

Olivia loved school more than any other kid on the planet. If she could go to school seven days a week, she would.

So it should come as no surprise that she made this a reality when she became queen. “I’m changing the school laws. We don’t need school five days a week—”

“Yay!” Teo cheered.

“Best queen ever!” Isabella squealed.

“Less school, more fun!” Fatima added.

“Preach, sister!” Mason shouted with glee.

Olivia continued: “—we need school seven days a week! My new law: School will now be every single day,” she announced to her classmates with a big smile.

They were NOT smiling back.

“But when will we have time to go shopping?” Preeya asked.

“Or make number two?” Liam said, followed by a fart.

“Or hang with our friends?!” Ava added.

“Ou regarder des films français?” Hugo asked.

Queen Olivia was getting the sense that her classmates (and the country) were unhappy about her new law. “Look, from seven in the morning until midnight, we’ll have class. That gives you seven whole hours to do homework and eat, sleep, shower, floss, see your friends and family, and organize your homework for the next day. Best news ever, right?!”

Everyone protested. Every kid in the country voted to try Olivia for treason. The result was unanimous: Olivia was no longer queen.

She may have been a genius, but she had a lot to learn about being a kid.