2 Samuel Charts


2 Samuel 7:13

A covenant is a legally binding obligation (promise). Throughout history God has made covenants with his people—he would keep his side if they would keep theirs. Here are seven covenants found in the Bible.

Name and Reference God’s Promise Sign

In Eden
Genesis 3:15

Satan and mankind will be enemies.

Pain of childbirth

Genesis 9:8-17

God would never again destroy the earth with a flood.


Genesis 15:12-21; 17:1-14

Abraham’s descendants would become a great nation if they obeyed God. God would be their God forever.

Smoking firepot and flaming torch

At Mount Sinai
Exodus 19:5, 6

Israel would be God’s special people, a holy nation. But they would have to keep their part of the covenant—obedience.

The Exodus

The Priesthood
Numbers 25:10-13

Aaron’s descendants would be priests forever.

The Aaronic priesthood

2 Samuel 7:13; 23:5

Salvation would come through David’s line through the birth of the Messiah.

David’s line continued, and the Messiah was born a descendant of David

New Covenant
Hebrews 8:6-13

Forgiveness and salvation are available through faith in Christ.

Christ’s resurrection