2 Samuel Charts


2 Samuel 6:20-23

It is dangerous to criticize God’s leaders. Consider the consequences for these men and women.

Miriam: Mocked Moses because he had a Cushite wife

Result: Stricken with leprosy

Numbers 12

Korah and followers: Led the people of Israel to rebel against Moses’ leadership

Result: Swallowed by the earth

Numbers 16

Michal: Despised David because he danced before the Lord

Result: Remained childless

2 Samuel 6

Shimei: Cursed and threw stones at David

Result: Executed at Solomon’s order

2 Samuel 16; 1 Kings 2

Youths: Mocked Elisha and laughed at his baldness

Result: Killed by bears

2 Kings 2

Sanballat and Tobiah: Spread rumors and lies to stop the building of Jerusalem’s walls

Result: Frightened and humiliated

Nehemiah 2; 4; 6

Hananiah: Contradicted Jeremiah’s prophecies with false predictions

Result: Died two months later

Jeremiah 28

Bar-Jesus, a sorcerer: Lied about Paul in an attempt to turn the governor against him

Result: Stricken with blindness

Acts 13