, 437, 463, 490 - 492, 498, 502, 535 - 537, 547, 548, 565, 566, 568

Bloody Marsh 347, 348

Bluebell 678 - 681

Boadicea 515

Bodegraven 557

Boswe 244, 254, 255, 269, 272, 286 - 288, 326, 335, 336, 341 - 343, 346, 349, 352, 374, 383, 396, 401, 419, 420, 451, 452, 463, 467, 504, 538 , 547, 566, 567, 622, 644, 647, 654, 686, 687

Boise 7

Bolebroke 379

Bolkoburg 381

Bombardier 523

Bombadière 673

Bonneville 253

Bone 386, 438, 439, 453, 547

Boringia 73, 74

Boris 232

Borkum 452 - 454, 482, 487, 489 - 493

Bostwick 502, 524, 568, 684

Boulonnais 93

Boyle 561

Brageland 138

Brake 399, 401, 527 - 531, 537, 542

Bramble 153, 154

Branch 180

Brand 328, 346

Branf Cownfy 255

Brasiloide 217

Breckinridge 685

Brecon 194, 520

Breeman 568

Breiviken 302

Brestois 93

Bretwalda 126

Brilliant 50, 92, 120, 636

Brinkburn 378

Brisk 347, 364

Bristol 110, 413, 442, 453, 519, 526

Britannia 402

British Ardour 278

British Chivalry 528

British Dominion 147

British Fortitude 197

British Freedom 649, 650

British Lady 288, 289

British Loyalty 528

BritishVigilance 141, 142, 145, 148

Brittany 70

Broacf Arrow 142

Broadway 327, 328

Broke 91, 94

Bronstein 502, 524, 536, 568

Bronzo 380

Brooklyn 93

Browning 99

BUCK 223, 413, 442, 453, 525, 526

Buckingham 690

Buckley 547, 548, 688

Bulkoil 562

Bulldog 59

Bullen 630, 642

Bullmouth 70

Bulmer 491

Burgenland 454

Burnham 333

Burwell 131

Burza 124, 186, 187, 189, 254

Bushnell 679

Byard 434

Byron 674



C.S. Flight 140

Caddo 51

Cagni 72, 77, 80, 226, 238, 411

Caiman 91, 94

Cairnvalona 280

Calder 639

Calgary 133, 408, 450

California 398

Calobre 154

Calpe 451

Calypso 387

Cameronia 103, 210

Campania 600, 677 - 679

Campbell 25, 32, 43, 185 - 187, 189, 281, 523

Campion 254

Campoamor 199

Campobello 260, 261

Campos 407

Camrose 487

Canadian Star 263

Canberra 159

Cape Decision 141

Cape Neddick 298

Capel 636, 642, 673

Capilano 670

Cappellini 58 - 60, 62 - 64, 238, 303, 411, 412, 530

Caproni 691

Caracciolo 238

Card 244, 344, 346, 352, 383 - 386, 393, 396, 420, 428, 429, 431, 432, 437 - 439, 453, 454, 463, 490, 492, 565, 568, 645

Carib 523

Carras 265

Carter 686, 688

Casablanca 94

Casandra 564

Cassandra 677

Castle 196

Castleton 390

Caswell 351

Cato 601

Catoctin 662

Cayuga 197

Celandine 30, 44

Ceramic 116, 134, 135, 549, 550

Cerfon 78

Cesare 375, 411

Chambly 645

Champlin 201, 202, 561

Chanticleer 442, 449, 450, 454, 466, 468, 550

Chapultepec 464

Charles C. Pinckney 148

Charles LD, 125

Charles Willson Peak 350

Charlotte Schliemann 298, 299, 300, 301 - 305, 466, 527, 529 - 531, 534, 537, 542

Charybdis 82

Chaser 420, 514, 515

Chatelain 548, 549, 551 - 553, 559, 687

Chattanooga City 187

Chaudiire 495, 605, 610

Chebogue 645, 653

Chenango 92, 93, 112

Cherokee 110

Cherry Valley 348

Chester 128

Chesterfield 173

Chicago 159

Chickadee 347

Chickasaw City 73

Chilliwack 131, 187, 495

Christian Michelsen 413

Churchill 178

Churruca 215

Cities Service Missouri 219

City of Athens 74

City of Baroda 228

City of Cairo 76

City of Canton 303

City of flint 148

City of Johannesburg 76

City of Oran 305

City of Perth 210

City of Venice 378

Clan Macarthur 304

Clan Mactaggart 113, 114

Clan Mactavish 74

Clan Macwirter 57, 58

Clarissa Radcliffe 259, 265

Clarkia 397

Clayoquot 648, 653

Clematis 285

Clemson 401, 467

Cleopatra 380

Cliona 147

Clover 504

Coamo 128

Coffman 684

Cole 93, 129

Colin 513, 539

Colombia 228

Coloradan 75

Colsay 601

Columbia 44

Columbine 540

Comanche 179

Conn 671

Conquérant 93

Contractor 378

Cooke 604

Coracero 262

Coral 616

Corbis 232

Cordelia 178, 179

Core 244, 344, 346, 352, 353, 394 - 396, 400, 420, 436, 437, 463, 644, 652, 686, 687

Corinaldo 70

Cornelia P. Spencer 402

Cornish City 302

Cornwall 175

Cornwallis 647

Corry 502, 536

Corvus 665

Cossack 347

Cotton 680

Coulmore 253

Cowie 241

Crawe 449, 450, 508

Croafaw 244, 395, 420, 463, 541, 546, 547, 561, 564, 621, 622, 624, 652, 684, 686

Crocus 67, 68

Cuba 668

Cuckmere 457

Cumberland 153

Curagao 36, 37

Curzon 602

Cygnet 508

Cyrus H. McCormick 672



Da Vinci 71, 230, 232, 238

Daghild 182, 183

Dahlgren 365

Dahomian 533

Daisy Moller 528

Daleby 45

Dalfram 304

Dallas 93, 129

Dan Beard 634, 669

Dandolo 380

Daniel T. Griffin 501

Daronia 541

Dasher 90, 112, 235, 419

Dauphin 186, 187

Davis 687

De la Salle 372

Decatur 453

December 629

Deer Lodge 228

Delfino 211

Delfinul 256

Delisle 458

Delius 450

Dempo 519

Denbigh Castle 678, 681

Derwent 212, 213

Destiny 422

Deutschland 152

Deveron 433

Devw 378

Diadem 516

Dianthus 187

Dido 599

Director 540

Doggerbank 73, 199, 221

Dolfyn 211

Dawax 42

Donnell 510 - 513

Dorchester 179, 180

Doria 375, 411

Dorw 78, 304

Douglas L. Howard 595

Douglass 423

Dragon 601

Drumheller 328

Drwry 434, 450

DM Ponf 262, 467

Dwane 25, 281, 282

Duchess of Atholl 75, 78

Duchess of York 398

Duckworth 429, 610, 668

DUILIO 375 , 411

Duke of York 90, 469 - 471, 516, 596, 598

Dulverton 84

Dumana 466

Dumfries 635

Dumont d’Urville 60, 64

Dumra 297

Duncan 7, 288 - 290, 333, 334, 432, 434, 436 - 438

Dunedin 207

Dunkerque 94

Dunvegan 690

Dwnfc 554



E. G. Seubert 466

Eagle 56 685

Earle 146

East Indian 78

Easton 379

Eberle 220

Eckhodt 153, 154

Eclipse 277

Edencrag 103

Edinburg 681

Edinburgh 328

Edison 451

Edmundston 651

Edward B. Dudley 279

Edward H Crockett 600, 677

Edward M. House 586

Edward Rutledge 110

Efthalia Mari 302

Eglantine 124

Egref 126, 405

Egyptian 253

Eisenbart 470 - 472

Eisenhart 440, 441

Ekins 602

Eldena 368

Electra 110

Elihu B.Washburne 351

Elin K 261

Elisabeth van Belgie 31

Elistin 236

Ellyson 376, 524 - 526

Elmore 566

Emden 575

Emile Francqui 129

Emmons 376 , 524

Emo 101

Emperor 516, 576

Empire Bowman 111

Empire Chaucer 76

Empire City 540

Empire Commerce 413

Empire Dabchink 51

Empire Day 540

Empire Eve 210

Empire Gold 672

Empire Guidon 76

Empire Halberd 589

Empire Haven 62, 64

Empire Heath 656

Empire Heritage 630

Empire Housman 443 - 445, 487, 507

Empire Impala 253

Empire Javelin 635

Empire Lakeland 253

Empire Light 191, 258

Empire Lytton 147

Empire Mac Alpine 358, 422

Empire Mahseer 227

Empire Moon 378

Empire Nomad 75

Empire Norseman 197

Empire Oil 30

Empire Portia 590

Empire Puma 259

Empire Redshank 187

Empire Sailor 51

Empire Shackleton 132, 546

Empire Spencer 124

Empire Standard 210

Empire Stanley 304

Empire Sunrise 45

Empire Tourist 515, 611

Empire Trader 186

Empire Wagtail 132

EmpireWhale 271

Empire Whimbrel 299

Empire World 632

Empress of Canada 230


Enterprise 7, 454

Epervier 92

Ericsson 520, 685, 686

Eric 55

Erling Brovig 466

Escanaba 179

Escapade 189, 254, 279, 337, 338, 422

Escape 622

Escort 483

Eskimo 590

Esquimalt 685

Essex Lance 433

Essington 610

Esso Baton Rouge 197

Esso Buffalo 464

Esso Gettysburg 347

ESSO Harrisburg 564, 565

Esso Williamsburg 34

Etna 140

Ettrick 112, 459, 649

Eugene E. Elmore 566

Eulima 188

Eustis 262

Eva 175

Evadna 665

Everaga 368

Everleigh 639

Examelia 75

Exe 405, 448, 449

Executive 235

Exmoor 520

Expositor 187

Ezra Weston 604



Falke-Habicht 173

Falmouth 533

Fame 39, 40, 118, 124, 133, 184, 190, 268, 432, 589, 590

Farenholt 7

Farquhar 595, 687

Farrell 589

Faulkner 20

Fawtf 680

Fechteler 523, 524, 526

Fench 420, 445, 446, 498, 516 , 517

Fennel 495

Fenris 528

Fenzi 534

Fernhill 398

Fidelity 131 - 133

Filleigh 673

Fina 455

Findhorn 540

Finzi 238, 411

Fiordheim 630

Firedrake 119, 128, 129, 273

Firethorn 73

Fiske 595

Fitch 376

Fitz-John Porter 217

Fitzroy 674

Flaherty 548, 549, 551, 552, 687

Flax 347

Fleetwood 289, 456

Flensburg 52

Fliafer 374, 405

Flounder 691

Flutto 380

Fogg 650

Föhre 539 , 567

Foley 450

Folkstone 197

Forester 487, 559, 560, 614

Formidable 90, 101, 376, 596, 598

Fort a la Corhe 210

Fort de Vaux 460

Fougueux 93

Fowler 652

Foxhound 74

Francis M. Robinson 374, 539, 652

Franconia 445, 662

Fratton 601

Frederick C. Davis 687, 688

Frederick Douglass 423

Fresnel 92 , 94

Fresno City 279

Frondeur 93

Frontenac 43

Frost 541, 542, 546, 621, 622, 686

Furious 82, 83, 90, 95, 96, 98, 469, 516, 517, 596, 598

Furutaka 159

Fury 277



G.S. Walden 524

Gaasterkerk 74

Gairsay 601

Galatea 638

Gandy 561

Ganilly 588, 589, 619

Garland 189, 254, 279

Garlies 502

Garlinge 98

Garoef 538

Gascony 409

Gatineau 422, 495

Gauger 46

General Steuben 656

Genista 228

Genista 259, 329

George Ade 622, 626

George Cleeve 519

George E. Badger 254, 269, 383, 467

George Hawley 664

Georges Leygues 221

Geranium 446

Giffard 562

Gilbert 366

Giuliana 530

Giuliani 238, 303, 412

Glasgow 221, 454

Gleaves 413, 524 , 525

Glemzrm 454, 492, 493

Glendene 69

Glendinning 587, 589

Glittore 188

Gloire 60, 64, 65

Glorieux 94

Gloxinia 212

Godafoss 632

Godavari 540

Goderia 145, 261, 265

Goff 439

Goodall 680, 681

Goodson 586, 589, 619

Gore 501, 502, 511

Gorgas 257

Gorgo 211

GOMW 501, 502, 513

Goya 656

Grado 329

Graf Zeppelin 157

Grangepark 113

Granito 101

Granville 265

Graph 68

Greer 185, 252

Grenville 405

Greylock 235

Grille 235

Grofaz 462

Grove 103, 526

Guadalcanal463, 548 - 554, 558, 565, 621, 705

Gudio 253

Gulfprince 378

Gulfstate 219

Gunnel 7, 94

Gurkha 103

Gurkha II 526

Gurnard 7, 94

Gurney E. Newlin 43

Gustafson 684



H- 554 599

H. H. Rogers.l 89

Haarlem 414

Habicht 173

Haddo 310, 311

Hadleigh 210

Hahira 46

Hai Hing 78

Haiching 402

Haida 590, 680

Hake 310 , 311

Halberd 589

Hallanger 210

Hallfried 446, 454

Halma 277

Hambleton 110, 520, 524, 525

Hammer 517

Hardleigh Castle 559

Hardy II 514

Hargood 562

Harmonic 351

Harrier 300

Harry Luckenbach 262, 264

Hart 631

Hartington 45

Hartland 92, 94

Harvard 366

Harvester 167, 189, 254, 256, 257, 271, 273, 279

Harvey W.Scott 227

Hastings 188, 267, 446

Hatimura 46

Havelock 145, 190, 260, 265, 282, 483, 589, 668

Haverfield 504

Hayter 642

Heath 565

Heather 259

Hebe 442, 456

Hecla 111, 112 , 116

Helew Moller 530

Helmsdale 631

Helmsprey 228

Hewry Bacon 679

Hewry G. Blaisdel 586

Henry Miller 650

Henry R.Mallory 182

Henry Stanley 116

Henzada 351

Hermione 103, 526

Hero 84

Herrmg 7, 94, 193, 310, 311

Herzog 540

Hesperus 42, 130, 131, 180, 258, 285, 286, 329, 330, 668

Heythrop 103, 185, 526

Hiei 159

Highlander 258 - 260, 263, 280, 283

Hilary P. Jones 524, 525

Himalaya 221

Hipper 19, 152 - 155, 575

Hobbema 45

Hobby 202

Hobson 504, 505

Hohenfriedburg 194, 221

Hoihow 303

Holcombe 457, 526

Hofcfer 523, 684

Hopecastle 70

Hopetarn 297

Hopping 510

Horace Bushnell 679, 681

Horace Gray 678

Hornet 7, 159

Hororata 116

Hotspur 589

Howe 376

Hubbard 642 , 687

Hugh L. Scott 110

HUGH Williamson 260

Humbolt 554, 566

Hunter 419

Hurricane 32, 269, 284, 406, 453, 454, 492, 507

Hursley 213

Hurst Castle 630, 642

Hurworth 84, 85

Huse 541, 542, 546, 561

Hyacinth 213, 414

Hyderafowf 331

Hydraios 303

Hythe 413, 442, 519, 527



I-8 373, 374, 405, 528

I-27 230, 528

I-29 231, 232, 480, 539, 564

I-30 231

I-34 480

I-37 528

I-52 539, 566, 567

I-501 694

I-502 694

I-503 412

I-504 412, 530

I-505 694

I-506 690 , 694

Icarus 277, 422, 429, 495, 589, 665

Idefjord 678 , 680

Illustrious 410

Imperialist 455, 456

Implacable 600

Impulsive 20, 290

Inch Arran 690

Incomati 372

Inconstant 79, 379, 589

Indefatigable 596, 598

Indomitable 376

Ingerfire 280

Ingham 25, 45, 46, 127, 128, 181, 254, 263 -265

Inglefield 277

Ingria 188

Inverilen 178

Iowa 376, 473 - 475, 477 , 553

Irene 205, 220 - 223, 225, 226

IrenéeDu Pont 261

Iris 94

Iroquois 398, 680

Isaac Sweers 99, 103, 526

Isis 212, 213 , 601

Italia 411

Itapagé 406

Itchen 335, 422 - 425, 442



J.H. Latrobe 236

J.L.M. Curry 236

Jackson 622

Jacksonville 630

Jacob jones 453

Jaguar 103, 185, 526

Jamaica Producer 256

James A. Farrell 5 S 6

James B. Stephens 227

James Eagan Layne 668

James Gordon Bennett 424

James K. Polk 21 S

James Oglethorpe 261

James R. Lowell 413

James Robertson 368

James Sprunt 219

James W Denver 298

James W. Nesmith 669

Janeta 538

Janssen 687

Jasmine 79

Jasper Park 302

Jean Bart 92, 93

Jean Jadot 209

Jed 287, 291, 333, 334, 355, 405

Jenks 551 - 554

Jeremiah Wadsworth 79

Jervis 211, 212

Jeypore 45

John A. Poor 211

John A. Treutlen 586

John Bell 378

John Berry 539

John Carter Rose 52

John Holt 546

John Morton 491

John S.Copley 457

John Sevier 219

John Worthington 224

Jonas Lie 638

Jonathan Sturges 188, 255

Jonquil 112

José Navarro 466

Joseph E. Campbell 523

Joseph Hewes 110

Jouett 223, 224, 311, 454

Joyce 503, 560, 561

Julia Ward Howe 148

Juneau 159

Jura 209, 210, 519, 527



K- 16 6 S 5

K- 58 685

Kaipara 373

Kako 159

Kale 284

Kalliopi 182

Kamen 685

Karin 220, 221

Karmt 674

Katy 688

Kaura 679

Kearny 520

Keats 512, 638

Keith 687

Kelmscott 559, 563

Kenilworth Castle 495

Kennebec 554

Kent 513

Kentucky 21

Kentville 649

Keppel 337, 422, 424, 515, 517, 599, 600

Keystone 201

Khedive Ismail 528

Kiebitz 407, 408

Kilmarnock 510

Kimball 487

King Edgar 666

King Frederick 538

King George V 153, 235, 376, 477

King Gruffydd 262

Kingsbury 262

Kingswood 466

Kingugasa 159

Kirishima 159

Kitchener 334

Kite 340, 357, 380, 392, 440, 498, 599, 681

Kittanning 564

Knoxville 652

Kohinoor 373

Kollbjörg 175, 176

Köln 19, 152 - 155, 575

Komet 691

Kootenay 590, 605, 610

Kosmos II 43, 44 , 145

Kota Nopan 220

Koumoundouros 74

Kynn 670



L’Alcyon 523

L’Enjoue 650, 653

LIndiscret 652

La Combattant 569

La Hulloise 666

La SaHe 76

Labaun 665

Lacowa 57 - 62, 64 - 66, 72, 75, 80, 139, 218, 532, 702 - 704

Laconikos 296

Lady Madeleine 592

Lady Rodney 260, 267

Laforey 519, 520, 526

Lagan 327, 328, 422, 423, 442

Lake 304

Lalande 102

Lamerton 213

Lancastrain Prince 280

Lancer 422

Languard 260, 405

Laning 523

Lansdowne 104

Laplace 76

Lapwing 679, 681

Lark 563, 678, 679, 681

Laub 229

Laubie 609

Launceston 634

Laurelwood 33

Laurentic 78

Lawton B. Edwards 255

LeRésolu 652

LeRhin 131

Leadgate 254

Leamington 242

Leana 303

Leary 45, 46, 127, 453, 454, 490, 491

Leda 21, 681

Leedstown 94, 98

Leipzig 575

Leopold 503, 513

Leopoldville 636, 631, 613

Lewis 190

Litertad 463

Liddesdale 526

Linse 522

Lisefa 664

Lismore 540

Litiopa 460

Littario 375, 411

Livingston 623, 626

Llanashe 229

Llandilo 11

Llandovery Castle 649

LofceHa 182

LochAchanalt 633

Loch Achray 669

LochCraigge 631

LOCH Dunvagen 599

Loch Fada 665, 667

LOCH Glendhu 669

Lochlnsh 680

Loch Killin 605, 608, 609, 612 , 671

Loch More 669

Loch Shin 680

London 103

Lone Star 267

Lone Wolf 408

Long Island 420

Lookout 211

Loostrife 292

Lord Nuffield 101

Lorient 292, 611

Lornaston 665

Lossie 500

Lot 344 , 365

Lotas 100

Louis Kossuth 617

Louisburg 211, 239

Lowwe Moller 78

Lowe 684

Loyalty 616, 619

Ludlow 525, 526

Lulworth 260

Lunenburg 239

Lute 179

Lützow 152 - 154, 157, 236, 468, 469, 575

Lynton Grange 132



M- 94 465

MacKenzie 229, 230

Macomb 376, 524, 525

Madison 525

Madoera 188, 189

Magic 601

Magog 645 , 653

Magpie 440, 488, 498

Mahan 7

Mahratta 427 , 515, 518, 681

Maid of Orleans 590

Maiden Creek 519

Maja 637

Malachite 211

Malantic 253

Malaya 540

Malcolm 91

Mallory 182

Mallow 254

Maltran 362

Mambu 222

Manchester Citizen 372

Manchester Merchant 188

Mangkalibat 303

Männers 639, 642

Mansfield 260, 263

Manxman 103

Marblehead 460

Maraer 521, 601 , 602

Margit 499, 507

Marietta 227

Marne 111, 112 , 116

Maron 99

Marsa 450

Marsouin 91, 94

Martin Van Buren 649

Mary Livanos 303

Massachusetts 92, 93

Matabele 681

Matadian 546

Matagorda 541

Matane 508

Matchless 471

Matheran 74

Mathew Luckenbach 264

Matthew Maury 378

McCook 423

McCormick 353

McDowell 462

McKeesport 289, 293

Meaoc 267

Miduse 93

Melbourne Star 220

Melmore Head 132

Mendoza 78

Merges 523, 684

Meredith 7

Meriwether Lewis 190

Mermaid 599, 600

Meteor 132, 133, 514

Meyer London 521

Michael J. Stone 665

Michael Livanos 302

Michalios 311

Michigan 210

Mignonette 289, 345, 665

Milan 93

Millo 238

Milne 132 , 133, 577, 598

Milos 254

Milwaukee 516

Mimose 207

Minister Wedel 147

Mission Bay 463, 684, 686, 687

Mooer(y 685

Mocenigo 211

Moffett 223, 224, 371

Molch 521, 601

Molly Pitcher 202, 203

Montbretia 118 - 120, 124, 451

Montgomery 459

Montreal City 128

Moosejaw 44, 45

Mosley 684

Mounsey 600

Mourne 589, 592, 619

Moyola 260 , 398

Muir 688

MULL 520

Murena 197

Muskeget 33

Musketeer 429, 430, 471



N.T. Nielsen Alonso 186, 189

Nabob 598, 599

Nagara 271

Nagpore 70

Naiad 103, 526

Nailsea Court 253

Nailsea Meadow 298

Nairana 498, 600, 611 - 619

Napanee 131

Nariva 261, 262

Narkunda 102

Narvalo 211

Narwhal 220

Natchez 684

Nathanael Greene 209

Navemar 67

Neal.A Scott 686, 690

Nebraska 537

Neddick 29 S

Neger 521, 522, 601

Nesoln 90, 376, 471

Nene 331, 405, 408, 450, 484

Nereide 380

Nesmith 669

New 197, 230

Neunzer 687

Nevada 443

New Columbia 460

New Glasgow 667

New Waterford 668

New York 35, 92, 93, 146, 163

Newcastle 527, 529

Newfoundland 378

Newport 685

Niblack 525, 526

Nicholson 223

Nickeliner 222

Nields 211, 524, 561

Nielsen 187

Nieuw Amsterdam 649

Nieuw Zeeland 99, 210

Nigella 79, 227

Nipiwan Park 649

Mpwra 227

Nizam 74

Noreen Mary 592

Norfjell 61 S

Norfolk Coast 666

Normandy Coast 638

Norse King 132

Norsyd 623

Northampton 159

Northern Gem 288

Northern Spray 288, 333

Northmoor 297

Norttm 229

Norvik 147

Nova Scotta 79, 80

Novasli 666

November 629

Nuremberg 152

Nurnberg 575

Nyasaland 635



O’Toole 652

Oakville 128

Obdurate 154, 514, 517, 518

Obedient 153

Observer 140

Ocean Courage 229

Ocean Crusade 120

Ocean Seaman 210

Ocean Viceroy 271

Offa 282, 290, 291

Oglethorpe 262

Oklahoma 691

OlafFostenes 32

Olancho 219

Oligarch 378

Oliver Ellsworth 20

Olteniall 141 ,

Omaha 454, 531

Onega 680

Onslaught 515

Onslow 20, 153, 154

Opportune 328, 471

Orates 75, 209, 350

Orchis 613

Ordronaux 561

Oreade xml 93

Oregon Express 424

Orfasay 460

Orfor 140

Oribi 153, 282, 289 - 292, 429, 430

Orkan 389, 429, 436, 442

Orminister 616

Oronsay 69, 75, 79

Orphee 93

Orwell 390, 429, 430

Osmond Ingram 343, 467

Osorno 221, 452 - 454

Ostmark 252 - 254

Ofma 129

Ottawa 7 , 605, 610

Otter 642, 688

Outremont 576

Outremont 560



P- 614 206

P- 675 206, 546

Pachesham 559

Pacific Star 69

Paine 566

Pakenham 84

Paladin 211, 212, 52 &

Palima 377

Palma 528

Pan New York 43

Pan Pennsylvania 560, 563

Panam 220

Pantelis 73

Panther 282, 290

Parismina 119

Parser 146

Parramatta 83, 86

Parrer 533, 540

Parrott 437, 491

Partridge 103, 210, 526

Pathfinder 286

Parria 698

Pattow 688

Paul Jones 431

Peacock 599, 600, 631

Peale 350

Pegasus 304

Peleus 532 - 534, 702 - 704

Pelican 287, 290 - 292, 355, 495, 496

Pelotasldide 369

Penelope Barker 514, 677

Penguin 686

Penn 282, 290

Penolver 458

Peolau Roebiah 362

Perast 649

Persier 639

Perth 118, 124

Pessacus 46

Petard 84 - 86, 528

Peter Maersk 116

Peter Sfewe Ogdew 519

Peterson 560, 561

Petawa 67, 69

Pevensey 634

Phemius 466

Philadelphia 93, 146

Phobe 71, 72

Pierre Soulé 378

Pietro Micca 380

Pietro Qrseolo 220 . 221, 310

Pillory 564 . 565

Pillsbury 548, 549, 551 - 554, 687

Pimpernel 145

Pincher 665

Pindos 379

Pink 129, 291, 333, 433, 590, 619

Pinto 631

Platino 209

Plymouth 387, 398

Pomf Breeze 564

Point Pleasant Park 691

Polarland 649, 650

Polyanthus 423 - 425, 442

Polydorus 139

Polyktor 181

Pontchartrain 92

Pope 548, 549, 551 - 554

Poppy 100

Porcupine 103

Porpoise 530

Port Arthur 211

Port Awcltoa’ 264

Porf Fairy 398

Portchester Castle 631

Porter 7

Portland 221

Porto Alegre 76

Potentilla 4 O, 118, 119, 124, 125

Premier 680

Prescott 193

President Downer 70

President Francqui 132

President Sergent 119

Pnde 523, 684

Primauguet 92, 93

Primero 53

Primrose Hill 69

Prwce Leopold 603

Prince Robert 448

Prince Rupert 504, 505

Prins Harald 113

Prim Eugen 152, 154, 480, 575

Provence 94

Psyche 93

Puckeridge 413, 524, 526

Puerto Rican 236

Pursuer 420, 498, 516, 576

Pylades 601



Qu’Appelle 586, 610

Quadrant 529

Quail 442, 456, 526

Quebec City 66

Queen 680

Qween Anne 228

Queen Elizabeth 16, 36, 106, 107

Queen Mary 18, 36, 37, 307, 410 . 510

Queen Olga 86

Quick 111

Quincy 159, 656, 662

Quorn 601



Raider 533

Ranger 6, 92, 93, 163, 286, 376 . 410 . 468, 469

Ranpura 448

Rapana 429, 430

Rapidan 387

Rasmus 678

Ravager 420

Recruit 665

Redmill 659, 614

Redshank 187

Reeves 510

Regenbogen 700

Regensburg 193, 220, 221, 270, 278

Regent Lion 129, 665

Regina 44, 211, 604, 619

Registan 52

Reis 206

Relentless 527

Remo 380, 673

Renown 90, 411, 422, 473

Restigouche 44, 45, 178, 586, 610

Restless 685

Reuben James 453, 688

Reynolds 76

Rhakotis 129, 130

Ribble 635, 645

Richard Bland 235

Richard caswell 351

Richard D. Spaight 229

Richard Henderson 378

Richard Hovey 528

Richelieu 7, 94

Ringen 587, 589

Rio Grande 454, 484

Ripley 71

River 33

Riverton 670

Roanoke 638

Robert Bacon 303

Robert Gray 283

Robert H. Colly 37

Robert I. Paine 566

Roberts 91

Rochester 345, 446

Rockcliffe 690

Rockingham 284

Rockrose 74

Rodman 376, 524 525

Rodney 90, 98 , 376

Roebuck 529

Roger B. Taney 227

Rohna 457

Roma 375 , 411

Romolo 380

Roper 146 , 439

Rosalia 363

Rosario 189

Rose Castle 50

Rosenborg 288

Rosewood 253

Ross 76

Rosthern 33

Rother 271 , 405

Rothley 52

Roumanie 33

Roxborough 196

Royal Oak 466

Royal Sovereign 598

Royalist 516

Ruben Dario 638 , 639

Ruby 462 , 465

Ruler 679 , 680

Ruth I 508

Ryujo 159



S- 101 , 469

S- 141 , 569

S.B. Hunt 368, 371

Sabor 227

Saguenay 35, 50

Sahib 211

Saint Basile 557

Saint Bon 238

Saint Enogat 613

Salabangka 301

Salinas 50

Salviking 528

Samneva 603

Samphire 209 , 210

Samsuva 600, 677

Samtucky 648

Samuel Huntington 182

Samuel Jordan Kirkwood 298

San Alvaro 466

Sandanger 328

Sangamon 92, 93, 112, 420

Santa Catalina 220

Santa Maria 320

Santa Rita 73

Santee 92, 93, 117, 244, 343, 344, 346, 352, 388, 397, 399, 400, 420, 463

Santorre Santarosa 211

Saracen 101

Saranac 540

Sarnia 685

Sarthe 75

Saskatchewan 586, 610

Satsuki 691

Satyr 593, 598

Saumarez 471

Savage 411

Savannah 220, 221, 656

Sawfish 539

Saxifrage 145, 262

Scandinavia 368

Scania 140

Scarborough 289, 446

Scebeli 284

Sceptre 468

Schamhorst 23 , 152, 154, 155 . 157, 236, 468 - 472, 513, 518

SCHENCK 45, 46, 181, 453

Schlesien 155

Schleswig-Holstein 155

Scimitar 496

Scorpion 471

Scorton 254

Scott 110

Scottish Heather 131

Scylla 18, 130

Sea Nymph 468

Sea Porpoise 588, 589

Seaham 380

Seakay 507 , 508

Searcher 420, 516, 680

Sebago 92

Sebastiano Cermeno 296 Selfoss 261

Seminole 209

Semmes 685

Seneca 370

Senegalais 523

Sennen 287, 290, 291, 333, 334

Serooskerk 116

Serpa Pinto 563

Shad 7 , 310

Shah 540

Shahjeban 378

Shahzada 538

Shawinigan 641 , 653

Sheaf Crown 227

Shediac 133 , 198

Sheffield 153, 154, 235, 470, 471, 516

Sherbrooke 31, 44, 259, 260, 263

Shillong 278

Shirvan 632

Sibert 639

Sibylle 93

Sicilia 300

Sickle 215

Sidi-Bel-Abbis 210

Sidi-Ferruch 93

Silvaplana 205, 220

Silver Sword 21

Silverlaurel 636

Silvermaple 283, 546

Silverwillow 70

Sioux 678

Siranger 458

Siren 369

Skeena 35, 281, 332, 586, 610, 635

Skill 413, 442

Skoda 316

Slemish 635

Smith 7

Snowberry 408, 450

Snowden 542, 546

Snowflake 292, 334

Solomons 539, 540

Solör 638

Somali 21 , 681

Somers 368, 454

Somersetshire 210

Soreldoc 666

Sourabaya 43

South America 508

South Dakota 7, 376

Southern Empress 39

Southern Princess 261

Spencer 25, 32, 185, 186, 188, 252, 281, 282

Spey 91, 287, 291, 333, 334, 500, 501

Speybank 199

Spinanger 631

St. Catherines 495

St. Croix 30, 44, 173, 198, 335, 422 - 425, 442, 490

St. Essylt 378

St. Issey 103, 209, 524

St. John 614

St. Kenan 632

St. Laurent 131 - 133, 335, 336, 559, 560, 610

St. Louis 546

St. Thomas 651

St. Usk 406

St. Zeno 228

Stag Hound 225

Stalingrad 20

Stalker 419

Standella 206

Stanton 686

Star of Scotland 11

Star of Suez 11

Starling 340, 357, 440, 488, 498, 506, 511, 516, 605, 608, 612, 613, 631

Starwort 100

Starice 590

Stayner 569, 605

Steel Voyager 424

Stentor 69

Stettler 623

Stigstad 185

Stockport 44, 46 , 185, 188

Stonecrop 207, 396

Storaw 301

Stord 471

Stork 102, 396

Storm king 498

Strasbourg 94

Strathadam 666

Strathallan 103

Straub 540

Striker 420, 498, 504, 598, 600

Stubborn 468

Sturges 255

Success 590

Suffolk 529

Summerside 43

Sumner I Kimball 487 , 507

Sunfish 598

Sunflower 129, 292, 333, 434, 438

Sunoil 278, 279

Sunset Bay 566

Surprise 92

Sussex 194, 221

Susstain 523

Sutton 693

Suwanee 92, 93, 112

Svend Foyn 267

Sverre Helmerson 659

Sveve 31

Swale 260, 265, 282, 331, 332, 508

Swansea 496, 508, 559, 560, 614

Swanson 111, 223

Swift 508

Swiftscout 688

Swiftsure 74

Syrtis 468



T- 25 454 , 465

T- 26 454

Tabor 227

Tally 530

Tampa 179

Tanda 538

rawej 227

Tanne 566

Tannenfels 39

Tapir 673

Taranger 424

Tusker H. Bliss 110

Tasmania 70

Tartnal 362

Tartnall 362

Taurus 480

Tavy 409, 446, 588

Tay 277, 278, 288 - 291, 293, 333, 334

Tazzoli 238

Teme 576, 668

Tenacious 526

Tenacity 187

Tennessee 33

Terkoelei 262

Termagant 526

Tervani 209, 210

Test 331

Texas 92, 93, 163

Thane 63 1, 642

Theodore Dwight Weld 411

Thetford Mines 666, 667

Thomas Donaldson 679 ’, 681

Thomas G. Masaryk 521

Thomas Hooker 258

Thomas Ruffin 11 %

Thomas Scott 679, 681

Thomas Sinnickson 368

Thomas Stone 91

Thor 199, 5 17

Thorlock 685

Thrasher 468

Tibia 111

Tigris 19

Tillman 24 1

Tinhow 300

Tirpitz 19, 152, 155, 157, 236, 376, 468 - 470, 479, 516 - 518, 596, 598 - 600

Tjisalak 528

Toannis Fafalios 541

Tonnant 93

Topazio 41 1

Torelli 238, 303, 411, 412, 530

Tornade 92

Totland 197

Touchet 464

Toward 131, 180, 182

Towey 422

Towy 337

Tracker 243, 323, 419, 436, 440, 449, 516, 517, 576, 600

Trafalgar 52

Tramontane 92

Transcona 648

Trekieve 78

Trenchant 539

Treutlen 589

Trevilley 57

Trillium 187

Triona 527

Tripoli 557

Trippe 41 3, 457

Triton 12, 17, 48, 148, 159, 543

Tritone 2 1 1

Troilus 539

Troubador 21

Truculent 319

Trumpeter 598, 679, 680

Tucurinca 255

Tumult 520, 521

Tuscaloosa 376, 468, 469

Turdla 350

Tweed 405, 450, 490, 493

Twickenham 345, 346

Tyler 638

Tyndale 526

Tynedale 457

Tynwald 102

Typhon 92



Uarsciek 86

Uckermark 199

Uganda 209

Ula 518

Ulster 520

Ultimatum 455

Uluc 206

Umaria 27 1

Umvuma 304

Unbroken 598

(Incas 46

Unison 598

United 673

Upshur 259, 260, 264, 265

Urchin 520

Ursula 598