Field Trip Mysteries are published by Stone Arch Books
A Capstone Imprint
1710 Roe Crest Drive
North Mankato, Minnesota 56003

Copyright © 2013 by Stone Arch Books. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Brezenoff, Steven.
The Mount Rushmore face that couldn’t see / by Steve Brezenoff ; illustrated by Marcos Calo.
p. cm. -- (Field trip mysteries)
ISBN 978-1-4342-3787-3 (library binding)
ISBN 978-1-4342-4199-3 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-1-4342-9886-7 (ebook)
1. School field trips--Juvenile fiction. 2. Vandalism--Juvenile fiction. 3. Mount Rushmore National Memorial (S.D.)--Juvenile fiction. [1. School field trips--Fiction. 2. Vandalism--Fiction. 3. Mount Rushmore National Memorial (S.D.)--Fiction. 4. Mystery and detective stories.] I. Calo, Marcos, ill. II. Title. III. Title: Mount Rushmore face that could not see. IV. Series: Brezenoff, Steven. Field trip mysteries.

PZ7.B7576Mou 2012                813.6--dc23

Graphic Designer: Kay Fraser

Summary: When Catalina “Cat” Duran and her friends in the History Club arrive at Mount Rushmore on a school trip, they find that someone is playing dangerous tricks and trying to drive people away from the park.