God often uses simple, ordinary objects to accomplish his tasks in the world. It is important only that they be dedicated to him for his use. What do you have that God can use? Anything and everything is a possible “instrument” for him.
Who Used It? Moses
How Was It Used? To work miracles before Pharaoh
Who Used It? Joshua
How Was It Used? To flatten the walls of Jericho
Who Used It? Gideon
How Was It Used? To confirm God’s will
Who Used It? Gideon
How Was It Used? To defeat the Midianites
Who Used It? Samson
How Was It Used? To kill 1,000 Philistines
Who Used It? David
How Was It Used? To slay Goliath
Who Used It? Elisha
How Was It Used? To demonstrate God’s power to provide
Who Used It? Elisha
How Was It Used? To heal a man of leprosy
Who Used It? Jeremiah
How Was It Used? As an object lesson of God’s wrath
Who Used It? Jeremiah
How Was It Used? As an object lesson of God’s wrath
Who Used It? Ezekiel
How Was It Used? As an object lesson of judgment
Who Used It? Jesus
How Was It Used? To feed a crowd of over 5,000 people