Numbers Charts


Numbers 11:1-35

Complaint: About their hardships (11:1)

Sin: Complained about their problems instead of praying to God about them

Result: Thousands of people were destroyed when God sent a plague of fire to punish them

Complaint: About the lack of meat (11:4)

Sin: Lusted after things they didn’t have

Result: God sent quail; but as the people began to eat, God struck them with a plague that killed many

Complaint: About being stuck in the wilderness, facing the giants of the Promised Land, and wishing to return to Egypt (14:1-4)

Sin: Openly rebelled against God’s leaders and failed to trust in his promises

Result: All who complained were not allowed to enter the Promised Land, being doomed to wander in the wilderness until they died

Complaint: About Moses’ and Aaron’s authority and leadership (16:3)

Sin: Were greedy for more power and authority

Result: The families, friends, and possessions of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram were swallowed up by the earth. Fire then burned up the 250 other men who rebelled

Complaint: That Moses and Aaron caused the deaths of Korah and his conspirators (16:41)

Sin: Blamed others for their own troubles

Result: God began to destroy Israel with a plague. Moses and Aaron made atonement for the people, but 14,700 of them were killed

Complaint: About the lack of water (20:2, 3)

Sin: Refused to believe that God would provide as he had promised

Result: Moses sinned along with the people. For this he was barred from entering the Promised Land

Complaint: That God and Moses brought them into the wilderness (21:5)

Sin: Failed to recognize that their problems were brought on by their own disobedience

Result: God sent poisonous snakes that killed many people and seriously injured many others