2 Corinthians Charts


2 Corinthians 10:1-15

One of Paul’s biggest problems with the church in Corinth was his concern that they viewed him as no more than a blustering preacher; thus, they were not taking seriously his advice in his letters and on his visits. Paul addressed this attitude in the letter of 2 Corinthians, pointing out his credentials as an apostle of Christ and why the Corinthians should take his advice.

1:1, 21; 4:1 Commissioned by God
1:12 Acted in holiness, sincerity, and dependence on God alone in his dealings with them
1:13, 14 Was straightforward and sincere in his letters
1:18; 4:2 Spoke truthfully
1:22 Had God’s Holy Spirit
2:4; 6:11; 11:11 Loved the Corinthian believers
2:17 Spoke with sincerity and Christ’s authority
3:2, 3 Worked among them and changed their lives
4:1, 16 Did not give up
4:2 Taught the Bible with integrity
4:5 Had Christ as the center of his message
4:8-12; 6:4, 5, 9, 10 Endured persecution as he taught the Good News
5:18-20 Was Christ’s ambassador, called to tell the Good News
6:3, 4 Tried to live an exemplary life so others would not be kept from God
6:6 Led a pure life, understood the gospel, and displayed patience with the Corinthians
6:7 Was truthful and filled with God’s power
6:8 Stood true to God first and always
7:2; 11:7-9 Never led anyone astray or took advantage of anyone
8:20, 21 Handled their offering for the Jerusalem believers in a responsible, blameless manner
10:1-6 Used God’s weapons, not his own, for God’s work
10:7, 8 Was confident that he belonged to Christ
10:12, 13 Would boast not in himself but in the Lord
10:14, 15 Had authority because he taught them the Good News
11:23-33 Endured pain and danger as he fulfilled his calling
12:2-4 Was blessed with an astounding vision
12:6 Lived as an example to the believers
12:7-10 Was constantly humbled by a “thorn” in the flesh that God refused to take away
12:12 Did miracles among them
12:19 Was always motivated to strengthen others spiritually
13:4 Was filled with God’s power
13:5, 6 Passed the test
13:9 Was always concerned that his spiritual children become mature believers