Nehemiah Charts


Nehemiah 1:4-11

After receiving the bad news about the state of Jerusalem’s walls (1:4-11)

Summary of His Prayer: Recognized God’s holiness. Asked for a hearing. Confessed sin. Asked for specific help in approaching the king

What Prayer Accomplished: Included God in Nehemiah’s plans and concerns. Prepared Nehemiah’s heart and gave God room to work

Our Prayers: How often do you pour out your heart to God? How often do you give him a specific request to answer?

During his conversation with the king (2:4)

Summary of His Prayer: “Here’s where you can help, God!”

What Prayer Accomplished: Put the expected results in God’s hands

Our Prayers: Giving God credit for what happens before it happens keeps us from taking more credit than we should.

After being taunted and ridiculed by Tobiah and Sanballat (4:4, 5)

Summary of His Prayer: “They’re mocking you, God. You decide what to do with them.”

What Prayer Accomplished: Expressed anger to God, but Nehemiah did not take matters into his own hands

Our Prayers: We are prone to do exactly the opposite—take matters into our hands and not tell God how we feel.

After threats of attack by enemies (4:9)

Summary of His Prayer: “We are in your hands, God. We’ll keep our weapons handy in case you want us to use them.”

What Prayer Accomplished: Showed trust in God even while taking necessary precautions

Our Prayers: Trusting God does not mean we do nothing. Action does not mean we do not trust.

Responding to threats (6:9)

Summary of His Prayer: “O Lord God, please strengthen me!”

What Prayer Accomplished: Showed Nehemiah’s reliance on God for emotional and mental stability

Our Prayers: How often do you ask God for help when under pressure?

Reflecting on the actions of his enemies (13:29)

Summary of His Prayer: Asked God to deal with the enemies and their evil plans

What Prayer Accomplished: Took away the compulsion to get revenge, and entrusted justice to God

Our Prayers: When did you last settle a desire for revenge by turning the matter over to God?

Reflecting on his own efforts to serve God (5:19; 13:14, 22, 31)

Summary of His Prayer: “Remember me, God.”

What Prayer Accomplished: Kept clear in Nehemiah’s mind his own motives for action

Our Prayers: How many of your actions today will be done with the purpose of pleasing God?