Jesus talks to a Samaritan woman at the well | John 4:1-26 |
Jesus raises a widow’s son from the dead | Luke 7:11-17 |
A sinful woman anoints Jesus’ feet | Luke 7:36-50 |
Jesus forgives an adulterous woman | John 8:1-11 |
A group of women travels with Jesus | Luke 8:1-3 |
Jesus visits Mary and Martha | Luke 10:38-42 |
Jesus heals a crippled woman | Luke 13:10-17 |
Jesus heals the daughter of a Gentile woman | Mark 7:24-30 |
Weeping women follow Jesus on his way to the cross | Luke 23:27-31 |
Jesus’ mother and other women gather at the cross | John 19:25-27 |
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene | Mark 16:9-11 |
Jesus appears to other women after his resurrection | Matthew 28:8-10 |
As a non-Jew recording the words and works of Jesus’ life, Luke demonstrates a special sensitivity to other “outsiders” with whom Jesus came into contact. For instance, Luke records five events involving women that are not mentioned in the other Gospels. In first-century Jewish culture, women were usually treated as second-class citizens with few of the rights men had. But Jesus crossed those barriers, and Luke showed the special care Jesus had for women. Jesus treated all people with equal respect. The above passages tell of his encounters with women.