Job Charts


Job 42:1-17

Suffering is helpful when: Suffering is harmful when:
We turn to God for understanding, endurance, and deliverance We become hardened and reject God
We ask important questions we might not take time to think about in our normal routine We refuse to ask any questions and miss any lessons that might be good for us
We are prepared by it to identify with and comfort others who suffer We allow it to make us self-centered and selfish
We are open to being helped by others who are obeying God We withdraw from the help others can give
We are ready to learn from a trustworthy God We reject the fact that God can bring good out of calamity
We realize we can identify with what Christ suffered on the cross for us We accuse God of being unjust and perhaps lead others to reject him
We are sensitized to the amount of suffering in the world We refuse to be open to any changes in our lives