Matthew Charts


Matthew 5:3-10

Realize need for God (5:3)

Old Testament anticipation: Isaiah 57:15

Clashing worldly values: Pride and personal independence

God’s reward: Kingdom of Heaven

How to develop this attitude: James 4:7-10

Mourn (5:4)

Old Testament anticipation: Isaiah 61:1, 2

Clashing worldly values: Happiness at any cost

God’s reward: Comfort (2 Corinthians 1:4)

How to develop this attitude: Psalm 51; James 4:7-10

Humble (5:5)

Old Testament anticipation: Psalm 37:5-11

Clashing worldly values: Power

God’s reward: Inherit the earth

How to develop this attitude: Matthew 11:27-30

Hunger and thirst for justice (5:6)

Old Testament anticipation: Isaiah 11:4, 5; 42:1-4

Clashing worldly values: Pursuing personal needs

God’s reward: Satisfied

How to develop this attitude: John 16:5-11; Philippians 3:7-11

Merciful (5:7)

Old Testament anticipation: Psalm 41:1

Clashing worldly values: Strength without feeling

God’s reward: Be shown mercy

How to develop this attitude: Ephesians 5:1, 2

Pure hearts (5:8)

Old Testament anticipation: Psalms 24:3, 4; 51:10

Clashing worldly values: Deception is acceptable

God’s reward: See God

How to develop this attitude: 1 John 3:1-3

Work for peace (5:9)

Old Testament anticipation: Isaiah 57:18, 19; 60:17

Clashing worldly values: Personal peace is pursued without concern for the world’s chaos

God’s reward: Be called children of God

How to develop this attitude: Romans 12:9-21; Hebrews 12:10, 11

Persecuted (5:10)

Old Testament anticipation: Isaiah 52:13; 53:12

Clashing worldly values: Weak commitments

God’s reward: Kingdom of Heaven

How to develop this attitude: 2 Timothy 3:12

In his longest recorded sermon, Jesus began by describing the traits he was looking for in his followers. He said that God blesses those who live out those traits. Each beatitude is an almost direct contradiction of society’s typical way of life. In the last beatitude, Jesus even points out that a serious effort to develop these traits is bound to create opposition. The best example of each trait is found in Jesus himself. If our goal is to become like him, applying the Beatitudes will challenge the way we live each day.